Hey there, Hi there, Ho there! Well, it looks like I’m going to turn the meter on 200,000 blog views soon! Unfortunately, it will probably happen during the next few days when I’m not blogging. No, I’m not going to Beverly Hills for my plastic surgery touch up (again!). No, I’m not going to Bejing to see the Olympics in person (shoot, with both the Hamm brothers out of gymnastics, what would be the point?). I will be “busy”, that’s all you need to know…
But we’re going to have a little RAK here to celebrate. Here’s how to play. Leave a comment or comments on any post at Scrapbook Obsession (no limit). Whoever posts the last comment before I reach 200,000 views wins! I’ll be able to look at my Dashboard and Blog Stats to determine the winner. I probably can’t notify you until I’m online again so stay tuned. I’ll send you a little scrappy prize; make sure to leave some contact info like a link to your blog so I can find you afterwards or check back here later to see if you won.
Okay, I’m removing my Blog Stats counter from my sidebar, but as of the publishing of this post, it stands at……..198,678.
If you haven’t already joined the Message Board at All Moments Remembered, do so HERE because they’re having another fun crop tomorrow (Sat. 8-9-08) and you don’t want to miss it, do you????
Have a wicked weekend, dearies….
ETA: 8-14-08

Erika, this is such a cute idea! How fun!
That’s a totally cool idea :D Good luck everyone, and congrats on 200k hits Erika! :D
Have fun reaching 200K!! That’s a lot of scrapbook obsessed readers by the way…LOL.
Fun way to celebrate! Congrats on all the visits.
I was all set to win until you took the counter down! Sheesh! What kind of friend is that?
I can’t even begin to wrap my itty bitty brain around 220k hits. CONGRATULATIONS!!
Don’t ever stop bloggin’ Erika….well, at least for the next 10 or 20 years. It would never be the same without you!
I’m exited to have 2000 hits let alone 200,000…WTG Erika…Thanks for the chance to win…
I haven’t won anything in ages so I’m posting again…lol
wahoo! congrats, Erika!
Giving this another try…hoping I’m the winner…
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 200 000!!!!!!!!!! holy numbers.
i just found ur blog and a michaels addict is always welcome in my bookmarks LOL
Wow!! Congrats on the 200000 view :) That’s an accomplishment! And reading through your blog, I see why!
Hmmm, wonder what # you are on now :) Can’t wait to see…
Congrats on the stats!
Have I won yet?
So how is this going? Have you two-hundred-thousanded yet? Don’t leave us hanging! ;)