Well, seeing as how it was Mother’s Day today – and I am a mother – silly me, I assumed that I’d be able to do something I wanted to do and get my scrap on at some point. I mean, wouldn’t you think?
Here is what happened instead:
– DH had to work. Shizzle. Bad sign.
– I told the kids the night before that they could serve me cereal in bed; I ended up making them French toast. I opened cool gifts from them and got in a really good Mommy Love session of hugs and kisses. I saved the gift from DH to open later when he’s home.
– After breakfast, I went back to lounge in bed and fell asleep reading the new Creating Keepsakes I bought lastnight at Target.
– Upon waking, I was informed that “we” were going to play Clue.
– After an exhausting game in which Colonel Mustard was found to be the culprit, the players were famished so I played short order cook and made multiple lunches, then washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen.
– Wouldn’t you know? After lunch, it was so hot, I was recruited to watch the kids swim. The water was too cold for me (kids are freaks, aren’t they?), so I hosed off all the patio furniture for the beginning of swimming season and got everything arranged and Windexed to within an inch of it’s life. I also babysat the puppy the entire time, who was quite disturbed that “his people” were jumping in this huge blue tub of water. He wasn’t clear on the whole concept and alternated between yelping, barking, licking wet people, and attacking defenseless towels.
– After sending everyone off to the showers, throwing beach towels in the dryer, feeding and watering the pup, and hanging up swimsuits to dry, I finally got in some Mother’s Day Relaxation….by doing 5 loads of laundry and cleaning the house.
– I then made tacos, cleaned the kitchen once again, and made sandwiches for school tomorrow. Washed out and refilled sports bottles, called my mom, and put a slipcover on hubby’s recliner to surprise him when he gets home.
– Before I knew it, it was reading and tuck in time. I watched Desperate Housewives and a recorded episode of THE MILLIONAIRE MATCHMAKER, e-mailed CATHY ZIELSKE (I know!), caught up on my message board reading and posting, wrote an entry for my transcription blog, tweeted a bit on TWITTER, and wrote out this blog entry.
Oh yeah, I was gonna’ scrap today, wasn’t I? Gah!
Hope you had better luck than me, and enjoyed some scrappy time this weekend. Tell me about your Mother’s Day, whether you’re a mom or not…

Had a great Mother’s Day. With my kids and dh there is always a meal but no scrapping LOL
Loved reading about your day! My moms day was bittersweet.. I saw my girls and my mom in Canada, and had to say bye to my girls last nite.. they live 3 hours from us… but I enjoyed my day with them. I love those two girls.. soo sooo much. They make my life worth living.. and despite the busyness, the traveling, I am just thankful to be with them.
Yeah, I’m with ya on the ‘not about mom’ moms day! I think next year I’m going to have hubby pull the trailer out to the mountains and leave me and it there BY MYSELF with all my scrappy supplies and a good stockpile of wine! lol…You never mentioned what your hubby got you for Mother’s Day!
“We” don’t celebrate made up Hallmark holidays around here (and by “we” I mean my husband) so it was just another day. I did get to spend it with my mom though. Thankfully she DOES celebrate made up Hallmark holidays so she was quite glad we were there! ;-)
LOL! Love how you relax! You probably don’t really want to know what I did…it involved paper and glue and stuff.
Thanks for all the fun details! Hope you can relax today!!!
(((hugs)))..i had a great day, but it was low-key….my gift was a tanning pkg (i know, it is bad)…did mother’s day shopping for my mom & Gma…went to church….the best part was my dd was a willing participant for our annual mom/dd photo shoot…pics are on my blog….
Hi! I had a decent day… I had to get up at 7:30 am to shower and get ready to leave by 8:30… no sleeping in for me. Went to Starbucks along the way to get coffee so I could “enjoy” it in the car. Trying to stir sugar in your coffee while dh drives is not an easy task. Then we got on the turnpike and had to pull over to let my son throw up… well, you can’t turn around on the turnpike, so we just continued on after I let him sit up front and I got to sit in the back after I cleaned the seat off… did I say I had a decent day…. actually it wasn’t all bad, after the initial rough start. My son felt better, we had brunch at 9:45… who knew I could eat seafood etouffee that early in the morning? The mimosa helped immensely! ;)
You’ll have to take a day off to do something scrappy!