Just a quick post about this, because it’s a HOT TOPIC over at 2peas. It’s what I used my 40% COUPON on the other night.
I think it’s so cool that KELLY GOREE (from Basic Grey) is a Pea, and I admire how she handles herself over there. HERE’s a blog post where she talks about how important PEA-ing has been to her. You’re a talented designer and a class act, Miss Kelly…

What on earth are you doing at the pea board? I can’t keep up with any of them right now! That whole post makes me feel bad for Kelly….I wish people would think before they bitch on public boards….or get their own blogs! She’s made of tougher stuff than I am.
What are the odds of going to Mikes and finding absolutely nothing to buy? I mean zip, zero, nada. Then I saw the Bazzill and thought of YOU. Bought a few dollars worth….walked out….got into my car and THERE HE WAS…..your one and only singing to me.
It was kind of a Twilight Zone moment.
Wow, thank you :) I really appreciate that and your support! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.