Here is Kellie’s PROMPT. This is a fun and easy one. You should play along! {Warning: The links go to YouTube videos so have your volume ready}.
Music I Can’t Stop Listening To …
Journey (I get to see them in concert soon!)
Young the Giant
FUN. (that’s the band’s name … FUN.)
Zee Avi
Bruno Mars
Snow Patrol
Dashboard Confessional
Billy Holiday
Sarah Vaughan
Rascal Flatts {new album drops April 3rd!}
The Fray
Michael Buble’
Oh, I could go on and on. I listen to music all day and night while I’m working. I have different PANDORA channels going or my iTunes constantly. These were just the first ones that came to mind :)
How about you? What are you listening to these days? Did you love {or hate} any of the music I posted?

1 Comment
I like a lot of your list (Rascal Flatts, Snow Patrol, Michael Buble and of course Journey) but not Adele. Not anymore at least. Really liked her stuff in the beginning but now I will turn the channel if she comes on the radio. “Someone Like You” has become annoying on the level of nails on a chalkboard. Sorry, hope we can still be friends. :) I like Train’s newest and a lot of Katie Perry & Lady Gaga. Not sure what’s going on there…might be channeling my inner teenager now that I’m 40!