Hmmmm….should I or shouldn’t I?
The listing says they regularly sell for $60 and she wants $40. I’m thinking of offering $25-30 and see what she says. I don’t need them for my paper – I’m a Vertical Storage Girl – but I need something to stack my ongoing projects in. You know, instead of my current method of creating precarious piles all over my desk.
Tick tock, tick tock…I’d better make a decision….
ETA 4/17/09: I e-mailed her with an offer of $25. Fingers crossed she even still has them….Will let you know how it goes….
ETA 4/20/09: Well, no trays for me. She e-mailed back that she was holding firm at $35. I’ll just use my coupons and get them over time from Michaels. They have this type of 12×12 stackable tray but they’re dark brown or black. Will be scouting for those now.

Go for it! Try to talk them down though! :-)
I think that’s a wonderful idea!! In fact I am now inspired to do that for myself. Thanks for the idea!
just buy your own… the angled ones are better