Ain’t it purdy????
I saw this magazine/book but couldn’t afford to buy it (without a COUPON, LoL!), so I came home to my sweet MacBook so I could drool over it online. While I blog about the art OF scrapbooking, I don’t consider myself an artful blogger. I assume that term refers to those of you who share your wonderful creative and crafty talents on your blogs. I know there are many of you, and thought you’d want to check out this publication. So HERE is a link to their webpage. I found some other mentions of it HERE, HERE, and HERE. And HERE is a sneak peek of the current issue, Winter 2009. I’m sure you want to know how much this puppy costs, right? There are some past issues @ AMAZON. For new issues, looks like it’s about $15 per issue, with 4 issues published per year, and a 1-year subscription for $60. Now, I’ll admit I was just an English major, but if I’m doing the math correctly {462 minus the value of pie divided by the median, then the mean…} that’s still $15 per issue, and not a cost savings like when you subscribe to most magazines. What the hell, subscribe anyway. The shipping is free to the U.S. and you don’t have to get out of your jammies and schlep to Michaels to pick it up….where you CAN’T USE YOUR COUPON ANYWAY. But I’m not bitter….
Hey, if you’ve seen Artful Blogging, give us a quick review. Is it worth the dough?