Well,it’s obvious I’ve been majorly slacking in my 2peas Lurking Duties. This was all news to me, and I found it via Michelle’s BLOG. It’s not a magazine ensnared this time, but the Making Memories blog. The scoop is HERE, HERE, and HERE. Apparently, THIS is Jennifer’s blog but it wouldn’t allow me to enter (hmmm…shocking!). In searching her name, she seems to post comments to blogs using her real name. Anyway, sounds like MM said and did all the right things. I’m sorry this happened to them, as they are one of my favorite companies. I hope everything works out for the best. As for Ms. Shabro, don’t even get me started…For you, dear readers, I will bite my tongue. And in return, I will ask that you Don’t Shoot the Messenger…I’m just sharing the 4-1-1, for shizzle…
Are we tired of the scandals yet, ladies? What are your thoughts?

as always thanks for keeping it real…ha!!!
Hey, I have a comment. What’s everyone blaming MM for? First of all, there’s no law that says this young woman can’t be a guest designer. She’s not incarcerated so she has the same rights as anyone else…and when it comes to the internet, even those that ARE incarcerated are allowed to participate wherever they choose. I certainly don’t condone what she did, nor am I thrilled that she’s still out there scrappin’ away among us ever so saintly scrappers, but no one would ever know about her if the scrapbook world weren’t so small. She could post at CKMB under any ole name and we could all be sending RAK’s her way, no one would know the difference. But we expect MM to know? To those that are angry with MM, I say “get over it”. (sounds like a good tune for the Eagles) You can be as indignant as you want to be, but give MM a break. They shouldn’t even have to apologize for this.
Thanks for keeping us informed, Erica!
Good grief. I kind of agree with CKReader’s comment. How was MM supposed to know?? Who would expect any company to run criminal background checks on anyone that they feature. I mean, if they were somehow on the payroll, that would be a different story.
This is a situation MM couldn’t know about, and they can’t be blamed for it either. If they were to do a background check on everyone they feature, they would have to hire someone to do it.
who cares? Seen the price of gas lately?!!
until now i’ve never known of anyone who shares my name (shabro) !!!!!!!
i’ve never known what shabro mean, only that i love my name.
i’m over-joyed at this find!!!!!