Wilna Furstenburg is a well known scrapbooker; you’ve seen her work in CK as a Hall of Famer, in Memory Makers, lots of places. She has a dear friend with cancer and is asking for a simple favor in exchange for a chance to win a large RAK. We’re talking about it on the message boards at AMR and CKMB. Please help out if you can! I just wanted to help Wilna spread the word. This is from her POST, dated 2-19-08:
I have a friend, Lois. She is 40 years old and have cancer. She is in pain and needs positive, uplifting people to remind her continually to live and that life is worth living. She has an amazing husband and four beautiful kids. The doctors are not giving her long to live, but I believe that God is the author of life. And I know you believe that too.
If you want to be entered into this awesome draw (and if anyone want to contribute prizes, big or small, please email me) then this is what you are going to do: take 10 minutes of your time and create a card for Lois. A card that speaks of life and laughter, of fun and flowers. A word of encouragement, maybe your favorite scripture. Take a picture of it and upload it HERE {on Wilna’s blog} for all to see. Then you post it to her. I visit her every day and I will make a list of all the cards she gets and I will let her draw names out of a hat for winners. The deadline for all the cards to reach her in Canada is March 20th. So, if you want to play (and I hope every single person that reads this will) make her a card, and post it. THAT’s how simple it will be.
Please email me: wilna71@gmail.com if you want to participate. I will email you her address. Those who are willing to add this little he{ART} flower to your blog to help me get the word out, will be in my good books for life. You can just right click the image and save it to your computer and add it to a side bar. Please link THIS post to it.
I am going to drive you nuts. I love this girl with all my heart. I just want the best for her. AND I KNOW AMAZING PEOPLE like you, who can contribute to her life. I am calling all my friends from America, Australia, Poland, Holland, Canada, India and SOUTH AFRICA and the whole world to play. Most of all I hope that you would do it to give back. To remember that you have something to be grateful for. Come on girls, email me. Make those cards. Imagine her smile and tears and amazement that people care. Imagine that. I will report it all back to you. I promise.
I have not said a word to her. It’s for you to surprise her.
PLEASE say yes!
I think we’ve all had someone in our family who has dealt with cancer. My heart hurts with how unfair this is :( “There but for the grace of God go I…” Please send a card, spread the word, help a friend do what she can to help. Be a positive force. Bring a smile to the face of a mommy faced with leaving her children. Create positive thoughts in her heart, that allow her body to fight the cancer. Thank you :)