About The Author


Scrapbook Obsession

I am obsessed with scrapbooking and I know you are too! I think about it, talk about it, and do it any chance I get. I love to shop as much as I love to crop. My blog will have: product reviews, show reviews, scrapbook organization, my shopping finds, and just general scrapbook topics. There are so many scrap blogs out there where the author journals about their life and shares their pages. I wanted my blog to be a little different. Hope you enjoy!

Showing: 201 - 220 of 1,321 Articles

Two Peas in a Bucket: A List of Resources as Their Final Closing Nears

As you’ve probably heard by now, Two Peas in a Bucket online store and community has closed :( If you’ve been living on a small island off of Italy, get all caught up HERE and HERE.

Though some time has passed and the shock seems to be wearing off, I can tell by my blog stats that Two Peas is still much on scrappers’ minds. There are inquiries like “what happened to Two Peas in a Bucket?” and “Two Peas where did everyone go?” and “what happens to Two Peas gallery?” You ask, I try to answer!

Two Peas in a Bucket – online store, gallery, message boards, classes, etc. – was originally slated to go dark on 07-10-14. Which is why, deep in the night of 07-09-14, I was over there copy/pasting and screen-shotting my heart out ;)

HOWEVAH! I needn’t have interrupted my procrastination binge. See? There’s always more time . . .

On 07-10-14, they sent out this e-mail:

So, we Peas were given a reprieve of sorts until Friday, 07-24-14 at midnight CST. This has been the message on Two Peas since then:

Talk around the scrapbook interwebs has been purely speculative but former Peas think that Two Peas either: 1. Didn’t realize what a huge undertaking shutting down a site of that magnitude would be, 2. They realized how crazy it was to shut their site down when they still had an audience and product to sell, and/or 3. TPTB (as we Peas always called The Powers That Be) are trying to work out deals with current/past Garden Girls about possibly turning over all of their great content and classes . . . as, kinda DUH, should’ve been arranged for once the decision was made to shut down Two Peas.

There has also been speculation that the delay possibly means a Hail Mary save by someone – perhaps a big company like American Crafts? Alas, there are no signs of that so far and the closure is only 3 days off. Personally, I’m SHOCKED that no one has bought the Two Peas infrastructure to either revive or re-brand. The built-in audience is AMAZING and any company could utilize it to sell enough to stay in business.

I don’t for a minute think Two Peas closed because “there wasn’t enough business” or a lack of customers. They had the largest built-in audience of scrapbookers (and non-scrapbookers for that matter on NSBR), they just chose not to utilize it. The reasons for that will probably never be known. As a businesswoman myself, it just boggles my mind. It’s like someone just throwing away buckets (pun intended) of money. (Shakes head …).


As of this writing on the night of Monday, 07-21-14, there are 1207 items left in the TWO PEAS STORE. These include digital cut files, digital printables, and physical product. Of the actual supplies, 3 brands plus Two Peas brand make up a lot of what’s left: American Crafts (159), Pebbles (96), and Studio Calico (89). {Not surprisingly, these are all brands under the American Crafts ever-growing umbrella}. Two Peas own brand shows (83) items but I saw at least (9) of those are sold out. There is a lot of cute flair that I had to restrain myself from buying.

Speaking uh which, do you think someone at Two Peas is having a bad week? LOL


Speaking of the Garden Girls, if you’re missing them and want to follow them again, check out THIS blog entry by Jen Gallacher. She has a great list with links to all of them.

If you’re missing the ever-fearless Glitter Girl – or her sidekick Shimelle – you can keep up with at least the latter on SHIMELLE’s BLOG. Have you seen or purchased her NEW LINE? I’m definitely going to get most of it. It’s in stock at BLUE MOON SCRAPBOOKING if you’re ready to buy!


and my personal favorite: Two Peas Refugees boards


Go HERE and transfer your gallery to Scrapbook.com.


Hurry! Get them HERE while you still can!


Two Peas Etsy Shop
Scrapbook Generation


Paperclipping podcast episode {which I’m finally getting around to listening to, as I type this} and Paperclipping blog entry
Laura Vegas blog entry
We even made the DisBoards . . .

As the days of Two Peas finally come to a close, I hope these links help you to move on, to adjust to a life without Two Peas. Please come join us at the TWO PEAS REFUGEES boards so we can all stay connected!

And for 7 years I’ve been right here at Scrapbook Obsession Blog – so you always know where to find me!!

Mwuh mwuh!

/Peas out

Zsa Zsa Gabor’s Mother Was a Scrapbooker. Heh.

*Picture from Smithsonian Magazine

Yeah, that was my main takeaway from THIS article from the SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE.

JUST kidding. Sheesh.

My actual takeaway was that scrapbooking continues to serve the same purpose for many that it did hundreds of years ago. From the article:

It let them take this ephemeral media, find the best parts, and give them permanence—and gravitas—by pasting them into a book.

This especially reminds me of today’s fascination with “Project Life”-type scrapbooking – where we’ve gone back to taking receipts, clothing tags, one-off photos, etc. and making them “special” by putting them in albums.

*Layout by SCRAPPYJEDI.com

The Smithsonian article does a great job of contrasting paper scrapbooking of the past and present with the way many now choose to document their lives – via social media (heathens!). It was an enjoyable read about the history of our hobby. Please check it out, then come on back and let me know your thoughts.

That reminds me . . . I saw that MEGAN HOEPPNER is offering a CreativeLive class this week called “FROM APP TO ARCHIVE: SOCIAL MEDIA SCRAPBOOKING” kind of combining these 2 ideas.

Small world, huh? Or something like that. Anyway, just thought you might want to check out the class. I’m signed up to watch it live for free. If you love it, you can purchase the class and have lifetime replays plus the extra resources.

And CreativeLive has a sale going on through July 25 (Megan’s class is $49 vs $79) so you can watch the free preview and if you love it, buy it on sale. It’s a great time to check out all their other classes, especially the ones in the “CRAFT & MAKER” category, including Becky Higgins’ amazing CL class on Project Life. I’ve been a CreativeLive junkie since first seeing Becky on there and this is the first time I’ve seen them run a sale – so jump ON it, chickie!

Happy Learning, Lovie ….

MAMBI Warehouse Sale – In Person August 1-2, 2014

You know I LOVE ME SOME MAMBI! {HERE is how I store all those cute cards}. So I’d love love love to go to this warehouse sale. Although it IS in my home state of California, it’s a 4 1/2 hour drive :( So it’s on the calendar in pencil but I really doubt I’ll go. I shall however send out Happy MAMBI Shopping Vibes to all scrappy shoppers who get to <3 Speaking of MAMBI, they have an awesome BLOG and ONLINE SHOP so check ’em out. Super cute stuff . . . these have been added to my SCRAPBOOK WISH LIST on Pinterest.

Along with a few other things . . . hee hee . . .

Have a great week!

Scrapbook Enabling: The New “Shimelle” Line for American Crafts!

She just posted it on her blog HERE. You can also see it on the American Crafts blog HERE and have a chance to win a Shimelle prize pack.

{Dear Scrapbook Santa – I know it’s only July but, well, you owe me for last Christmas still and I’d like to cash in that chip now. If you would please see that I win the Shimelle prize pack from the AC blog, I’d be willing to call it even. Hey, I may even let you off the hook for this coming Christmas. I want it THAT bad. All my love, Scrapbook Obsession. PS: If the camera tape dispenser is not in the prize pack, we’ll have to reconsider the terms of this agreement. xo }

Here is just a teaser but you have to look at both links above to see real and fake pictures of the whole line before I’ll allow you to make a decision on it. This is important, people!

Here’s a teaser:

My top 5 favorite things about the “Shimelle” line from American Crafts:

1. She made sure there were at least 3 of certain elements so you can easily follow the design principle of “the visual triangle”. I mean, who does that? Shimelle, that’s who.

2. The use of British-y words like “rubbish”, “clever”, and “lovely” where you can’t help yourself, you just say them with an English accent. Which I have perfected since I started faithfully watching “Ladies of London” on Bravo.

3. Typewriters and suitcases!

4. The lovely colors that are both bright and muted at the same time – shades of turquoise, orange, pink, red, and what looks to be a true white {which i always prefer over cream}.

5. The camera tape dispenser. I love cameras and it will sit on my desk next to my camera-shaped rubber stamps. So kee-yoot!!!

The only 5 pieces I *won’t* buy {because that is easier than itemizing what I WILL buy, i.e., every piece that is not on the list below:

1. Glitter Thickers. I love Shimelle, love Glitter Girl, love Thickers. But I don’t love glitter Thickers.

2. Acrylic stamps. I’m not allowed to buy those anymore, ESPECIALLY if they’re super cute like that.

3./4. Embossing folder and metal dies. I don’t have a machine to use them in.

5. Roller adhesive. I’m not allowed to buy any more adhesive either.

It ships to stores in mid-July 2014 so not much longer to wait! Hmmm … {looks around house, thinking about what she can sell in the meantime} … only a few more weeks, huh?

Okay, your turn! What do you love and not so much about Shimelle’s new scrapbooking line for American Crafts?

So Long, Two Peas . . . You Were Like Family To Me :(

As I explained (at great length) in THIS POST, Two Peas in a Bucket online store and message boards are closing. My understanding is that all content, classes, badges, etc. will cease to exist beyond 07-10-14.

So, for posterity’s sake, here is my Two Peas profile:

journey fan
Member Since April 2007, 12,538 forum posts, 0 public projects
Location: California
PeaNut Number: 308186
PeaBoard Title: “Don’t Stop Believin'”

As you can see, I was a member of the Two Peas community for over 6 years. Since I work from home on the computer all day, I’ve had easy, daily access to the board for all of that time – as my 12,538 posts show, LOL! {Don’t hate}.

When you work from home, you miss the daily chit-chat with co-workers and friends at work. And if you love scrapbooking as much as I do, you look for a message board where you can talk about your Scrapbook Obsession with other crazy fanatics from all over the world.

Then you get sucked in to the NSBR (non-scrapbook related) side of things, when you learn all kinds of things from all kinds of women, get into political debates, ask questions you want real-life answers to, get your daily news, and keep up on all things pop culture.

You can also see that I never posted a single solitary thing to the Two Peas gallery. I’m surprised they didn’t kick me out. The gallery is a BIG deal to the Peas.

Here are some of the badges I earned:

When I say Two Peas was like family to me, this is what I mean:

I was attached and had ties there so long and strong that even when I wanted to break up the relationship, I couldn’t.

Two Peas brought me such joy at times that I couldn’t wait to spend time with it, but it also brought me such pain and sadness that I would avoid it for weeks.

Two Peas NSBR – like an older sister – knows how to push my buttons and make me so freakin’ angry I could spit . . . but I loved it at the same time because it made me consider things from other perspectives, strengthening my views on some topics and completely changing my views on others.

Like family, Two Peas was just a constant in my life that I never planned to turn my back on. Our relationship ebbed and flowed over the years.

But now it’s done :(

Two Peas: I love you, I hate you, I like you, I’ll miss you.

Family forever . . .

No hard feelings. I wish you the best.

“Two Peas in a Bucket” Online Scrapbook Store Closes After 15 Years Amid Much Contro

What many suspected was going to happen – happened. Today, the “TWO PEAS IN A BUCKET“* online scrapbooking store announced it’s closure.

*Please keep in mind that the links and images in this blog post from the Two Peas site will cease to work once they shutter everything for good.

Why is this such a big deal, you ask? Well, Two Peas was a leading store, had been in business for 15 years, provided first-class scrapbooking resources to their members, and hosted one of the most active message board forums ANYWHERE. I mean, not just scrapbooking forums but on ANY topic.

The Two Peas site is down at the moment but I believe they had over 400,000 members. Just amazing. The Two Peas scrapbook message board was responsible for introducing scrapbooking to many women and introducing online scrapbook shopping and forums to many scrapbookers. They were a major force in the industry, without a doubt.

For a great synopsis of the Two Peas business story, check out Nancy’s great article HERE at ScrapbookUpdate.com. Then come back here, K? We need to discuss this!!

It appears from posts on social media that the news of this closure took many by surprise, even ‘scrapbook celebrities’ and those affiliated with Two Peas in some way. Ali Edwards posted on Facebook, “Whoa. Just read that Two Peas is closing.” Lisa Truesdale said, “I’m reeling.” Also on Facebook, Kerri Bradford posted, “Oh my gosh. Two Peas is closing??? So sad. I remember when it was first starting out. Kristina used to be part of the PC Design Team when I was on it back in 1999. Ohhhh, sadness. It’s the end of an era” and “You just never think that some place like that will end.”

I was a very active “Pea” on the message boards for over 6 years so this does have some impact on me. I visit the Two Peas “General Scrappin'” and “NSBR” message boards many times a week. I’ve learned so much and had such great fellowship and friendship there over the years. I’ll really miss Two Peas.

I have to admit that I posted less frequently over the last 15 months because of some things that happened in 2013. I explained that big ol’ mess in THIS post from March 2013, if you should care to read all about it ;)

Not only did Two Peas’ apparent lack of care for their customers keep me away somewhat, but I also joined another scrapbook message board at that time and it became my main online home.

But I still popped in to the Two Peas boards almost daily and lurked even when I didn’t post as often. I have another blog post I’m working on to say my goodbyes to Two Peas so I’ll just leave my own perspective at this for now.

I know all good things must come to an end at some point and, even though rumors of Two Peas’ demise have been rampant this year, it still came as quite a shock to get this e-mail from them today:

The Peas are reacting with shock, sadness, frustration, and anger. While most are very sad to hear of the closure, they’re wondering what happens now to the “lifetime” access they had to paid Two Peas online classes. The site has been up and down all day, probably due to the mad rush to try and download class content before it disappears for good.

There are also Peas downloading fonts, gallery posts, bookmarked threads, etc. that they had been building up over the years and now will go *poof* in a matter of days.

Many are shocked and saddened that – with today’s announcement of their upcoming store closure – Two Peas has blocked any further posting to their forums. They can be read but no further posts can be added, thus leaving thousands of Peas at loose ends.

They would’ve liked the chance to say their goodbyes, exchange contact information, thank Two Peas, ask questions, and communicate about where they might hang out in the future. {Facebook groups and forums have already been created for Two Peas “refugees”}.

On the one hand, I understand the frustration with the message boards being closed off to posting with absolutely zero notice. On the other, I can see that it’s probably impossible to keep them open and would cause servers to be overwhelmed and go down worse than they have been. Note: Peas can directly “PM” or mail each other via Two Peas so that’s an option.

So, that’s the sad tale of Two Peas closing :(

I can’t say that I’m surprised – the writing’s been on the wall for some time now – but I’m still sad. I don’t think it’s “the end of the scrapbooking industy” as some are speculating. Scrapbooking is here to stay, no doubt about it. I think Two Peas had (and still has, if anyone wanted to take them over) a host of EXCELLENT resources and infrastructure in place to make a highly successful scrapbooking business. I’m baffled as to why Two Peas would throw all of that away, why the company wasn’t sold or offered for sale (to my knowledge), etc. Perhaps more information will be revealed eventually to explain all of that, I don’t know.

Either way, it’s a sad day here in Scrapbook Land :(

Please share your thoughts in Comments below. Were you a “Pea”, did you shop there, or buy classes? Were you surprised by today’s news or had you seen it coming? I’d love to hear from you.

Online Scrapbook Shopping: BIG Sale Going on Right Now!

The online shop THE SCRAPBOOKING STUDIO has a big CLEARANCE SALE going on right now. I have no affiliation with this store but they also have an LSS, so I wanted to support them by helping to get the word out.

They have 60% OFF and 75% OFF items including MY MINDS EYE enamel dots for only $2 (retail for $5).

The MME Cut & Paste line and some others are on sale, too. These MME Adorbs brads are only $2.40 (retail $6).

These cute embellishments by Farmhouse are only $1.75 (retail $7).

I don’t know what the shipping is like because – believe it or don’t – I didn’t place an order :) But with savings like that, you’re getting a good deal either way.

So go forth and shop, my peeps!

Online Scrapbook Class: “Boys Are Back in Town” by Jen Gallacher for 30% Off ONE DAY ONLY

Just a quick post to let you know about a 1-day sale on a cool scrapbooking class. It’s for today only Friday, 06-13-14. Who says Friday the 13th is unlucky?? :D Please click here to view more details.

Here are the details from Lain Ehmann:

We pulled together a last-minute Father’s Day sale… 30% off “The
Boys Are Back in Town: Creating Manly and Masculine Layouts” by
Jennifer Gallacher.

This one-hour video class from True Scrap 4 covers both thematic
and emotional scrapbooking for boys and men. The tutorial focuses
on the planning process and the completion of two start-to-finish
layouts. Instructional materials include the process and philosophy
of masculine scrapbooking, as well as showcase the two video
projects and three BONUS projects. Additional inspiration and ideas are also provided!

And now, through midnight 6/13/14, it’s available for only $8.95; no
coupon needed.

It’s a unique opportunity to save on one of our most popular
scrapbooking classes from the effervescent Jen Gallacher.

Let’s celebrate the men in our lives in style!

If you’d like to buy this class at a discount today, HERE is where you get it.

Happy Father’s Day weekend and I hope you’re able to squeeze in some scrappy time! Between making waffles, planning and executing a barbecue, buying and wrapping a gift, and massaging your hubby’s feet, that is ;)

The Top 5 Things I’ll Do When . . .

Wow, I haven’t posted since May 13 . . . almost 3 weeks . . . that’s probably a record :(

I’m what you call OVER-COMMITTED. Or SHOULD BE COMMITTED may be more like it. Luckily, there now seems to be an end in sight. I’m not going to state what it is for fear of being jinxed . . . AGAIN.

But there’s no harm in planning ahead, right?

Top 5 Things I’ll Do When I Get My Life Back:

1. Play with my new camera that’s still in the box. It’s a Panasonic DMC-ZS35K 16.1 MP Digital Camera with 3-Inch LCD (Black)

Yep, that’s a flip-up screen for family shots and selfies. Not a feature I went in search of but it came on the camera I wanted for other reasons so . . . yeah, can’t wait to play with my new baby!

2. Work on the blog and start the project I talked about ALMOST 3 WEEKS AGO.

3. See “The Fault in Our Stars” movie when it comes out this month.

I finally got around to reading the book on a recent road trip and LOVED IT!! So, so good. I was pleasantly surprised to see that it’s still only $4.99 FOR KINDLE. I think that’s the price it’s been since the beginning and it’s not gone up even though it’s become insanely popular. Bravo.

4. Order some of the new Simple Stories line, “Good Day Sunshine”. I’ve been seeing great reviews online and lots of cute layouts using it.

5. Tell Melissa Stinson/Scrappy Jedi how much I’ll miss her :(

Okay, back to work, mah peeps! Hope you’re ready for summer and have some fun plans on tap <3

A New Scrapbooking Project . . . and A New BLOG?

As I mentioned in my LAST POST about my scrapbooking haul from Michaels, I’m starting a new project: a combination Gratitude and About Me journal and mini book.

From Michaels, I recently bought this gorgeous pink 6×8 album, along with the Weekly Planner and Journal Pages sets, by Project Life. I got them for either 40 or 50% off using sales and coupons.




Here’s the album with JUST the Journal Pages set inside and, as you can see, it’s chock full.


I had to put this page first in the album . . . SO PERFECT!


Obviously, I’ll have to pull out some of the Journal Pages to make room for some of the Weekly Planner pages, which is fine because they’re pretty generic, basically just lined or grid journal pages with differing amounts of space to write on.

I also want to take out these divider pages and use the monthly ones from the Weekly Planner set. If this works out, I’ll have a similar set ready to go for next year, too.

So, back to the MAMBI Sticks from the other post . . . I’m going to use 1 or 2 of those on the cover of this new album. I’ll be handling this book a lot so I don’t want to make it too fancy.


I just love the watercolor look of that green one. It’s going to be hard to choose!

Then I’ll use the stickers from the medium-sized MAMBI set on the pages inside. I want them to be mostly journaling and, because the pages are so thick, I need to keep them flat as well. These stickers will be perfect. They make me happy just to look at them :)

I haven’t decided yet whether to include photo pocket pages in this album. I know there’ll be times when I’ll want to use a photo but, to save room, I *think* I’ll print any photos 2×3 or 3×4 and adhere them right to a page, then write the journaling around the photo.

The reason for this project: I have so many positives in my life right now. I feel like I’m at a point where things are becoming more and more clear – about what I want from life, how to be “a positive” in others’ lives, things I want to tell my kids, etc.

I’ve even started another blog with this new vision and I’m SO excited! If I stick with it long-term, I’ll share the link here ;) Hey, I realize my flaws and being The Queen of Unfinished Projects is one of them, including new blogs. Heh.

My new blog will include some scrapbooking and memory keeping but will mostly be writing – about things I think you’ll really identify with – along with photos and lots of other great stuff :) I’ve written drafts of five posts already and I’m having a blast!

I wrote a lot in school and majored in creative writing in college; I miss writing and expressing myself in that way (other than about scrapbooking, of course!). I was driving home the other day and in the space of 20 minutes, I’d written down NINE ideas for posts I wanted to write. Now THAT’S inspired!

I hope I follow through and am able to share it with you – wish me luck!

Michael’s Scrapbook Haul from a GOOD Mike’s

In MY LAST POST, I talked about my trip to an out-of-town Michaels – a GOOD Michaels – that I had so much fun shopping at. Now, it’s time to show you what I bought there.

Here’s the whole shebang.


I didn’t show these little MAMBI Sticks in the other post but ain’t they cute? I love these for Project Life and other pocket pages. They’re mostly flat but add a little bit of depth and lots of color. The little banners to their right by American Crafts will probably go in my PL as well. I love putting banners across the corner of a photo that has some white space. There’s a Heidi Swapp “Sunburst” stencil that I’ve wanted forever. {I could only get one and had to put the Hearts stencil back, boo hoo}. There’s the 2 chevron washi tapes from Recollections DIY; I also had pink but put it back. Like with the burlap embellishments in my last post, I’m hoping my Michaels will eventually get this washi and I’ll buy it with a coupon.


Here is the large MAMBI Sticks pack that I chose from the FIVE I wanted, LOL. I can’t find a name on it, unfortunately :( It has a lot of sayings about life, being positive, gratitude, etc.


Along with the medium-sized set of MAMBI Sticks in the top photo, far right, I’m going to use these on a project I’m starting. For that, you’ll have to read my next post. Yeah, I’m such a tease!

See ya’ later, gator ;)

Lain’s Scrapinar for May: It’s a “Feeding Frenzy”

I know I said the next post would be about my scrapbook haul from Mike’s. But just a quick one before I forget . . .

Wanted to let you know that May’s scrapinar (a no-cost event) is coming up later this month. On May 28th she’ll be joined by “Scrapper on the Street”, Danielle Taylor for “Feeding Frenzy: Taking Eye-Catching Food Photos to Scrap and Share”.

Kind of an interesting topic, eh?

I’m not a real foodie per se but since starting Project Life, I have been taking a lot more food photos than in the past. I don’t use any special techniques though. Guess I have a thing or three to learn.

See you at Lain’s May scrapinar! CLICK HERE for more details and to sign up :)

Do the Scrapbookers Who Have a GOOD Michaels Realize How Stinkin’ LUCKY They Are???

Because I went to a GOOD Michaels a few weeks ago while traveling and it was a-MAYZE-ing! They had all the stuff I hear other scrappers talking about online and wish-wish-WISHING! that mine did.

This cute project greeted me at the front table.


My store doesn’t even have this whole section called “Craft It” by Recollections. Some really cute stuff to DIY party favors, cards, scrapbooking, etc.


Look at those cute colored clothespins and straws!


I snagged two of these washi tapes!


Four new paper pads by Jolee’s – I’ve never seen paper by them, only embellishments. GO Jolee’s!


Even their Clearance stuff was better than at my Mike’s :P


I was tempted by this watercolor paper pad by Recollections but I still have tons of “COLOR WASH” by Heidi Swapp that needs to be used.


The “Sweet Tangerine” paper pad by DCWV was hard to pass up. I love all the orange.


I swear, “Hey Kid” by Pink Paislee has been on my wish list since I first saw it. But twice now I’ve seen it in person and failed to pull the trigger. I think I need to get just a few sheets and some embellishments, not the whole line. I just don’t love ALL of the papers.


And, oh yeah, all paper pads were 50% off so I expect you to really admire my strength in not buying any, LOL!


My Mike’s doesn’t have any of these cute burlap embellishments!



I had those mason jars and the letters in my hands . . . but they didn’t make the final cut :( I’m hoping my Mike’s will get them eventually and I can use coupons to get them later.


THIS Mike’s has almost a full aisle of paper pads! Does yours? Mine has about 1/3 of an aisle.


Look how high their paper racks go! Mine stop at about eyeball-level with about 1/3 as many racks. Hmph!


They even have a SCRAPBOOKING sign! Not at my store :(


This looks about the same as the Project Life section at my Mike’s.


My store has a section like this of random MAMBI, card sentiments, older K&Co, etc. but it’s not as filled in, has maybe about 1/2 as much product.


Found these cute new letter stickers in 3 colors.


Here’s a close-up so you can see . . . they’re made of a textured fabric and are slightly distressed on the edges.


And here is where I thought I’d died and gone to Heaven! MAMBI MAMBI MAMBI!! Man, their stuff is so bright, cheery, and uplifting. They can turn anyone’s frown upside-down, ha!


I knew I had to get some of these MAMBI Sticks but at $8 a package, I had to make a choice . . . or maybe two ;) So I looked at the backs to see what was in each package. I just love the sayings they use, the pretty fonts, and the great colors.


Love these letters – kraft with polka dots!


Uh-oh, found another set of MAMBI Sticks I like. This is getting ever harder to choose!


They had all the MAMBI Pocket Pages stuff which I’ve bought out . . . ahem, has mostly been phased out at my Michaels.


My store now has the Instax Mini 8 camera, mini albums, and supplies – a better selection actually – but this Mike’s had them 2-3 weeks earlier.

NOTE: These cameras are only about $60-70 on Amazon with free shipping (depending on the color you choose) at my link above. At Michaels, they retail (if I remember right) for $119. Even with a coupon, Amazon is cheaper. And some Michaels stores are not accepting coupons for them. Just a shopping tip!


Here are the 8.5 x 11 “Hot Buy” paper pads I heard about online but couldn’t find at my Mike’s.


This Amy Tangerine one with all the cameras was super tempting!


And, finally, some new embellishments from AMERICAN CRAFTS, aka the Monopoly winners at the game of Scrapbooking (did you get that? huh?). Something in this photo came home with me.


Those plastic letters on the bottom look like some I bought from Crate Paper “The Pier”
line a while back and I know I paid a lot more than $3.99 for them! I wonder if the quality and amount are similar?


If you want to see what I bought, stay tuned . . . you’ll see in my next post!

I hope those of you with a GOOD Mike’s nearby realize how lucky you are. You’re probably the same ones with a Hobby Lobby and a great Joann nearby too, aren’t ya’?? Jeez, I’m really jealous of you. I don’t even have those stores, no LSS, just a (BAD) Michaels. Waaahh!

So, which camp do you fall in? Do you have a GOOD Mike’s like this one that gets all the good, new stuff early on and has hoards of scrapbooking supplies? Or are you like me with a BAD Mike’s that gets new products much later, if at all, and in smaller quantities?

GREAT Deal Today on the Silhouette Cameo

Yep, Amazon has the Silhouette Cameo Cutter and Starter Kit Bundle on a great sale again today! It’s the Bonus Deal of the Day and expires in 15 hours from the time of this blog post.

It’s only $195 with FREE shipping.

Retail price for this bundle is $345 and retail on just the Cameo is $299 (though you can often find it on sale for $269). But you can see what an awesome deal $195 is for this whole package.

I don’t think it’s any coincidence that it’s on sale right before Mother’s Day, LOL! Go on, tell hubby and the kids to treat you. You deserve it for the 42 times a day you wipe crumbs off the kitchen counter and for turning all those socks right-side out before putting them in the wash.

We put our clean hands in dirty, stinky socks, PEOPLE!! We deserve a flippin’ Cameo! {Just promise me you’ll wash your hands before you use it, Ms. Stinky “Ew!” Sock Hands}.

If you’re wondering “what in the heck would I do with a Cameo?”, check out the Pinterest boards by SILHOUETTE AMERICA. You’ll see that you can use a Cameo not just for scrapbooking but for loads of other things – t-shirts, birthday party favors, home dec, organization, etc. The possibilities are endless.

And if you need some resources once you get it, check out my Silhouette Cameo board on Pinterest right HERE. I like to gather free cut files, scrapbooking ideas, fonts, and especially how-to’s.

/end enabling

Scrapbook Obsession out.

Scrapbook Novel: “The Avalon Ladies Scrapbooking Society” $1.99 for Kindle

I noticed that “The Avalon Ladies Scrapbooking Society” by Darien Gee is only $1.99 for Kindle on Amazon right now. I don’t know how long that price will last so snap it up if you’re interested!

In THIS post, I talked about why you should read “Friendship Bread” by the same author first if you can.

Happy Scrappy Reading!

Happy (Inter)National Scrapbook Day 2014!

It’s always been known as National Scrapbook Day here in the ol’ US of A but with scrapbooking being such a global community, I’ve noticed a lot of scrappers now referring to it as International Scrapbook Day or iNSD which I think is awesome!

I hope you’re having a day full of scrappy goodness. I have to work today (boo hoo) but – purely in the interest of promoting our hobby and doing something scrappy today – I plan to hit a few of the online NSD sales and see what trouble I can get into ;)

I’m also planning to talk by phone with a long-time online scrapbook friend later this morning. We’ve “known” each other for years but this will be the first time we’ve spoken. I cherish the friendships I’ve made through this blog and the scrapbook message boards I’m on. In fact, one of my BFF’s is someone I met through a scrapbook MB <3.

I wanted to share a freebie that I KNOW you’re gonna’ like – and it’s from one of my fave companies, SIMPLE STORIES.

These free printables go with their brand new “Good Day Sunshine” line and HERE is the link. It can take a while to load so be patient, girlie.

Also, check out one of my other fave companies, BASIC GREY today! You can get this FREE PRINTABLE . . .

and they’re having a great sale, giveaways, etc.

Man, you need to go strolling around the scrappy internet today. There are so many sales, freebies, games, giveaways, and challenges! And THIS is why interNational Scrapbook Day is one of my favorite holidays of the year :)


Scrapbooking Idea Book: “Simple Patterns for Papercrafts and Scrapbooking”

HERE is a new special issue from Papercrafts Scrapbooking I thought you might be interested in:

What caught my interest – and you’ll only remember this if you’re a long-time scrapbooker – is that I wondered if it was anything like my favorite scrapbooking idea book of all time: “EASY PATTERNS FOR SCRAPBOOKING”.

Yes, the date on that blog entry is April 2007!

I’ve used that book SO many times over the years, it’s the only one I’ve actually worn out. The idea goes along with my favorite online scrapbook class ever, “THE PERFECT COLLECTION” by Shimelle Laine. The basic idea of both is starting with a fixed set or collection of papers and cardstock, then cutting them according to patterns before assembling your pages.

I have such a hard time these days paying $15 for idea books that are essentially the thickness of what $6 scrapbooking magazines used to be. I mean, I get it. They don’t have as many ads, the industry is not great right now and they have make money, etc. But it’s still hard, LOL! Especially not knowing what exactly it entails. Here’s the description:

Save time, money, and effort using these fun formulas with an economical array of supplies. Starting with supply lists, cutting diagrams and sketches, you’ll see how to create layouts, cards, tags and even a gift bag with just a few sheets of cardstock, some embellishments, and a fiber or two. You’ll find tips to “step up” the patterns by adding a tool, stamp set, or technique, plus examples that show the versatility of each one no matter what theme, age or gender interests you. Jump into this clever and practical way to use patterns in your paper crafting today!

I also wish it was JUST scrapbooking and not papercrafts, cards, etc. {Hey, did fibers come back and I didn’t get the memo?!?! Shooks, I gave all of mine away}.

I figured, well, I’ll just get the DIGITAL ISSUE. Well, uh, NO! It’s the same price – $15. Sheesh. I don’t pay hardcover price for a Kindle book and I’m not paying hard copy magazine price for a digital version either. Oh well.

If anyone gets this idea book:

1. Come give us a review or link to one on your blog, please!
2. Can I buy it from ya’ when you’re done? Heh heh.

Simple Stories: Spring 2014 Release!

Starting today {Tuesday, 04-29-14}, Simple Stories is revealing their new lines for Spring 2014. As always, I’m very excited because SS is one of my favorite scrapbooking companies. Here is a taste of each of their new lines:

In their Spring 2014 catalog, they also have some of the products that were introduced at CHA WINTER 2014. This includes: Photo Flips, Photo Crops, 12×12 and 6×8 Pocket Pages, 6×8 Insta-Pocket Pages, and Burlap 6×8 Sn@p! Binders, along with the solid color 6×8 and 12×12 albums they’ve carried for a bit now. {Btw, Simple Stories gave me one of the 12×12 albums and page protectors to try out; they are AWESOME! Great quality and just lovely}.

I don’t think I ever got around to posting the SS photos I took at CHA so here are some of the items in person:








Yeah, my camera broke mid-CHA so these are blurry iPhone photos. The lighting there is horrible for photo-taking anyway. Hopefully they’re better than nothing, LOL!

My early faves from the Simple Stories Spring 2014 catalog are:

The whole “Good Day Sunshine” line with all the watercolor elements and pretty summer colors, and the 12×12 ombre papers – swoon!

The “Story of Us” 12×12 papers with gold and silver bokeh, chevrons, and dots.

“Hello Baby”, such a soft and sweet baby line great for either gender. I may spend a paycheck on the pastel-colored woodgrain papers, yikes.

Stay tuned to the SIMPLE STORIES BLOG this week for lots of excitement as they reveal these new lines! Which ones are catching your eye just based on the preview?

Project Life: Exclusive “Life Lists” Cards from Big Picture Classes


As a student of Big Picture Classes, I recently got an e-mail offer for some very cool EXCLUSIVE Project Life cards.

They’re called “Project Life Themed Cards: Life Lists” and they are awesome! I only had to see the first photo above to know I was “in” – how sad is that?? But check out the ordering page below for more pics and a video from Becky Higgins telling you all about them. The cost is $6.99 per pack and I paid $7.00 in shipping when ordering 2 packs at a time. {Yes, I got 2 then went back for 2 more}.

I have only good things to say about the customer service and packaging of this product. I got the e-mail from BPC and ordered them the same day on 04/19, received notice they had shipped on 04/22, and they arrived on 04/24. You know how when you’re super anxious to get something, that fast shipping is worth its weight in gold!

I had a customer service issue regarding shipping (an issue on my end, not theirs). BPC resolved it quickly and were super nice about it. It required special follow-up and I couldn’t be more appreciative (thank you Mark @ Big Picture Team!).

Okay, shut up Erika, these ladies just want to see the cute cards. Here ya’ go!

This is how they were shipped, in a small envelope and plastic packaging (cute logo sticker, huh?). They were in great shape, nothing bent or torn.


This is the whole batch together.


All of the cards have the same design and saying on the front and back but one side is horizontal and one is vertical. That way you can choose which orientation you want to place it on/in your project. Here are all the 4×6 cards {you get 12}.


And here are all the 3×4 cards {you get 48}. I showed half in the horizontal orientation and half in the vertical so you can see the difference.





I just love the colors and simple designs. The focus is really on storytelling via lists. A lot of them gave me a laugh and I can’t wait to fill them out over time. My head is percolating with ideas on how to use them.

In fact, I bought some extra sets because I want my whole family to fill these cards out. I think with summer boredom coming for the kids, it’ll be a great activity and something we can share and laugh about together. It’s a cheap way to keep them busy and, hey, mama gets some awesome scrapping material out of it.

I’m still not sure what I’m going to use my own set for but I think I’ll have the kids fill theirs out and take a photo to go along with each one, then fill a mini Sn@p! or Project Life album with them. I think the list topics will generate some fun, Project Life-type photos that wouldn’t otherwise make it into an album and THEY will be the photographers. How about you – how can you see using these Life Lists cards?

I don’t know if the cards are available to order for everyone or if you have to register on the BPC site first. But either way, if you would do me the favor of registering through THIS LINK, I think I get a little commission if you buy the cards. If not, no worries! Also by registering, you’ll get future cool e-mails yourself. Big Picture does amazing classes and lots of free events like online PJ parties, a huge National Scrapbooking Day event*, etc.

*YES! NSD is almost here. It’s officially the first Saturday in May (05-03-14) but the NSD joy seems to extend from late April through all of May. Now that’s MY kind of holiday! Is there anything you’d like to see at Scrapbook Obsession Blog for NSD? I’ve thought about doing a round-up of all the shopping deals, classes, etc. so please let me know if that would be helpful!

Hope you enjoyed the photos and the “Life Lists” PL cards! Even if you don’t buy them, I think they’re still a great resource for your own life lists you can scrap. That’s why I photographed each card so you can copy down all the prompts if you like :)

Enjoy and have a wonderful week.

Canon Selphy, Epson Picturemate Charm, . . . or Canon PIXMA iP100???


So I’m perusing the Gold Box Deals in my daily Amazon e-mail and come across this printer, a Canon PIXMA iP100 Mobile Photo Printer.

And my scrappy heart starts to pitter-patter and, okay, well, race a little bit, if you must know.

I’m wondering if I’ve stumbled upon another portable photo printer to add to the Scrapbooker’s Master Printer List!??!

Note: As we know, I can be verbose. But this is a Gold Box Deal for a limited time so feel free to skip all the verbage and go snag you a $249 printer for only $149 before it’s gone (ETA 04-22-14: Make that $120 OMG!). Don’t let me stop you from saving $100. What am I, Cruella de Vil? No, no . . . no hurt feelings on my part. You gotta’ get your shop on. I get it. Truly, I do. {Here’s the LINK again}.

Another ETA 04-22-14: Well, dang, only 2 hours left! I’ve never bought a Gold Box deal before, didn’t understand how they work. I guess it’s for even less than 1 day, LOL. There’s a ticker on the Deals page and it says 2 hours left with 11% claimed. Oh well, sorry, not much notice. But still wondering if anyone has this printer and what they think of it.

So, we already know the 2 most popular portable photo printers for our types {i.e., the Scrapbook Obsessed} . . .

#1 The Canon SELPHY CP900

#2 The Epson PictureMate Charm {which is on a screamin’ deal right now for $167.50 (reg. $199) with free shipping}

They each have their upsides and downsides and, as far as I can tell, scrapbookers who like to print photos at home {especially for PROJECT LIFE} are about evenly divided in their Selphy vs Charm love <3 But could this be a new scrapbooker's printer to join the contest? Here are the features that caught my eye: - Light, small, compact - great for taking to crops or on vacay - Excellent reviews for photo quality - Prints photos (and, say, journaling or a copy of that map you scanned from Disneyland?) up to 8.5 x 11 - Prints wirelessly from phone, camera, and computers (Mac and PC) using add-on Bluetooth adapter - Can print multiple photos per page It's all sounding pretty good to me so far! My old EPSON PICTUREMATE is still chuggin’ along so I really don’t neeeeeeddd a new photo printer. But if I did, I’d sure be checking this one out!

What do you think of it? If anyone has this printer, please share a review with us!

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