I’m so excited!! My online scrapbooking class starts TODAY!!
Oh, how the ‘obsessive’ in me loves that it starts on a Monday AND on the first of the month. I just feel better and my mind is more organized when timing works out that way. It’s why all my diets start on a Monday, LOL. Don’t laugh. You know you do it, too ;)
If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you know that I’ve fought the Scrapbooking Organization Monster several times. Oh, for instance, HERE and HERE. Each time, I thought I’d conquered him. I felt so smug and beyond reproach. “Yep! I’m now an organized scrapbooker! I got things in order and will never be disorganized again. I’m super duper cool. You all wish you were me.”
Yet each and every time, weeks or months later, I was practically right back where I started. That’s why I’m so glad I found the method that finally worked and want to share it with you SO BADLY that I created a class around it. Yeah, the one I mentioned above that starts today :)
Just so you know that I’m for reals, here are some of my before and after photos:
BEFORE left side of scrap desk
AFTER left side of scrap desk
BEFORE right side of scrap desk
AFTER right side of scrap desk
BEFORE file cabinet
BEFORE area in front of desk
AFTER area in front of desk
You have to join the class to see more and to hear how I accomplished and organized it all. #SorryNotSorry
But seriously, we’re gonna’ go WAY into depth on our scrapbook spaces. I’m talking nitty gritty, people! We’re going to share our Before and Afters to inspire each other and cheer each other on.
There will be written materials you can keep forever and resources galore. Not to mention the fun. ‘Cuz you know I like to laugh, sister!
I still can’t believe I got rid of all these!
Huge stash of 12×12 postbound albums
I’m keeping it a small group but there are a few spaces left, if you’d care to join us. Just do it today so you don’t get behind on the “having fun together” part.
PS: Are you still here? Good, because if you weren’t, you’d miss this great tidbit: First 3 people to sign up get $10 off using code 10OFF!!
ETA 02-01-16: Lovely Lori is my new favorite person! Not only did she just become the 190th newsletter subscriber but she joined the Simplify Your Scrapbook Space class. Thanks Lori!
ETA 92-01-16: Thanks also to Monica for joining us in class. Only 1 coupon code left for $10 off!
I’ve talked over the years about what a great experience this is: Layout a Day – this year known as “LOAD 216” (for February 2016).
I just realized from her e-mail that this will be the last LOAD Lain is leading!! {<- Yes, I just did that}.
More from Lain:
We’re kicking off February 1 (TOMORROW), and we’re scrapbooking a layout every day for the month of February.
Many of our LOADsters say that life is so busy, LOAD is the one time a year they can count on getting their scrap on. So if you’re ready to pick up the tape runner again, join us. You can save $15 if you register by midnight tonight – no coupon needed!
We’ll tackle one part of your scrapbooking area each week so that, by the time Spring comes, you’ll be ready to attack some layouts and projects. Would love to have you join us! I’m capping it at a small group because I really want to provide individualized attention. Spaces are running out and we start tomorrow!
So whether you’re ready to power through some layouts now with LOAD 216 or you need to get your space in order first with Simplify Your Scrapbook Space, you’re good to go.
Happy Sunday!
PS: I’m having an impromptu chat in the Scrapbook Obsession Secret Facebook Group this evening. If you’re not part of the group yet, we’d love to have you! Just sign up for my Free Newsletter in the top right sidebar and I’ll add you to the group pronto. Then we can chat tonight!
I’ve been scrapbooking since 2001. I was a scrapbooking consultant for several years so I have “product.” And I’m a bargain shopper and a coupon queen so I’ve accumulated a LOT of scrapbooking stuff over the years. While shopping is super fun – I ain’t gonna’ lie – the sheer amount of supplies I have can get a little crazy.
It gets to the point where I’m so busy putting things away or moving this pile over there that not much scrapbooking gets done. Or I sit down to scrapbook an event KNOWING that I bought specific supplies for it but not being able to locate them. Blerg :P
I know this is a problem a lot of us have and when I was trying to think of ideas for what classes I could offer you, this was the first thing that came to mind. Not only do we need to ORGANIZE our supplies but we need to (oh my gosh, is she really going to say it!??!) (YES) pare down our supplies a bit.
I’m one of those scrapbookers who hears about others “purging” their supplies and I just cringe. “But I LOVE my supplies! How am I supposed to get rid of anything?” And that’s where I was stuck for years. I’d put things away, clear my desktop again, maybe implement a new organizational system like this one for my washi tape.
Then you know what happened, right? Two months, three shopping hauls, and a busy life later, I was right back where I started: trying to find new places to put things away and new ways to organize my supplies so I’ll actually use them and know where everything is. But it got to feeling kind of futile. Sigh.
Keepin’ It Real
This is how my scrapbook space looked as of November 2015. ‘Nother sigh.
I looked at this and just felt so . . . TIRED. Almost like a rock bottom, since this IS kind of an addiction. {If being a scrapbooking addict is wrong, I don’t wanna’ be right! ha ha}
Admittedly, author Marie Kondo says some wacky stuff in this book. But the overall message surely spoke to me: Only keep those things that SPARK JOY.
For me, this meant:
– Don’t keep things that you bought because they were on sale.
– Don’t keep things just because someone gave them to you.
– Don’t keep things for projects that you might do “someday” (but know you never really will)
– Don’t keep things because they’re worth money but you don’t have time to sell them
The common thread I see in my reasoning: GUILT. And isn’t that a shame? I’m keeping myself surrounded by too much stuff because I feel GUILTY. Is that bringing me joy? Is that allowing me to spend time doing the one activity I love the most, scrapbooking? Nope.
The Solution
So in November 2015, I decided to not only go through my scrapbook space using the KonMari method (the method described in the book above) but I documented my actions and created an online class from it. With the new year and all, it seems like the perfect time to share this with you.
Here’s a page with all the class information – please do yourself a favor and check it out:
Since I “KonMari’d” my scrapbook space, everything has been so much better. I got rid of a lot of things that, as much as I wanted to, I just wasn’t going to use. They were taking up storage space that became freed up for storing things I WILL use and DO use. I was able to remove things from my work desk that, no matter how “organized” I was before, didn’t have a good place.
How Does It Feel?
I can’t tell you what a relief it was to just LET GO. Let go of old supplies, things that were no longer my taste, projects I’d never do (photo cube anyone?), and all that guilt-inducing STUFF that was weighing me down. Now the supplies I have BRING ME JOY. I look forward to going into my scrapbook space instead of dreading it. I can find the exact supply I’m looking for and the guilt is gone.
I want all of this for you, too <3
If you’re tired of fighting against your scrapbook supplies and just want a clear, peaceful place to create, THIS may be just the thing you need. I hope so because I want to be of service to you and I hope this is something we can have fun doing together :)
Yahoo!! I finished my scrapbook space organization today!
Of course, I’ll be telling and showing you lots more about it but for now, here’s a quick preview of just one big improvement = my desk top.
Not only is there space to scrapbook again but there’s a little more elbow room overall.
I’m so excited to tell you more about this big project!
Have a great weekend :)
PS: If you’re fittin’ to do a major transformation of your scrapbook space like I just did, stay tuned. I’m offering a 10-week organization class starting on Monday 01-18-16. More details to follow . . .
My brain is fried right now. This is what December does to me. In the interest of getting a blog post up, I’m going to share 8 things I’ve learned this month – some are scrappy, some are not.
I learned that putting twinkle lights all around your house makes every gray day and every cold night better.
While doing my scrapbook organization class, I had to go through my Project Life, MAMBI, Simple Stories, etc. 3×4 and 4×6 cards and I have “too many.” I mean, jeez, FOUR shoeboxes. It’s insane, right?
But I learned that I DON’T CARE. I let go of some duplicates where I had 3 or 4 of each card and instead kept 1 or 2. But beyond that, I’m not getting rid of any more. They’re not hurting anyone. I’m not hurting anyone. They bring me joy. The money has already been spent. And I’ll use most – okay, a lot – of them someday. So there.
I learned that I’m a sucker for any online sappy video there is. Apparently, I love to cry because I do it a lot. The one where the people in the British shopping mall run up and give gifts to random people got me today. Sniff.
I’ve learned that looking at other people’s planners and lists (#ListersGottaList) on a constant rotation can make you feel very inadequate and like you’re not good enough to do your own version.
While organizing my stamps, I decided to purge a bunch of them, including ones I used to share at crops during my Memory Works Consultant days. To get my name and phone number off of them, I learned that rubbing alcohol does the trick!
From the terminal cancer of a fellow scrapper and the sudden death by brain aneurysm of a 48-year-old friend, I learned – once again – that life is very short and very precious. I’ve tried to be continually kind to myself when things don’t go as I want them to.
I learned that Michaels has really cute Christmas doilies and snowflakes.
I learned that tickets for Adele’s US tour go on sale this Thursday!
The full course title is: “Simplify Your Scrapbook Space: Declutter and Organize So You Can Scrapbook Stress-Free.” Catchy, eh?
The Short Version
If you don’t have time to read this long post, let me cut to the chase for you: The class is on sale NOW. You should sign up NOW because there’s a group of us starting on Monday together (but it can be self-paced too). It’s only $39 for 8 weeks of content, encouragement and accountability in a Facebook secret group and the classroom message board, not to mention a shared Pinterest board, and lots of free bonuses! You can learn more HERE and sign up HERE.
The Long Version
Here’s My History. What’s Yours?
I’ve been scrapbooking since 2001. Since that time, my scrapbook space has become so overrun with supplies and clutter that I often dread spending time in there and I sadly don’t scrapbook at home very much. {I mostly scrapbook at crops and retreats}. Periodically, I spend a day or two putting away purchases, sorting through my piles (yeah, I’m a piler), and rejoicing over seeing my desktop again.
Yet 2 months later, I’m back in the exact same boat. My scrap desk is piled high, I can’t put my hands on that favorite supply I wanted to use, and I end up just walking out of my scrap space without doing much because I don’t want to deal with it yet AGAIN. Can you relate to this at all?
Proof of the Crazy That Was My Scrapbook Space
BEFORE photos of my desk and file cabinet … yuck :(
This class will be different from other scrapbook space organization classes. Instead of focusing on the smartest or coolest ways to organize and store your supplies, we’re going to focus on paring down what you have, mentally and physically clearing away all the scrapbook clutter that is blocking your creativity and causing stress, and only keeping those scrapbooking items that bring you joy. THEN we’ll talk about how to store everything.
A Scary Concept
Now I realize these thoughts are very scary for some. They sure are for me. Pare down? Clear away? Simplify? Does that mean I have to get rid of most of the supplies I love? NOPE. It just means that we’re going to be brutally honest with ourselves about what amount of scrapbook supplies we truly need, which ones “bring us joy” vs. which ones feel kind of heavy or obligatory, and what level of simplifying will allow us maximum creativity.
For example, I’ve been stubbornly holding on to MANY 12×12 postbound albums which take up most of my storage cubes. It’s crazy. I switched over to D-ring albums years ago and the likelihood that any of these albums will ever be used is very small. Why am I holding onto them? I’m letting them take up valuable closed storage space that could be better used for other supplies that are cluttering up my desktop – and making me feel too crowded to scrapbook there? I mean, come ON!
Deep Breaths!
Don’t worry. If you take my class, I’m not going to “make you” do anything you don’t want to do, PROMISE. I’m just going to give you ideas on how to simplify your stash, encouragement if you need it, and let you know that it’s okay to let go of things in your scrapbook space that aren’t bringing you joy and aren’t enhancing your creativity.
In the past, I’ve purged good amounts of stuff (for example, HERE and HERE) but I’ve come to the realization after all these years and all these attempts at organization that I’ve held on too tightly to too much. Not to mention that I keep buying cute new stuff while not purging or using equal amounts of it.
Months or years after a purge and organization attempt (which never seem to be completely finished because I get distracted before I’m truly done), there are items I’m still holding onto that, honestly, will probably never be used.
What if Someday Never Comes?
And you know what? That’s okay. What the Konmari method made me see is that I don’t have to feel guilty about letting go of things “because I spent good money on that” or because “I have a project I want to do with it” SOMEDAY. Yeah, always someday, right?
Another thing I’m okay with is just packing some things away for a while and revisiting them later. If there are supplies I’m not sure I’m ready to let go of, there’s no harm in putting them in a box in the attic or a closet and revisiting them in a year or so. Because in the meantime, I cleared some space! I made room for creativity! And that’s an awesome feeling.
I want you to have that feeling too. I want you to feel refreshed, unburdened, and free in your scrapbook space not dreading the chaos that currently exists. Maybe you’re already awesomely simplified and organized; if so, good for you! But if you feel like it’s time to make some changes in your level of supplies or just in how they’re organized, I hope you’ll join me for this class.
More About “Simplify Your Scrapbook Space”
The sales page is HERE and the purchase page is HERE. It’s only $39 for this beta class which will unfold over 8 weeks, no matter when you purchase it. (Only $5 a week?? Whaaaaat?) But if you want to roll along with a group of us doing the class together, please sign up by tonight – we’re starting THIS Monday 11/16/15! {Signing up any time after Monday is totally fine! You’ll receive the initial module right way and the following 7 modules week by week. You’ll have full access to the Facebook group, message board, Pinterest board, etc.}.
I plan to offer an expanded version of the class in January 2016. I know that the current time of year is tough for taking on a project. But if you can swing it, do the class with us now so you’re able to enjoy any holiday down-time or vacation days in your newly organized space :) Also, the price for the January class will be higher so now is the time to get in for less.
Whether you sign up for my class or not, I urge you to take a look around at your scrapbook space and REALLY examine if it’s serving you well. Does it contain only things that bring you joy? Does it allow space for making layouts, sorting photos, and using your die-cutting machine? Do you feel invited to enter your space or do you dread approaching it? If the answers to these questions aren’t positive ones, consider making a change, either now or in the new year so 2016 can be an amazing year of creativity for you!
Heyo scrappy! Remember in THIS post when I alluded that there may be another announcement coming? Well, it’s time. And now there’s a spoiler in the post title but I’m not ready to talk about that yet so you have to keep waiting :P
Facebook Page and Group
First, I wanted to update you on the new Scrapbook Obsession Page and Group that I talked about HERE. They both got off to a somewhat slow start – as things associated with me are wont to do – bwahahaha! I’m thinking me in the morning before cawfee, any form of exercise, that kind of thing.
The Facebook Page was pretty depressing at first, I tell ya’. I’d post something and it would say “1 person reached” or “3 people reached” even though the Page Likes were growing steadily (thanks to you guys, since the only place I mentioned the new page was here on the blog).
But that’s Facebook’s new algorithm; you can Like a page all you want but if you don’t regularly interact with it, the posts won’t show up in your feed. They want people like me who are desperate for approval from strangers to pay for boosting, ads, etc. ;)
Well, the joke’s on Mr. Zuckerberg because a. I’m cheap, and 2. I prefer to beg my online scrappy friends to “LIKE” me (please Like me!) before I’ll stoop to the level of paying for affection.
So I hung in there, begged my friends to give me some love, and the reach of the SBO Facebook Page has improved already! Take that, Marky Mark!! I even have one post that says “145 people reached.” Of course, it’s a post about one of my scrapbooking hauls. Now I know how to get your attention, you little minxes!
As for the Secret Facebook Group – well, it’s a SECRET so I can’t tell you. DUH.
J/K … J/K
Not only has the Scrapbook Obsession Facebook Group grown to 58 lovely members in just a few weeks, it has also caused my Scrapbook Obsession Free Newsletter list to grow from 140 to 164 in that same timeframe. ‘Cuz you have to sign up for the newsletter to get an invitation to the Secret Group. Hmmm, who’s crafty little idea was that??
See, there’s usually a method to my madness. Not always but usually. Sometimes I’m just a hot mess and have no farklin’ idea what I’m doing. Yeah, wow, I’d have to say that’s mostly when I’m cooking. So you’re safe – unless you come over for brunch. { That’s so silly! Why would you come over to my house for brunch??!! Because MIMOSAS! }.
Team Lisa aka “Anthology” by Lisa Bearnson
Since I joined on as a consultant for this line in the Spring, it’s been a good experience. The umbrella company – Youngevity – is wonderful to work with. They gave me my own pretty website to sell Anthology products and they provide great support and training. I’m still trying to figure out how that all fits in with Scrapbook Obsession.
I don’t want to over-post about it but in keeping it pretty “low pro”, I haven’t sold very much. Honestly, I thought people would be more excited to buy the products and find me when seeking information. While I do get blog hits from those searches, they aren’t translating to orders. No one asks questions. No one is begging to be a consultant even though you can get started for only $25. I bought 10 catalog/idea books and have sold 1 :( [ETA 11/15/15: Make that 2! Thanks Shari and Laura].
And that’s okay. I’ve never been a pushy salesperson type and apparently that hasn’t changed. If I choose to be more aggressive about it down the road, I have ways to promote Anthology that won’t negatively impact this blog – because I don’t want to dilute what Scrapbook Obsession is. And what is that, exactly?? LOL
My First Class?!?!
Yes, I totally just copied that heading from the post title because it’s midnight and I’m plumb tired. Brain no workee. Too long since above-mentioned coffee consumption.
So anyhoooo … if you’re in the Secret Facebook Group (ahem!), you know that I’ve been contemplating when to do my first online class – about organizing and simplifying your scrapbook space. Here’s where that stands: At this point, I’m thinking of doing an 8-week beta class starting next Monday. Yes, NEXT Monday 11-16-15. Even if it’s just a few of us, I think we can have a blast getting our space all tidied up for some winter-break, staying-warm-inside scrapbooking this winter!
Then I’d start a longer and more thorough version of the same class on or around 01-18-16. I know the holidays are too busy for many people to contemplate attacking their scrapbook space. The new year is a great time for that. With both classes, I’ll be running them live starting on those dates but you can purchase them at any time and jump in. The content will be released weekly and you’ll have access to our chats, photos, forum, Facebook group, etc.
What your scrapbook space will look like after you take my class:
(It actually belongs to Papermint Crafting Studio. I’m being “aspirational” like Martha Stewart. Heh.)
So I’m getting input on all this from the group members and from some scrappy friends. I need to decide, like, PRONTO. Are you in the mood to get started organizing on Monday? If not, how does January sound? I hope you’ll join me . . . more information to follow!
As for Scrapbook Obsession Overall . . .
If you read THIS post, you know that I went to online business school this year and, after blogging since 2007, I’m ready to take Scrapbook Obsession to the next level. Having the newsletter is a big part of that because of how it makes others in the scrapbooking industry view my relationship to YOU (in other words, it’s a great thing, so thank you for signing up!). My blog feed, Bloglovin’ followers, and social media followers are steadily growing.
I’m being contacted by more product sponsors and affiliates which is a nice vote of confidence. It’s challenging to find ones that are a good fit for a scrapbooking blog which is a pretty defined niche. But that’s okay; it’s not really a big part of my plans for Scrapbook Obsession anyway. I still have more awesome ideas than I have time. And I’m still waiting to make enough moolah from this venture to cut back on my day job. Someday, someday . . .
The best part has been the support from my online scrapbook friends like you and I couldn’t be more appreciative. Let’s keep this thing rolling strong and see what 2016 brings. I think it’s gonna’ be an awesome new year!
Starting this morning {11-03-15}, check out the free broadcast of a new Creative Live class called “Creative Paper Crafts with My Mind’s Eye” taught by Candice Stringham. Candice is the marketing director at MME.
CreativeLive class description:
make your parties pretty.
Add panache to to your next paper craft project with unique ideas and expert tips from My Mind’s Eye!
CreativeLive partnered with the incredible designers over at My Mind’s Eye to bring you, a collection of paper craft how-tos that are guaranteed to inspire. You’ll learn about supplies and techniques for making:
Pretty Paper Garlands and Banners
Creative Gift Wrap and Charming Toppers
A Stylish Soiree
Simple Instagram Albums
Perfect Little Paper Mache Villages
Delightful Dioramas
Franklin #PlannerLove
My Mind’s Eye has been developing stylish paper products for over 15 years. In Creative Paper Crafts, you’ll learn how to create a variety of customizable party decorations that will lend all of your events a lovely, handmade touch.
If you want to create beautiful decorations and decor and throw lavish, Pinterest-ready events, join My Mind’s Eye and CreativeLive for Creative Paper Crafts!
So here’s what you do: On Tuesday and Wednesday this week at 9am PST, go HERE. At the top, click On Air, find the class, and click play.
For the best experience with ANY CreativeLive class {yes, I’m quite the expert, lol}, also log in, RSVP for the class so you can download any free handouts, and then join the Chat – which is loads of fun!
If you can’t catch the class live, you can watch it afterward – still for free – as it runs on a loop through the evening and overnight. Or you purchase the class and watch it any ol’ time you want :)
I’m not much of a party supply maker but the preview did show a mini album, too. Okay, who am I kidding? I’m mainly tuning in to drool over all the pretty paper. {See all of My Mind’s Eye’s luscious current collections HERE}.
Dang, I keep forgetting to tell you about Lain’s events lately! Already missed True Scrap Planner Love on 09-19-15. If interested, you can buy the replay HERE.
Now it’s time for a free bonus scrapinar in October 2015 called “Pick a Card, Any Card” by Layle Koncar.
The Pick a Card project is a replay from True Scrap 5, which normally sells for $13, but you’ll get it for free on September 30! Plus you’ll get to hear some details and get a feel for what True Scrap 7 is all about.
Yes, you CAN use those 3×4 and 4×6 pocket cards in your 12×12 layouts! Pocket Pages are all the rage but that doesn’t mean you have to pass up all those cute cards and Pocket Page accessories if you prefer the larger, more traditional layouts. Layle will showcase how to use these items in your larger layouts and has nine different ideas and project examples to help you bridge the gap between 12×12 layouts and Pocket Page scrapbooking.
And we’re almost to the deadline to get an early bird discount on “True Scrap 7” – yikes! Yep, it expires tomorrow {Wed. 09-30-15}.
“True Scrap 7 is the universe’s premier live, virtual paper crafting event, bringing together the most talented instructors with the smartest and most incredible students! Now in its 5th year, True Scrap events have produced hundreds of hours of content and educated thousands of students. True Scrap 7, on October 23 and 24, promises to continue the tradition with instructors including:
Becki Adams – Scrapbooking “On the Go”
Julie Fei-Fan Balzer – Patterned Papers by YOU
Lisa Bearnson – Embellish Your Story: Tips for Stepping Up Your Work and Your Words
Kelli Crowe – For the Love of (Scrap)Books
Noell Hyman – Scrapbookers, Unite! Using Harmony and Contrast to Create Unity
Layle Koncar – More IS Better: Tips, Tricks & Techniques for Adding More Photos to Your Layouts
Maggie Massey – Organize, Document, Display: A Celebration Album
Kathy Cano-Murillo – From Paper to Petals: Mixed Media Paper Flowers
If you’d like more info or to register, just click HERE.
Early bird price is $99 until Wednesday 09-30-15; then it goes to full price of $199. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya’!
If you register by 9/30, that breaks down to $12 per class. Given the caliber of these instructors, I think that’s more than worth it.
If you’re able to make the events live – like the Friday night PJ party and the classes – they’re even more awesome. People from all over the world are online together, chatting about the classes, joking around, and sharing ideas. You can ask questions directly to the instructors, get their supply lists, and see them complete the project firsthand.
I’ve had a great experience any time I’ve attended one of the True Scrap events. I’m super excited about seeing Lisa Bearnson there for the first time. Kelli Crowe and Layle Koncar are always a hoot (you’ll see what I mean about Layle if you listen to the FREE SCRAPINAR with her on 09-30-15). I’m not familiar with Maggie Massey; will have to go look her up.
Remember, with all of Lain’s events, you get a replay when it’s over. But you have to sign-up first, even for the free scrapinars. Over 100 people have already signed up for “True Scrap 7”; it’s gonna’ be fun!
Just letting you know about a couple of fun things that Layout a Day has going on right now. One is free and the other you can save $70 if you sign up before 09-02-15 :)
Free August Scrapinar
First of all, the free monthly scrapinar is called “Zentangle for Beginners” and it’s on 08-26-15 at 10 AM Pacific/1 PM Eastern.
I keep hearing about Zentangle but have really no idea what it is, LOL. Do you? I’ll be checking out this scrapinar so I can finally learn about it. You can sign up for free (or just get more details) HERE.
Sign-Ups for “True Scrap Plannerlove”
Calling all planners! Whether you’re new to the planner craze or looking for some new ideas to spruce up your planner, True Scrap Plannerlove is for you.
Lain Ehmann of True Scrap has pulled together 6 leaders from the planning community to teach you in classes like Planner 101, Planner as Memory Keeper, Planning on the Go and more!
True Scrap Plannerlove is a 1-day, online, LIVE event on Saturday, 09-19-15. All 6 classes will come to YOU via the magic of the Internet in a state-of-the-art web room. You’ll watch the class demonstrations, chat with the instructors and other students, and leave with more planner ideas than you can shake a stick at—all without leaving your house.
You’ll learn from planner experts such as Vienna Ortiz, Florence Antonette, Judy Lam, Rachel Park, Cara Vincens, and Connie Hanks.
Are you looking for something new to do with the papercrafting supplies you already have on-hand? Pull out your planner (haha!) and mark down September 19th.
What’s even better is the low, low Early Bird price is available RIGHT NOW. For a limited time, you can add yourself to the Early Bird list and get all 6 classes for only $29. That’s $70 off the regular price of $99! But it expires September 2nd, so register for your discount HERE.
Tip: If you’re wondering about the quality of Lain’s events or want to read some reviews, just do a search in the upper right corner of my blog on True Scrap and lots of entries will come up. Hope that’s helpful!
Oh my gosh, I literally LOL when I even say that line in my head. It’s from one of my Top 10 Favorite Movies of All Time: Jerry Maguire. If you don’t know the scene I’m talking about, it’s HERE on YouTube. I’d embed the video here but I can’t find a good clear clip except the one I linked above that ends with Cuba’s naked bottom, LOL.
So I’ve been talking all summer about this supposed new membership site I’m going to start, right? Well, I want to be of service and offer things you need. So will you please help ME help YOU?
One of the first offerings of the membership is probably going to be a scrapbooking-related organization class. The plan (at least for now) is for it to drip out to members via e-mail once a week until we move through all the modules. The result: Your scrap space totally organized and useable through the cold winter months (prime time scrap time!).
Uh, NO! This is not my space. I wish. It’s Scrappy Jedi’s. I’ve tried to buy it from her but she won’t sell. Dang.
To help me best deliver what you need, please answer 2 questions:
1. Does this idea interest you, i.e., would this class entice you to join the Scrapbook Obsession Membership? (Assume the monthly cost is $10-20 and the class is included for free with a lot of other stuff). Be totally honest. If it doesn’t float your boat, no worries but let me know, k?
2. How many weeks would you want the class to run? Remember, we’re organizing your entire scrapbook space and will start somewhere around 08-31-15. For example, 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks? Eight weeks would end before Halloween and 12 weeks would end before Thanksgiving. You’d have access to the content as long as you’re a member (or as long as you save the emails :D) if you fall behind or get busy.
Please, please, please answer these 2 questions in Comments below or shoot me an e-mail: erika(at)scrapbookobsession(dot)com
The classes that made up “True Stamp 2015” are now available for individual purchase. Sorry, this has been going on since 06-15-15 but I forgot to post about it. I know scrappers and stampers look forward to these classes going on sale individually – and now there’s only 1 day left to purchase, ack!
From Lain Ehman @ Layout A Day.com, the organizer of True Stamp 2015:
• The classes include both the project-only video (around 30 minutes)
and the full, “Like You Were There” video (around 60 minutes).
• We’re running a kick-off sale from 6/15 through Monday, June 22,
making these inspiring video classes only $9.95through midnight on
6/22. AND if people are really in love with the event, they can get all six for only $39 (that’s $6.50 each) with the code “SUMMER” at
checkout through 6/22.
• After 6/22, the price will increase to the regular $14.95 per
class. [bolding mine]
Here are the 6 classes you can choose from – or take all 6 for the even-more-discounted price:
I’m not much of a stamper but that 2nd class about using stamps and die cuts together looks pretty cool!
You can see more information on these classes and order them if you like RIGHT HERE.
TRUE SCRAP 2 is the second in a very successful series of online scrapbooking events held by Lain Ehmann.
Miss Lain says …
This event, from October 2011, includes an incredible lineup of
classes from papercrafting luminaries such as:
-Jennifer McGuire
-Nic Howard
-Shimelle Laine
…and a dozen more!
Over 20 hours of video instruction all at a very special price.
Here’s the scoop:
-True Scrap II classes will no longer be for sale after May 31,
-They can be purchased in a bundle for only $47.
In addition to all the cool classes, there are virtual make-n-takes with Maggie Holmes & Kelley Purkey – and a fun interview with Cathy Zielske. Love them!
For the scrappy business-minded like me, check this out:
All this for over $100 off the original price. I think I’m going to get this one! You?
If you’re in a hurry today, please scroll to the bottom . . . PRIZES! If you’re ready to settle in for a long read, get on with your bad self.
Thuh Announcement
As I talked about in THIS post . . . after writing this blog for 8 years, I’ve decided it’s time to take it to the next level. And what better time to make the announcement and share my over-the-top excitement than on interNational Scrapbook Day?!?
So what I’ve been wanting to tell you is:
– Scrapbook Obsession Blog will continue providing scrapbook industry news and gossip, enabling, Deals & Steals, etc. but will be more active, with posts more often!
– A NEW free Scrapbook Obsession Newsletter will be delivered to your inbox with special deals, fun stuff that won’t be on the blog, and all the news that’s fit to print (and maybe some that’s not? heh).
– There will be two NEW Scrapbook Obsession Memberships, both Free and Paid, where (depending on your level) you can enjoy things like exclusive content, a members forum and community, free and paid classes, interviews with people YOU want to hear from, and more! As a Paid Member, you’ll have some pretty special perks that I know you’re going to love.
– And, finally, did you notice the new item in the right sidebar? -> It’s a Pinterest board highlighting a new site I’ve started called “Organized Scrapbooking” where you can be inspired by organized crafting & scrapping spaces, research how to organize specific crafting items, receive special offers, and then some. (Sorry, I didn’t want to say “and more!” again). If nothing else, go visit it today and see the Papermint entry; it will blow. your mind.
How About Some Background?
As I mentioned in the other post, I’ve been wanting to elevate things around here for a long time. I’ve recently been blessed by the most amazing experience: I attended on online business school called “Marie Forleo’s B School.” I was taught how to be a responsible and resourceful online entrepreneur.
I learned that you need to ‘start the right business’ and, as I completed the exercises in that module, I took ownership of the fact that I want to devote my time and resources to this industry and hobby that I love so much: scrapbooking. There’s no reason to start a business from scratch when I already have everything I want and need to get started right here :)
Is it crazy to start a business around the (ahem, declining) scrapbooking industry? Some might say! {Not that I care about the Negative Nellies. Do you?} But I have faith that there are still tons of obsessed scrapbookers out there who want to talk and learn about their beloved hobby, and new scrapbookers who will find their way to us if we provide what they need.
So that’s what I’m going to do. I’m so excited and hope you are, too!
Idea Overload
During the 8-week course of business school, I couldn’t stop the ideas from forming … oh, the things I want to share with you! It’s just massive, peeps. In fact, I had to start using a task manager called Things for Mac to keep track of all the ideas flying out of my head (well, there’s a visual!).
I want to be the first place you visit when you think of scrapbooking. I want to create classes you need but can’t find elsewhere, provide a community where you feel completely at home, and make a difference in the scrapbooking industry. We’re going to have so much fun! One thing that won’t change is my wish to make you laugh. Like, ’til you snork coffee out your nose and your dog looks at you like, “Guuurrrl. What is UP with YOU?”. Ohhh . . . is it only my mine that gives the doggy evil eye? Hmm.
What’s Next?
I’ve found an amazing online platform with which to provide you all this content. It’ll be hosted off-site but with super easy access and links from right here. Everything will originate from that one place – the newsletter, classes, membership site, forum, etc. – so I’m hoping that’ll cut down/eliminate any technical snafus that can happen when you kind of piecemeal all these things together electronically. Speaking of technical snaufus, this site was down for 2 days this week (did ya’ miss me?) because a plug-in I wanted to try wasn’t playing nice with WordPress (the blogging software). That’s the kind of stuff I have ZERO talent or patience for, so I think it’s best to host all the new shizzle off-site.
If you want to play along – in any capacity – your first step would be to sign up for the Free Newsletter. I want to keep Scrapbook Obsession Blog pretty much as it is and not flood it with that content, which is separate and different (in a good way, promise!). The newsletter is how I’ll keep you up-to-date on all the haps and stuff. I would never dream of selling your e-mail address (just so ya’ know!); I appreciate the trust you show when you share it with me too much. Besides, I like the idea of talking directly to you – and I encourage you to write me back. Ooooh, that way we can be SBFF’s and have SECRETS!! LOL
To you lovelies who already get my blog entries via e-mail, the newsletter is something NEW and you’ll need to sign up for it separately, please.
Did somebody say PRIZES?
Sign up for the free Scrapbook Obsession Newsletter by Sunday night and I’ll pick 3 lucky scrappers to receive a $10 gift card of their choice! Amazon, Starbucks, Target, Michaels, or any store you like – as long as I can find the card locally and mail it to ya’, or I can purchase it online for you. Even your local scrapbook store if you like! You must sign up for the newsletter by Sunday 05-03-15 at midnight PST. Winners will be announced – in said newsletter, ha! – within 1 week.
“I don’t know . . . I don’t think I want to sign up for a FREE newsletter AND get a chance to win $10 for anything I want.” Said nobody.
I’ll be rolling out the Free and Paid Membership programs soon! Updates will be in the Newsletter ;) Thank you for all the support you’ve given me in this new endeavor. I truly appreciate it!
PS: There’s a Newletter sign up in the top right sidebar too.
PSS: Please tell your friends! Share this blog on Twitter, Facebook, your blog, etc. Help me get the word out – I need you! There are social sharing buttons at the top and bottom of this blog entry. Thank you, friend 😘
It sounded like a very interesting and different event that I’m sorry I couldn’t attend live. Oh well, the next best thing is to get the classes after the fact. I like when they go on sale “a la carte” and know that you do too. We can handpick the classes we want or, in the case of the sale I’m going to tell you about, get all 7 classes for a great price.
Here are the classes you can choose from – or get them all & reduce the cost per class:
“Hope Notes: Creating and Sharing Messages of Faith” with Stephanie
“Faithbooking: How (and Why) to Share Your Faith in Your Scrapbook”
with Erin Bassett
“Words to Live By: A Handmade Art Journal” with Andrea Chebeleu
“#ARTWORSHIP: Art Journaling Response to Jesus” with Heather
“The Art of Being HUMAN: A Creative Exploration of Our Basic Being
and Purpose” with Liz Hicks
“Illuminated Manuscripts: Illustrating Your Journaling Bible” with
Shanna Noel
“Cross-ology: Art and Heart for the Home” with Donna Salazar
You can see full class descriptions on the “TRUTH SCRAP” site.
So here’s the sale info:
From Monday 04-13 through midnight on Friday 04-24-15, you can get each class individually for $9.95 or all 7 classes for $49 (aka $7/each). To get the $49 price, add all 7 classes to your cart, then use the code TRUTH at checkout through 4/24. The sale price of $9.95 per class is also good through 4/24.
The classes include both the project-only video (around 30 minutes) and the full, “Like You Were There” video (around 60 minutes).
***After 4/24, the price will increase to the regular $14.95 per class.
The 3 classes I’m considering are:
– Erin Bassett – Faithbooking: How (and Why) to Share Your Faith in Your Scrapbook
I keep saying I’m going to incorporate my faith into my scrapbooks but it rarely happens. Maybe this is the inspiration I need.
– Shanna Noel – Illuminated Manuscripts: Illustrating Your Journaling Bible
I heard about journaling your Bible in 2014, I think, and have been intrigued ever since.
– Donna Salazar – Cross-Ology: Art and Heart for the Home
I’ve always loved crosses and wear a small one around my neck 24/7 (it says “Blessed”). In fact, my dad had a crucifix collection which passed down to my brother and I when he died but they’re packed away for safekeeping. I’d love to incorporate some crosses into our home deco and it sounds like this class will share economical and fun ways to do that.
Which Truth Scrap classes most appeal to you?
Just to recap re: “TRUTH SCRAP”
-Individual classes are on sale 4/13 through 4/24 for $9.95.
-Special offer: Get all 7 class offerings for only $49 with code “TRUTH” from 4/13 through 4/24.
If you end up purchasing any classes, I’d love to hear what you chose and also to hear any reviews after you watch them!
In early February 2015, I attended a very fun scrapbooking event called “Play All Day” put on by Shelby at Embellish IT! Inc. I wanted to give you a review and share my day :)
I’ve shopped at Embellish It over the years for scrapbook supplies. They carry a lot of products from 2 of my favorite brands: Basic Grey and Simple Stories, and lots of others, too. But the best thing they have are packs of Bazzill cardstock with colors selected to match specific scrapbook product lines. It’s pretty dang cool, especially for Bazzill snob like myself :P
. . . coordinates with THIS line, Carta Bella “Hello Again”
So, I’m on the mailing list for Embellish It and have heard about their “Play All Day” events for years – always wanted to go. I decided to finally pull the trigger when I saw an event that was only 3 hours from me (yes, I live in the boonies; NOTHING is held close by) and it was close to my mom’s birthday. She’s also a scrapbooker so I thought it would be a fun way to celebrate.
Wait! Was this one of those “Oh, look what I got you (for me)!” type of gifts? Hmmm… Anyhoo, we signed up with an Early Bird coupon code that saved us $9 off the $79 price, made our hotel reservation with a special rate at the event hotel ($99 at a Sheraton), . . . and had to wait for several months, LOL. But, yes, the day finally did arrive!
A few days prior to the event, we got an e-mail detailing the day:
*9am – midnight*
This will be a FUN day of scrapbooking & we will keep things low key.
* The event will officially end at 9pm BUT we have the room reserved until
midnight. Those who wish to continue scrapping are welcome to do so at *no
additional cost*
*The schedule for the day will be:*
*9am- Doors open *(i always try to open the door a little early but it is
all dependent on the hotel)
*11-1: Class #1 Layouts* – 2 double-page layouts
*1pm: Italian Buffet Lunch*
*3-5pm: Class #2 Cards* – 8 cards w/embellishments
I was excited about the layout class since scrappin’ is what I do (as opposed to project classes like banners, home dec, etc. that I’m not as interested in). I’m not a cardmaker so that was ‘meh’ but I figured I could make my mom’s birthday card, LOL!
On the day of the event, I woke up at 4:45am (so excited! couldn’t sleep!), left the house at 6:30 in pouring rain, got there around 9:30am, got unloaded and unpacked, changed into dry clothes, and met my mom in the event room by 10:30. So I was bummed to miss out on that 1 1/2 to 2 hours of scrapping time before the first class but oh well. My mom had already met and been chatting with the nice ladies at our table for 4 and the ones at the next table, who were all friends.
Okay, I’m going to confess right now that I don’t have any photos to share of the day. I did have my phone aka my BFF. I guess I just felt awkward taking pics in that close of an environment with a roomful of people I didn’t know. Sorry! I’ll do such a good job of providing vivid descriptions with my words that you won’t miss the photos, LOL.
Back to the event . . .
It was basically a ballroom or huge conference room and it was pretty full. Regarding the tables, I don’t know the measurements but there was plenty of room to scrap for the day, complete the class layouts, etc. If I were at a retreat, I’d probably want a little more room but it was fine for Play All Day.
At the front of the event room, there were tables with lots of collection kits, Bazzill packs (!), page kits, mini album kits, card kits, etc. I didn’t have time to shop before the first class began at 11:00 but was able to later. That was actually by design because I didn’t bring any paper to scrap with, knowing that Shelby would have plenty of paper for sale. I bought 2 collection kits and a Bazzill kit.
This was the lightest I’d traveled to a scrapbooking event in quite a while! Only 2 bags and here is what I brought:
– Tool kit in flat pack with adhesives, photo cleaning cloth, erasers, Undu, etc.
– Tool tote with pens, scissors, stapler, and other tools
– Photos, about 15 from 3 events. I had just printed them the morning of the event, of course, ha!
– Paper trimmer, my trusty old Cutterpede that I’ve had for years (that’s why she’s not that pretty but I love her!).
Things I always keep in my crop bag:
– Ott lite & extension cord
– Extra blade and cutting pad for Cutterpede
The Italian buffet lunch was delish. Iced tea and coffee were provided throughout the event (although the hot coffee ran out and wasn’t replaced in the evening, when I really needed it, lol). We just ate snacks the rest of the time. I was there to scrap, baby!
I wrote a post about my little shopping adventure HERE.
Remember how I said I was kinda’ ‘meh’ about doing the card class? Well, I lucked out. Majorly. It turned out that Shelby had just received new kits to do a Simple Stories “Life Documented” mini album or planner. So she offered us the option to do that instead of the card kit and most of us took her up on that. Duh. The value was crazy. The entire event cost $70 and that Simple Stories kit had probably $50 worth of product in it.
There was also the layout class and I enjoyed both of them. Shelby walked around the room, gave instructions and encouragement, but it was pretty relaxed. There were great instructions you could follow at your own pace, too. I’ve been to some classes that are so stressful that they’re not even fun but this wasn’t like that.
Shelby is a dynamo. She had the loud voice needed to keep us rowdy scrappers in line (ha), was very upbeat and fun over the course of a long day, was organized, and what I loved most – very open and flexible. She asked several times what WE wanted to do (when to eat, the room temp, okay to substitute the planner project for the cards, etc.). I also chatted with her one-on-one and found her lovely. We had some “mom talk” and it was nice. Speaking of which, she had the cutest helper EVER, her little blondie cutie pie son. What a great sport he was!
I’d give it 10/10 stars. I can’t think of anything that went wrong or that I didn’t like. I mean it was over a month ago and I’m old so there’s a possibility I forgot something but, no, I don’t think so. I’m not THAT old! If you get the chance to attend a Play All Day event, I recommend it!
ETA 04-12-15: Miss Shelby stopped by to say hi. Check out the Comments!
One of my favorite sources of online learning – CREATIVE LIVE – has scrapbooking-related classes from their Craft & Maker series on sale RIGHT HERE to celebrate National Craft Month.
Up to 40% off from March 16 – 22, 2015!
Several of them are digital scrapbooking-related which isn’t my groove but maybe it’s yours, or you want to learn more about it. I will say that one of the digi instructors, Traci Reed, is a great teacher. I’ve taken classes from her during TRUE SCRAP events, like her class for TRUE SCRAP: POCKET PAGES
If you’re more of a traditional (aka paper) scrapbooker like me, you might want to check out these sale classes:
Becky Higgins – Scrapbooking with Project Life
Lain Ehmann – Scrapbook Your Story
Nicole Samuels – Scrapbooking Your Baby’s First Year
Megan Hoeppner – From App to Archive: Social Media Scrapbooking
I’ve taken all of these online classes when they were in free preview mode and LOVED each one! Creative Live does a high-class job and the instructors are at the top of their game, sharing loads of information, giving real life examples from themselves and live audience members, and the classes are nice and long – totally worth the cost, especially with the discount pricing right now.
I think my favorite of the 4 classes above was Becky’s. Yes, I’m biased right now toward Project Life style/pocket page scrapbooking but that wasn’t it; it was how open Becky was about her history in the scrapbooking industry, the behind-the-scenes stories about the business end of PL, how lines are created, how she uses PL in her real life, and how emotional and honest she got – even to the point of tears at times. I can’t say I learned a TON of new things about Project Life but I learned more about Becky and scrapbooking in general that made me love both of them even more (is that frickin’ possible??!?! LOL).
Because these classes are nice and long, any of them would be great to be like your Scrapbooking TV, playing during your scrap sessions :) They don’t run sales that often so I’m happy to see this. Hope you find something you like!
PS: While you’re at CREATIVE LIVE, check out THIS cool blog post about 5 inspiring scrapbookers and enter THIS contest on Instagram for the chance at an amazing prize!
In case you missed THE FIRST ROUND, Lain Ehmann has put her popular “True Scrap 6” classes on sale again.
In short, the classes are $9.99 each on sale versus their regular price of $14.99, saving you 5 bucks per class. You can see all the classes available HERE.
From Lain:
Now through the end of January, you can save BIG on a huge
assortment of visual delights and inspiration from all NINE classes
from True Scrap 6.
If you aren’t sure what to start with, may I suggest these classes, for
only $9.99 each:
“Layering: Punch It, Roll It, Make It Yours” from Tracy Banks. The
inimitable Mercy Tiara, as she’s known to her legions of fans,
breaks down the layering process using die-cut and punched shapes.
Not only will she teach you the basics of creating lovely layers,
she’ll also have you breaking out those scores of punches and dies
you’ve been squirreling away!
“Saw This, Made That” from Kelli Crowe. Need someone to help
justify your Pinterest addiction? Kelli’s your gal! In this class,
she shares how she turns her tens of thousands (yeah, you read that
right) of pins into usable inspiration for her crafting.
“Capture Your Celebrations: Photographing Food, Family, and Fun”
from Katrina Kennedy. True Scrap mainstay KK is back with the
perfect photography class to aid your holiday photo-taking. In
easy-to-understand language, she’ll teach you the skills you need
to capture your holiday festivities.
Don’t forget to check out the other classes from instructors like
Noell Hyman, Donna Salazar, Nichol Magouirk, Layle Koncar, and more!
The sale goes through 01-31-15 but go shop right now before you forget :)
I haven’t been able to take any of the True Scrap classes this time around but I would always recommend anything by Layle Koncar. She’s with SIMPLE STORIES and her POCKET SCRAPPING 101 was my favorite class from another True Scrap I attended. I got to meet her at CHA last year and she’s SUPER nice and funny (in class, too!). You know me, I like a little humor mixed in with my scrapbooking, hollah!
Sorry guys – I just posted about TRUTH SCRAP earlier today HERE. But since posting it, I got some more info and a PROMO CODE! I decided to do a new post so you lovely people who subscribe to my blog won’t miss out :)
There is a double special through Christmas Eve:
1. Sign up before 12/31 and automatically receive $70 off and get all {7} classes for only $79.
2. AND use my code “ADVENT” to receive an additional $20 off through 12/24. That brings the cost down to only $59 for {7} hour-long classes on 1/31!
So if you sign up HERE by 12/24 and use my code ADVENT, you get {7} classes for only $59 = $8.43 each.
I love what Lain has to say about Truth Scrap:
The 1/31 online event is focused on the intersection of art and
faith. The classes will share the “how” to as well as the “why” to.
Our goal is to encourage women to express their faith through their
crafts and their art, without getting stopped by the fear monster
or by the self-critic. Women will leave this event empowered to
express themselves in a whole new way.
Have you seen how people are kinda’ art journaling in their Bibles, like this?
I’m fascinated! One of the classes at “Truth Scrap” is “Illuminated Manuscripts: Illustrating Your Journaling Bible” by Shanna Noel so I’m stoked, not to mention the other great topics being covered.
I’m signing up for sure and hope you do, too! Please let me know if you have any questions and I’ll either find the answer or ask Lain :)
Happy Monday after the 4-day weekend! If you’re in a shopping mood today, many of the deals I posted HERE are still going strong. With today being Cyber Monday (I just love me an internet holiday, don’t you?), I thought I’d do another post since there are so many new deals to be found!
For Cyber Monday, they’re having a HUGE archive sale. The archive has been marked down by an additional percentage sitewide. The ScrapbookSteals.com archive is made up of previous steals that haven’t sold out yet and you can get up to 80% off previous steals. WOWZA! I’m headed over there to see if there’s any OCTOBER AFTERNOON or anything else I might’ve missed ;)
Click HERE to check it out. I mean, if your will is weak and your wallet is strong enough, LOL!
This sale ends Tuesday 12-02-14 at 8am PST so get to steppin’!
{I learned that on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, heh}
Okay, I peeked over there and already have a few things on my wish list:
Echo Park “Through the Year” 4×6 cards – Retail $4.99, Steals price $3.75, plus 20% off for Cyber Monday
Simple Stories paper packs – MSRP $20.97, Steals price $8.99 each, plus 20% off for Cyber Monday
WRMK shutter/memo board – MSRP $29.99, Steals price $19.99, plus 20% off for Cyber Monday
Get your holiday shopping done and save 30% during our 2-day sale! Everything* in our physical shop AND our digital shop is marked down, so don’t miss this rare chance to save BIG – on EVERYTHING* at BeckyHiggins.com!
Lain has a a few exciting things on offer right now.
1. Her FREE December scrapinar happening 12-09-14 which you can sign up for right here. As with all of her free scrapinars, if you’re not available to watch it live, you get a free replay – but you MUST sign up ahead of time. Later, she sells these for cash-money so it really doesn’t make sense to NOT sign up. Know what I mean, Vern? And Layle Koncar from SIMPLE STORIES is always a hoot!
2. Every year, Lain has the “12 Deals of Christmas” which she posts/sends out once per day December 1-12 at noon EST. If you’re impatient like me, you can view the entire list HERE and maybe jot down on your calendar which deal(s) you’re doing to jump on. There are a limited number of each thing so you have to be quick or miss out. I like to support this event of Lain’s specifically because of this:
10 percent of your purchase price goes to the Aasha Foundation. The Aasha Foundation provides comprehensive social, recreational and educational enrichment support for 35 girls residing at a shelter home for girls in Mumbai, India.
For years, I’ve wanted to incorporate my faith more into my scrapbooking but have never followed through. I just feel like our faith, whatever form it takes, is SO important to who we are and what we should document about ourselves. I’m very excited about this and will definitely be signing up!
Gosh, where should I start? The only scrappy shopping I did for the “Black Friday weekend” was at Michaels and it was mostly for necessities like albums to hold pocket pages and storage items. Now it’s time to have some fun! Let me know how you make out and if you need someone to talk you down from a purchase . . . erm . . . don’t call me! Hee heeeeeeee!!!