From Jennifer: ” In New Rules, and with the free companion workbook, you’ll gain insight into customizing your own rules of memory keeping in the modern world.”
It’s only 60 pages long so I’d definitely pick it up while it’s FREE. You can get it here.
I just downloaded it to my Kindle but keep in mind that you don’t need a Kindle to read Kindle books. Just download the free Kindle app onto your phone, tablet, or computer and VOILA! You’re readin’ a Kindle book without a Kindle. I’m impressed ;)
Would love to hear your thoughts on “The New Rules of Scrapbooking” if you get a chance to read it!
I recently signed up to get the “new products” e-mail from and thought, “Hmmm … I bet my peeps would also like to see the new stuff.” So I might just make this a regular feature.
Here are my picks from this week’s e-mail. Note: I’m an affiliate and will receive a small commission if you click any of my links and end up placing an order. I appreciate the support for!
Latest Issue of Scrapbook and Cards Today
I had no idea that they carried magazines! It makes me so happy to see a scrapbooking mag, even if it’s half cardmaking, LOL.
Here’s some of what’s inside, per the description on
In this issue:
Top ten list of must-have supplies
Learn to make paper mosaics
How to make a mini album in one night
10 Free online downloads
Sequin secrets – make your cards shine
I never did find the scrapbooking magazine at Barnes and Noble that I talked about on my Facebook Page HERE. Did you?
The easiest, cleanest watercolors you’ll ever use. Either swipe the included waterbrush across the Swatch Stick to pick up the pigment for painting, or use the Swatch Stick to paint directly onto a damp surface, then blend further using the waterbrush.
Here’s a sample of what you can make with it, also from
I tend to resist scrapbooking techniques that take a bunch of extra effort. My scrapping time is too limited to get busy with buying tons of supplies, setting everything up, using it, then cleaning up and putting everything away. But, wow, could this BE any easier?!
Wedding Wordplay Washi Tape by Little B
I like this wedding tape that is wider than normal washi.
Cute, huh? I love the blue mixer and the polka dot galosh. Wait, galosh? Is that the singular for “galoshes”? Well, yes, we just made it the rule! ‘Cuz I’m the mom and I said so ;) {See what I did there?}
If I’ve tempted you into shopping, make sure to check out all the deals and discounts currently has going’ on right HERE. Happy shopping!
Let’s end the first week of the blogging challenge with a nice long read for your weekend :) Join me, will you, as I pretend I’m going on my dream scrapbook retreat? This is not, I repeat NOT, a real retreat. This is only a drill.
I Love It When the Weekend Starts Early
I have to work until noon on Thursday but the retreat is only 30 minutes from home. It’s so great to have an early check-in … so I get 4 days of scrapbooking!
Of course, I packed my crop bags perfectly, bringing enough to keep me busy but not too much to haul and unpack, with page kits containing photos and all I’ll need to scrapbook them. {Hey, it’s MY dream! If I want to pretend I’m retreat-organized for once, you can’t stop me}.
I pull up to the retreat location, a huge modern home right on the ocean. Hunky Patrick Dempsey look-alikes … erm, I mean, the nice lady retreat coordinator Lisa greets me and helps me carry my stuff into the house. We chat the entire time like old friends. She’s super nice, caring, and funny – I can tell this is going to be an amazing weekend!
A Table in Paradise
I’m the first to arrive so I get to pick my perfect crop space, my own 8-foot table at the end of the row. I like to talk with my fellow scrappies but I also like the ability to tune out and just scrap, so this is awesome. There will only be 6 of us total so it won’t get too crazy anyway. The huge living room that we’re in has windows on 3 sides. No matter where I look, I can see the beautiful ocean.
And because I’m at the end of the row closest to the front window, I can open it to create the perfect temperature {don’t you hate being too hot or too cold at a retreat?} and hear the waves pounding about 20 feet below us. I always say that the beach is My Happy Place and I can’t believe I get to combine it with scrapbooking!
Right now, the sun is starting to lower over the horizon, the sandpipers are skittering among the waves, and I can’t wait to get onto the deck and take some photos!
And the FOOD! ANd GIFTS!
Lisa has taken my suitcase to my room and, while I unpack my crop bag and start setting up my table, she brings me a cucumber mint iced tea from my favorite coffee place down the street. {She knew that I loved this tea from the guest preference sheet we submitted as part of the retreat}. She tells me the gourmet salad bar is set up in the kitchen whenever I’m hungry.
There’s also a variety of healthy – and not healthy :) – snacks set up on a table in the cropping area, along with a mini fridge full of our favorite drinks. Champagne and a yummy local white wine are chilling in ice buckets. Lisa has made extravagant goodie bags for each of us, full of the latest 12×12 papers and embellishments from the local scrapbook store. She had those preference sheets so she knew exactly what special items each of us would love!
Scrapping, Movie, Magazines, Hot Bath, Bed …
The rest of the day is taken up with completing 2 layouts, eating and drinking, greeting my 4 dear friends who are joining me, and watching “New In Town” on the big screen in the home theater. I’ve seen it several times and it always makes me laugh. Plus buttered popcorn and champagne, my favorite!
I turn in earlier than the others; it’s been a long day and I can’t wait to chill with my new scrapbooking magazines from Barnes and Noble. I’ve been holding off for a week to save them for the retreat and it’s been torture! I have the latest issues of Creating Keepsakes, Simple Scrapbooking, and Ivy Cottage. {Okay, apparently, I’m not only writing a dream story but also entering a time warp – because these magazines don’t exist any more, boo hoo!}.
My room is a master suite upstairs with another big view of the ocean, a huge soft bed with a white down comforter and fluffy pillows, and the bathroom has a sunken whirlpool tub. Ahhhh, the better to soak my tired neck and back after all that scrapping. Champagne again? Oh, well, sure, if you insist, but just 1 more teensy glass! Then it’s off to bed, lulled to sleep by the ocean sounds, and dreaming scrappy dreams.
The Rest of the Weekend
The remainder of the retreat couldn’t be more perfect. I have a blast chatting with my friends, catching up on everyone’s news (mayyyybe a little gossip thrown in for good measure), and getting 15 layouts done and several pocket pages,too. Lisa provides one amazing meal after another, all so rich and delicious but miraculously devoid of any calories or fat grams. When I get home, not only didn’t I gain weight but I LOST 5 pounds!
Throughout the weekend, we listen to all kinds of music depending on the mood we’re in – 80s, hip hop, country, spiritual, Top 40, you name it. We take walks on the beach, do a little shopping in the nearby town, watch movies, scrap late into the night, and sleep in as late as we want. No kids, no chores, nothing pulling our attention away from pure relaxation and fun.
Lisa is always there with an offer of the perfect beverage (like a breve’ latte’ just when we needed some scrapping energy), keeping the house tidy, and being such kind company. You can tell she truly loves her job and having us there is HER favorite thing in the world.
Although nobody wants to leave this amazing place, we all miss our families and are ready to go home. The hunky guys … shoot! I mean WE help each other pack up our cars. Then we thank Lisa for the most amazing scrapbook retreat EVAH!, say our goodbyes, and drive home, with one last glance at the beautiful sea in our rearview mirrors.
The Perfect Scrapbook Retreat
So that crazy tale was all about my dream retreat – if only it could come true! What are a few things your dream scrapbooking retreat would include? Have you ever been to one that was close to perfect? I’d love to hear about it!
PS: Save your crazy, awful, and unbelievable scrapbooking crop and retreat moments for another time. There’ll be a post soon where you can share those stories with us. Oooh, can’t wait!
The full course title is: “Simplify Your Scrapbook Space: Declutter and Organize So You Can Scrapbook Stress-Free.” Catchy, eh?
The Short Version
If you don’t have time to read this long post, let me cut to the chase for you: The class is on sale NOW. You should sign up NOW because there’s a group of us starting on Monday together (but it can be self-paced too). It’s only $39 for 8 weeks of content, encouragement and accountability in a Facebook secret group and the classroom message board, not to mention a shared Pinterest board, and lots of free bonuses! You can learn more HERE and sign up HERE.
The Long Version
Here’s My History. What’s Yours?
I’ve been scrapbooking since 2001. Since that time, my scrapbook space has become so overrun with supplies and clutter that I often dread spending time in there and I sadly don’t scrapbook at home very much. {I mostly scrapbook at crops and retreats}. Periodically, I spend a day or two putting away purchases, sorting through my piles (yeah, I’m a piler), and rejoicing over seeing my desktop again.
Yet 2 months later, I’m back in the exact same boat. My scrap desk is piled high, I can’t put my hands on that favorite supply I wanted to use, and I end up just walking out of my scrap space without doing much because I don’t want to deal with it yet AGAIN. Can you relate to this at all?
Proof of the Crazy That Was My Scrapbook Space
BEFORE photos of my desk and file cabinet … yuck :(
The Epiphany
After reading Marie Kondo’s ultra-popular book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, I had an epiphany: I’m ready for a change. I’m going to apply this home decluttering and organizing philosophy, which the author calls the KonMari Method, to my scrapbooking space. Would you like to join me?
A Different Concept
This class will be different from other scrapbook space organization classes. Instead of focusing on the smartest or coolest ways to organize and store your supplies, we’re going to focus on paring down what you have, mentally and physically clearing away all the scrapbook clutter that is blocking your creativity and causing stress, and only keeping those scrapbooking items that bring you joy. THEN we’ll talk about how to store everything.
A Scary Concept
Now I realize these thoughts are very scary for some. They sure are for me. Pare down? Clear away? Simplify? Does that mean I have to get rid of most of the supplies I love? NOPE. It just means that we’re going to be brutally honest with ourselves about what amount of scrapbook supplies we truly need, which ones “bring us joy” vs. which ones feel kind of heavy or obligatory, and what level of simplifying will allow us maximum creativity.
For example, I’ve been stubbornly holding on to MANY 12×12 postbound albums which take up most of my storage cubes. It’s crazy. I switched over to D-ring albums years ago and the likelihood that any of these albums will ever be used is very small. Why am I holding onto them? I’m letting them take up valuable closed storage space that could be better used for other supplies that are cluttering up my desktop – and making me feel too crowded to scrapbook there? I mean, come ON!
Deep Breaths!
Don’t worry. If you take my class, I’m not going to “make you” do anything you don’t want to do, PROMISE. I’m just going to give you ideas on how to simplify your stash, encouragement if you need it, and let you know that it’s okay to let go of things in your scrapbook space that aren’t bringing you joy and aren’t enhancing your creativity.
In the past, I’ve purged good amounts of stuff (for example, HERE and HERE) but I’ve come to the realization after all these years and all these attempts at organization that I’ve held on too tightly to too much. Not to mention that I keep buying cute new stuff while not purging or using equal amounts of it.
Months or years after a purge and organization attempt (which never seem to be completely finished because I get distracted before I’m truly done), there are items I’m still holding onto that, honestly, will probably never be used.
What if Someday Never Comes?
And you know what? That’s okay. What the Konmari method made me see is that I don’t have to feel guilty about letting go of things “because I spent good money on that” or because “I have a project I want to do with it” SOMEDAY. Yeah, always someday, right?
Another thing I’m okay with is just packing some things away for a while and revisiting them later. If there are supplies I’m not sure I’m ready to let go of, there’s no harm in putting them in a box in the attic or a closet and revisiting them in a year or so. Because in the meantime, I cleared some space! I made room for creativity! And that’s an awesome feeling.
I want you to have that feeling too. I want you to feel refreshed, unburdened, and free in your scrapbook space not dreading the chaos that currently exists. Maybe you’re already awesomely simplified and organized; if so, good for you! But if you feel like it’s time to make some changes in your level of supplies or just in how they’re organized, I hope you’ll join me for this class.
More About “Simplify Your Scrapbook Space”
The sales page is HERE and the purchase page is HERE. It’s only $39 for this beta class which will unfold over 8 weeks, no matter when you purchase it. (Only $5 a week?? Whaaaaat?) But if you want to roll along with a group of us doing the class together, please sign up by tonight – we’re starting THIS Monday 11/16/15! {Signing up any time after Monday is totally fine! You’ll receive the initial module right way and the following 7 modules week by week. You’ll have full access to the Facebook group, message board, Pinterest board, etc.}.
I plan to offer an expanded version of the class in January 2016. I know that the current time of year is tough for taking on a project. But if you can swing it, do the class with us now so you’re able to enjoy any holiday down-time or vacation days in your newly organized space :) Also, the price for the January class will be higher so now is the time to get in for less.
Whether you sign up for my class or not, I urge you to take a look around at your scrapbook space and REALLY examine if it’s serving you well. Does it contain only things that bring you joy? Does it allow space for making layouts, sorting photos, and using your die-cutting machine? Do you feel invited to enter your space or do you dread approaching it? If the answers to these questions aren’t positive ones, consider making a change, either now or in the new year so 2016 can be an amazing year of creativity for you!
It’s pretty fun working for Youngevity. They do giveaways almost daily on their Facebook page and lots of times all you have to do is Like or Share something.
I Love Free Stuff!
Last week, Michelle Wallach (the founder’s wife) offered up the brand new “Memory Keeping Idea Book Fall/Winter 2015” just for leaving a comment. Luckily, I got in under the wire and this is how I received it!
Not only was it in the pretty gossamer bag but it smelled delicious! I don’t know how she did that, LOL. And there was a cute card that said, “Thanks for your love & support for Youngevity!”
I wish I could post photos of this entire yummy catalog and idea book for you! It has all the fall and winter lines not only for Lisa Bearnson’s new “Anthology” line, but also for Youngevity’s existing scrapbooking lines called “Our Memories for Life” (paper) and “Heritage Makers” (digital).
Youngevity Memory Keeping Idea Book – Fall/Winter 2015
I couldn’t resist showing you all the sneaks into the November “Anthology” kits. I’m just a SQUEEEEE bit excited to see them!
*Note: This was a misprint. It’s actually the NOVEMBER Nifty Gifty kit :)
Aren’t all those layouts cute! I especially love the “HOME” one 2nd from the bottom. In fact, I like what I see so much that I canceled the October kits I had in my auto-ship (going out 10/25) and decided to replenish my Tangy Tangerine multi-vitamins and ASAP weight loss drops THIS month, so I could spend all my auto-ship budget on these November kits NEXT month. October = health, November = SCRAP!!
Other features of this idea book:
– Glossy color photos throughout. It’ll remind you of the good ol’ days of flipping through a scrapbook magazine
– Great ideas for layouts, home decor projects, gift ideas (Christmas is getting close!),etc.
– Clear explanations of how to create Heritage Makers projects, how to place orders, and how to be a consultant*, if that interests you :)
*Make sure to sign up under me (Erika Friday / 101433514) so I receive credit for referring you and you get to be on Team Lisa Bearnson!
If you’d like a paper copy of the idea book, I’m selling them.
They cost me $40 for 10 – or $4 each. Postage within the US will be $2-3, so $6-7 per copy. I wish I could afford to send you one for free but I just can’t, at least until my “Anthology” business is selling more.
Would you like one? Just $5 including postage (within continental US). If you then place an order through me (Erika Friday / 101433514) and let me know, I’ll refund your $5 via Paypal. (you have 60 days after your idea book purchase). Sound like a plan?
My Paypal is: erika(at)
Whether digital or paper, I hope you enjoy the “Youngevity Memory Keeping Idea Book”!
This weekend only (through 04-26-15), you can get free shipping on anything in the Scrap & Paper shop:
They carry scrapbook magazines, idea books, and supplies – some of which are on sale and clearance, too.
To give you an idea of what they have, here are a couple items I just purchased with the free shipping:
“Scrapbooking Boys & Men” regularly $14.99, now only $3.75
“Practical Solutions for Paper Crafters” regularly $14.99, now $3.74 (digital version $2.49)
I miss scrapbooking magazines SO much and at this price I’m getting idea books for even less than I used to pay for magazines. With FREE shipping. Sounds great to me!
I’ve ordered from Scrap & Paper shop before and I seem to remember they shipped pretty quickly. Can’t wait to get my happy mail!
Please let me know if you order anything; I’d love to hear :)
Okay, I’ve calmed down a little bit now and I’m breathing normally again, LOL. Yeah, a tad bit excited yesterday when I posted HERE and a couple other places about my new position. Oh my gosh, you guys, this post ended up being soooooo looooonnnnngggg. You know me, Miss Verbose! But it’s the weekend so I hope you have time to grab a Diet Coke and take a read :)
So my great news is that I’ve joined up as a direct seller under the Youngevity brand as of 03-25-15; my official title is Independent Marketing Director. I want to tell you how it all came about and what it means for me and for this blog. I also want to offer you the opportunity to join me, if you’re so inclined :)
As I said HERE, there’s been a lot going on behind the scenes. I’m going to write a post about that this weekend, too. I won’t be giving away any secrets yet but will talk about the “why” of it all.
In the midst of all this – actually ever since Memory Works closed in 2013 – I’ve been missing selling scrapbook supplies, interacting with customers, and making some extra money to fund my scrapbook shopping addiction … erm, habit. However, of the few scrapbook-related direct sales companies remaining that I looked into, none of them blew my dress up, so to speak.
I also looked into having my own online shop, either adding it onto this site or starting an Etsy shop. Which still may happen in some form, some day in the future.
Then out of the blue, I was contacted by a fellow scrapbooker named Kim who asked some questions about Scrapbook Obsession Blog. We got to chatting and she told me that it was still hush-hush but she’d been chosen to be on Lisa Bearnson’s direct selling team for a new venture Lisa was starting with Youngevity/Heritage Makers. This was because Kim had been very successful with Leaving Prints in the past.
Well, you know me, I’ve been a Lisa Bearnson fan since Day One. I read her Creating Keepsakes magazine cover to cover every single month it was published. I took vacation days from work to watch Lisa and David on QVC Scrapbooking, and now I watch her on HSN Scrapbooking. I even had the pleasure of spending a week with her on a scrapbooking cruise in the Mediterranean years ago. The interactions I, my mom, and my friend had with her that week made me an even more loyal fan and admirer. Not only was she extremely kind and caring but a great teacher and patient organizer.
In 2007, I started my own transcribing and virtual assistant business around the same time I started with Memory Works. Becoming a business owner and a consultant only increased my admiration for women like Lisa Bearnson. There are so many moving parts, lots of missed sleep and deadlines and financial worry. She makes it look so easy – which is what I need in a mentor, right? But above all her business success, I’ve always seen that family and faith are her priorities. They’re what inspire her scrapbooking and it’s just another thing I love about Lisa because those are my life priorities, too.
So, all that to say, once my new friend Kim said that Lisa Bearnson was involved in this venture, I said, “I’m in!” even before I knew if I was ALLOWED in, LOL. And when she invited me to be a part of her team – I thought about it, looked into it, talked to DH about it, prayed on it – and said YES PLEASE!
As I found out, there are 2 options to join. For $10, you can be a Consultant with discounted purchasing for yourself and the ability to sell to others. I would consider it to be the so-called “hobbyist” option. And for only $10 (lifetime!), I can’t see any reason why we ALL wouldn’t join. I love me a no-brainer :) You could easily save $10 on your first order, I’m sure.
The other option is awesome but MUCH harder to decide on because it costs $500 to join at the CEO level. You get $500 in publishing points to spend on custom Heritage Maker products, traditional scrapbooking products, or other Youngevity products – your choice. (Mineral make-up, K-cups, essential oils … ruh roh, I may be in twuble here …). Or you can hold onto those points until late summer 2015 and use them to buy Lisa Bearnson’s “Anthology” products – which is what I’ll probably do.
So $500 a LOT of money to me and, I’m sure, to most people. I actually had that amount set aside from our tax return for something else. But, like I said, I thought and prayed and talked it over with my husband. I didn’t really need much convincing about the huge opportunity here. In the end, I couldn’t NOT sign up. Lisa Bearnson is not only creating new products that I know I and many others will want to buy; I want those for 30% off and I believe they’ll even be available on an auto-ship. Lisa says, “It will be a collection of fresh, fashion-forward designs founded on the principle that quality scrapbooking and memory keeping does not have to be difficult.”
This is all NEW but my understanding is that Lisa will be referring scrapbookers who express interest on her website down to us CEOs and Consultants. Hello?!? That’s amazing! I was curious just HOW popular her website is so I went to For an example, Scrapbook Obsession Blog shows 951,266 rank in the US. shows rank 365,074. Her bounce rate is 43% whereas mine is 86%. This means that most people come to my site and leave quickly (“the Pinterest effect”, lol) while at hers they stay and read. In other words, Lisa has an engaged audience and that is SO important! It’s what I strive for.
You may hear from Lisa haters once in a while but there are many, many more scrappers who respect her and are interested in what she offers and sells. So I have ZERO doubt that being a downline from her will lead to success. I have a goal to make back my $500 investment by the end of 2015 and I’m confident I’ll do that. (Although technically, it’s not even an investment since I get business supplies AND $500 to spend on products).
Now, don’t let all this scare you away. This is an MLM (multi-level marketing) business and Lordy do I know that some people become MLM’ers and become highly annoying – constantly barraging their family, friends, and acquaintances on Facebook and in person with their latest “amazing offer!” and “great deal!” and “you MUST try this!”.
Don’t worry, this blog won’t become a constant blast of Youngevity / Heritage Makers / Anthology posts. I expect the number of posts to be about the same amount as I did with Memory Works which I don’t think was too bothersome, was it? I always always always try to start blog post titles with the TOPIC so if it’s not your bag, you can keep on movin’, sister! I’ll continue doing that so you can just ignore the posts if they bug you. I’m also planning to start a mailing list specifically for people on my team who join Youngevity under me and those interested but not sure – to share information – but JUST to those who’ve expressed interest. Sound good?
I signed up as a Youngevity CEO just a few days ago and there’s still much to learn. They’re a HUGE company with lots of arms, just 2 of which are scrapbook-related. Here is the structure, as I’ve figured it out so far:
Here’s the structure of people:
Youngevity – the Wallach family
Co-creator of Heritage Makers and Lisa’s Team Trainer – Wendy McGee
Creator of Anthology and Heritage Makers Brand Ambassador – Lisa Bearnson (eeee! she already has Anthology and Team Lisa links on her site!)
Under Lisa/Wendy, there are 2 downlines and then me :) If you’d like to join in – and I’d absolutely LOVE to have you – you’d be my downline. Just make sure to contact me and to sign up through my website so I get credit and you’re assigned to my team.
Even though I had a little heads up about Lisa Bearnson’s new venture, I had to keep quiet about it online until it was officially announced at the Youngevity conference in California this week. Then it was official and we could jabber about it, as of yesterday! There are 2 private Facebook groups to get up-to-the-minute information, including a new one for Team Lisa Bearnson. If you join up, we’ll get you added to those groups if you’d like.
Here’s the video they showed at the conference along with some photos:
Tip: Have a tissue handy. Sniffle.
That’s Wendy McGee on the left, Lisa Bearnson, and Jana Eubank on the right. Now there’s another name you might recognize from the scrapbooking industry! Check out her amazing resume HERE.
Lisa speaking at the conference
Did you know Rhonda Anderson, co-founder of Creative Memories, is also part of Heritage Makers? Which reminds me – I haven’t even told you much about the products yet! Tons of fun digital stuff that I need to learn about like photo books, business cards, gift items, etc. The current selection of paper scrapbooking products isn’t huge but it has a Creative Memories feel to it including their great albums, page refills, and tools – like my favorite, the Multi-Purpose Tool. I frantically searched for and bought one of these from out of state when CM went out of business because the tip of my original one from 2001 (!) broke – when it was used by someone who shall remain nameless (husband!) to unscrew something. I was afraid to be without one forever. Only $6 with Heritage Makers, whoo hoo!
Logos for Anthology consultants to use; you’ll be seeing these on my blog and social media soon :) They’re so cute. And now the recent redesign of Lisa’s blog makes TOTAL sense! Ohhhhh …..
Well, clearly I should’ve broken this up into about 20 entries because it’s so ding-dang long! Oh well. I want all the information in one place so there ya’ go, ha!
IN SUMMARY (Jeez, finally!)
If you want to join my team (Lisa’s team), the best thing to do is e-mail me. I’ll put you on my mailing list and send you information and links so you can learn more. I want you to feel totally comfortable, whether you’re spending $10 or $500. You can get off the mailing list at any time; just let me know. I’m happy to answer questions 24/7. You can call me, too :) Just leave a voice mail and I’ll call you back.
** Oops! Correction to the signup instructions (03-29-15) **
If you’re ready to sign up, please follow these instructions:
Go to my Youngevity website:
Click on “Join” in the upper right-hand corner.
Then click on “Distributor.”
Next, you will see a selection of kits that you can choose from.
To sign up as an Independent Marketing Director (CEO): You may choose from any of the CEO kits. I chose the Heritage Makers CEO kit and received some business materials. I’m saving my points for now.
To sign up as a Preferred Customer: Scroll all the way to the bottom and choose the “New Associate Adventure Pack.” You can upgrade at any time to CEO.
Sorry again for the super duper long post – but you know how I am ;) Hope to hear from you soon!
I do mostly pocket-page scrapbooking these days a la PROJECT LIFE so I’d love to get both of these magazines. Wish I had $30 lying around, LOL. Remember the “old days” of scrapbooking magazines coming in the mail and curling up on the couch with a cup of coffee or tea, just immersing yourself in the ideas and pretty pictures? Ah, the good times . . .
Although not able to get these magazines myself, I can give a good review for Scrap & Paper Shop. About 6 months ago, I bought THIS older Lisa Bearnson book from them called “50 Moments.” They had the best price by far anywhere online, the shipping was very reasonable, and it arrived quickly.
I hope if you’re a pocket-page scrapper like me, or just curious about it, you’re able to check out these cool mags :)
HERE is a new special issue from Papercrafts Scrapbooking I thought you might be interested in:
What caught my interest – and you’ll only remember this if you’re a long-time scrapbooker – is that I wondered if it was anything like my favorite scrapbooking idea book of all time: “EASY PATTERNS FOR SCRAPBOOKING”.
Yes, the date on that blog entry is April 2007!
I’ve used that book SO many times over the years, it’s the only one I’ve actually worn out. The idea goes along with my favorite online scrapbook class ever, “THE PERFECT COLLECTION” by Shimelle Laine. The basic idea of both is starting with a fixed set or collection of papers and cardstock, then cutting them according to patterns before assembling your pages.
I have such a hard time these days paying $15 for idea books that are essentially the thickness of what $6 scrapbooking magazines used to be. I mean, I get it. They don’t have as many ads, the industry is not great right now and they have make money, etc. But it’s still hard, LOL! Especially not knowing what exactly it entails. Here’s the description:
Save time, money, and effort using these fun formulas with an economical array of supplies. Starting with supply lists, cutting diagrams and sketches, you’ll see how to create layouts, cards, tags and even a gift bag with just a few sheets of cardstock, some embellishments, and a fiber or two. You’ll find tips to “step up” the patterns by adding a tool, stamp set, or technique, plus examples that show the versatility of each one no matter what theme, age or gender interests you. Jump into this clever and practical way to use patterns in your paper crafting today!
I also wish it was JUST scrapbooking and not papercrafts, cards, etc. {Hey, did fibers come back and I didn’t get the memo?!?! Shooks, I gave all of mine away}.
I figured, well, I’ll just get the DIGITAL ISSUE. Well, uh, NO! It’s the same price – $15. Sheesh. I don’t pay hardcover price for a Kindle book and I’m not paying hard copy magazine price for a digital version either. Oh well.
If anyone gets this idea book:
1. Come give us a review or link to one on your blog, please!
2. Can I buy it from ya’ when you’re done? Heh heh.
As a scrap mag ho, I’ve been in serious withdrawal with the demise of most of the hard-copy scrapbooking magazines.
{Darn economy! Stupid Pinterest! Lame-o digital scrapbooking! LOL}
So I was very happy to discover a new online scrapbook magazine called “LIFE. PAPER. SCRAPBOOK.” It’s from those fab Aussies but features scrapbookers from all over the world.
I know, I know. You can thank me later. {I love Starbucks gift cards, Pashmina scarves, and turkey jerkey, in that order}.
Here is what they’re about, from the LPS website:
Life. Paper. Scrapbook is an Australian quarterly, online publication that is dedicated to showcasing designers from all around the world to inspire each other, explore current trends and techniques and most importantly to celebrate our love of scrapbooking and paper crafts. This is a place to share our style, designs and creations with like minded crafters from around the world.
“Life.Paper.Scrapbook” has it all, including:
New products
Mini albums
Traditional layouts
Info about featured scrappers
Project Life layouts (yeah!)
Just a few ads
and a simple yet lovely layout
What’s not to love? The first issue was 100 pages of pure yumminess. Next issue is scheduled for June 2013, with project submissions due by 05-31-13. Tick tock, get on that, would ya’? I expect to see some of my own peeps in there next time, mmm kay?
So go sit in the bath with your iPad and get all wrinkly while you check out this great new addition to your life.
As a scrapbook consultant for the best company on earth ~ MEMORY WORKS ~ this is one of my favorite times of year . . . when a new catalog comes out. Without further ado . . .
Click on the link and it will take you to a gorgeous color .pdf version of the Spring/Summer 2013 catalog. {Because of all the graphics, it can take a while to load}.
So grab your beverage of choice, get comfy, take your time, and savor all the scrapbooking goodness . . . ahhhhhh . . .
If nothing else, you have to click over and see the the cover – could it BE any cuter? I don’t think so.
In case you’re not familiar with Memory Works, we carry all the popular scrapbooking brands including:
Simple Stories and Sn@p!
In fact, the owners of Memory Works own these two lines as well ;)
If you’re a project lifer or pocket page scrapper like me, you can see the new line of Sn@p 6×8 and 12×12 leather albums and divided protectors with tons of options. Those items are brand new, due for release in late April/early May 2013.
Other brands are Basic Grey, My Minds Eye, Studio Calico, American Crafts/Dear Lizzy and Amy Tan, Lily Bee, Echo Park, and lots more.
MW also carries products like flowers, mists and masks, a washi tape dispenser, the popular WRMK envelope maker, bling, shadow boxes, adhesives, cardstock, and YES wood veneers! {<- my most recent obsession}
My shopping cart already holds the Sn@p 6×8 calendar pages, Carta Bella ‘So Noted’ line, and Echo Park ‘Perfect Summer’.
{I would have said Simple Stories ‘Urban Traveler’ and ‘Vintage Bliss’ but I already own much of those lines, lol!}
I hope you enjoy the new catalog! Please tell me what your favorite items are :) Most of these items are in stock HERE if you’re ready to shop or would like to see bigger photos.
PS: Pssst! If you look at the catalog and see pages 14 and 15, you’re going to get some VERY GOOD NEWS!! Check it, chica!
I got an e-mail today from saying they had a 1-Day Only sale with up to 50% off some scrapbook supplies. I wasn’t looking for anything in particular but somehow came across “Sketches for Scrapbooking, Volume 8” by SCRAPBOOK GENERATION and remembered I want it!
I have “Sketches for Scrapbooking”, volumes 1-7 and one of the cardmaking ones. The 2 that I currently want are Volume 8 and the Travel one. I couldn’t find the travel one at JOANN.COM, though :)
Before I pulled the trigger, I did a little bit of price comparing because I had seen recently on a 2Peas post that these books were found for a good price on OVERSTOCK.COM. However, the 2 volumes I want were listed for almost full price there.
Then I looked on Scrapbook Generations’ own site to see what it would cost to get Volume 8 from them.
Scrapbook Generation: $16 plus $2 for shipping (if added to my monthly kit shipment) = $18 $16 at 50% off = $8 plus $6 shipping = $14
So I went with the deal. Plus I got some scissors I’ve been needing to replace (because my lovely husband used them for something outside and never brought them back … love that man!)
I’ve had these scissors since I started scrapbooking 11 years ago and love them. They are the BEST for fussy cutting. The Fiskars scissors were $16 on sale for $11 and added $1 to the shipping.
So I got both items for $27 total.
Me = Happy Camper
What is your favorite scrapbook-related purchase or best deal lately?
As you may have heard me complain about before {ahem}, I live near very little scrapbook shopping. Within 1 hour of me, there is a MICHAELS and then whatever I can find once in a while at TUESDAY MORNING, TARGET, WALMART, and ROSS. The best scrapbook shopping I have is a BEVERLY’s CRAFTS 40 minutes away so I get there about once a month if I’m lucky. I did recently find a new little LSS about an hour away so that’s cool at least but, again, only a once-in-a-while thing.
What I’m tryin’ to tell ya’ is that I’m scrappy shopping deprived, people!! {Which is one of the reasons I become a MEMORY WORKS consultant several years ago, when we went from 7 LSS’s within an hour down to one and then NONE}.
So when I was recently out of town ~ a town with a Joann’s ~ pardon me for being a bit twitterpated about it ;) On the scrapbook message boards and from friends in other states, I hear about Joann’s this and Joann’s that. I’ve been to a Joann’s on various other trips and always found that a decent amount of scrapbook papers and embellishments had jumped into my cart and forced me to buy them.
I’m also familiar with JOANN.COM and occasionally shop online in that huge-amous store. They have coupons!!! Yeah, I like me some + coupons. I have snapped up some OCTOBER AFTERNOON collection packs for 40% off and plenty o’ WRMK12×12 D-ring albums for 1/2 off and free shipping. I mean, it just don’t get much better than that.
But I have to say my recent trip to the brick-and-mortar Joann’s was quite, quite disappointing :(
There were 4 kinda’ short aisles of scrapbooking stuff. Most of it I’ve already seen at Michaels. Or it’s already been in my stash. For years. Okay, maybe not YEARS but, like, for a WHILE. Jeez.
All the open stock 12×12 papers were boring and/or old. The paper pads were meh, nothing from any of the popular brands I like, nothing stark-raving new. It was all so boring, I can’t even really remember what there was.
The only thing I was even tempted to buy was an issue of ARTFUL BLOGGING because it had a feature on scrapbooker REBECCA COOPER, who I’ve always liked.
But I didn’t because at that point I was in “man, I’m so disappointed in this store so you can bite me” mode. {Sorry, I get that way sometimes … when you get me all built up and then dash my hopes}. Joann, can we talk?!?! If your scrapbooking section is going to be THAT lame, why even have one? Just let it go and get some more BEADS or something, mmm kay??? I might as well have been at Walmart 15 minutes and one less tank of gas from my house.
So I left Joann’s empty-frickin’-handed. Totally harshed my mellow, dude.
A Fond Farewell
by Michelle Rubin
May 9, 2012 at 10:00 a.m.
Meredith Corporation has made the difficult decision to close Scrapbooks etc. effective with the August 2012 issue. Scrapbooks etc. has been the longtime brand leader within the scrapbooking industry, but due to the longer term business forecast for the franchise and the industry, the corporation has chosen to cease publishing within this marketplace.
The August 2012 issue, with an on-sale date of June 19, will be released on schedule to our 350,000 subscribers and newsstand buyers through the scheduled off-sale date of August 14, 2012. The website will support the print issue throughout this time period as well.
Meredith Corporation continues our strong support of the crafts industry with our Holiday Crafts titles and our newest addition, Make it Yourself, launching in October 2012. And of course we will continue to serve the growing quilting industry with our multiple quilting titles and website,
For questions regarding your subscription, please e-mail If you’d like to purchase past issues for use on a mobile device, go to
On a personal note from the editorial staff, we are grateful for your support through the years. We could not have asked for better readers, and we have loved seeing your scrapbook pages and craft projects in our inboxes, on our website, and on our Facebook page. You inspired us in our mission to give you the ideas and information you wanted to preserve your memories and express yourselves creatively, and we hope that we in turn inspired you to create great pages and projects.
We’ll be posting here on the blog for a few more weeks as the August issue hits newsstands. And look for a post celebrating some of our favorite projects through the years.
Well, wow.
I can say that I’ve seen this coming for quite a while but that doesn’t make the news any easier to take, does it? It’s just sad :(
I’m sad for them and I’m sad for us. I’m sad that a scrapbooking magazine can no longer make it in today’s market. Remember when there were, what, 5 of them going strong? Man, those were the days.
I wasn’t happy when Scrapbooks Etc. started focusing more on the “Etc.” part of their title by including other papercrafting and craft projects. It didn’t stop me from buying it but I stopped enjoying it as much. But I guess it was an effort to stay alive, huh?
I have heard much criticism of the magazine since they made that change. I wonder if they had stayed focused on just scrapbooking, if the end result would’ve been any different? I guess we’ll never know.
The last issue will be August 2012 (on sale 06-19-12) so keep an eye out for that. For those of us who’ve subscribed, I wonder what will happen to our unfulfilled issues?
HERE is where the Peas are talking about it. What are your thoughts on the end of Scrapbooks Etc. magazine? Is this all because of the bad economy, the surge in social media like Pinterest and blogs, a bad magazine, or what? Would love to hear your thoughts.
I made it clear right in the title. Don’t want to cause any panty bunching or Diet Coke inhalation ;) I got yo’ back, homes.
Check out THIS THREAD on 2peas. Apparently, posters who had subscribed to Scrapbooks, Etc. through* recently got this e-mail.
Dear (Subscriber),
Your order for Scrapbooks ETC has been canceled (Order #——- on 02/15/2012).
Cancellation reason: The magazine has ceased publication.
Refund Amount: $10.00
Please allow 5 business days for refund to return to your account.
We’re sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reply to this e-mail.
Customer Care
Disc0unt Mags.c0m
* No, I’m not going to give them the privilege of a link because that is a reeeeeeealy bonehead move. Do *NOT* mess around about a scrapbooking magazine being shut down. We don’t take too kindly to that kind of thing. And we bear scissors. And cutters, trimmers, piercers, and punches. Yeah, I said PUNCHES. Be skerred. Be very skerred.
K, so … it turns out the e-mail was incorrect. If you scroll down on page 1 of the thread, you’ll see this:
Hey, Peas! Michelle Rubin from Scrapbooks etc. here. We are still in publication! In fact we’re busy working away on our June issue. We’re checking into this e-mail, though. So it’s business as usual. Please feel free to renew your subscription!
Michelle Rubin
Scrapbooks etc.
First of all, that’s what I love about 2peas message board. You have a scrapbooking question or concern, you post about it, and you get answers – often right from the source.
Secondly, SO glad SCRAPBOOKS ETC. isn’t ceasing publication, and that Michelle took the time to come and squelch the rumors. It sounds like she had a little convo with the discount maggers because further down in the thread, a Pea posted this:
I just received a follow up email with an apology for saying that Scrapbooks, Etc. was ceasing publication. It just said that they were not offering the publication through their service.
Duh. That’s a pretty major difference, Discount Magazine People. I mean, really??? So now my scrappy heart can start beating again. Since the beginning, I’ve gotten Scrapbooks Etc. {because I’m a SB magazine ho, and I don’t mind their change in format as much AS I THOUGHT I WOULD}.
Until recently, I bought it off the newsstand but then a cute kid with a magazine fundraiser wouldn’t leave me alone and I subscribed. {“Who are these little people and why do they keep calling me ‘mom’?”}.
Just today I was considering whether to re-up even though my subscription goes through August. But honestly (and kinda’ related to this), I decided not to because of all the scrapbook magazines that have stopped publishing … and I don’t want to be left holding the bag. Yeah, I have *that* much confidence in today’s scrapbook magazine industry. Color me jaded.
Anyway, glad to hear SBE is planning to continue. They and CREATING KEEPSAKES are the only scrapbook magazines I still buy. Isn’t it crazy how many there used to be and now there’s TWO? Times have sure changed :(
Oh! Gotta’ go! Someone is knocking at the door. Better not be one of those cute magazine fundraiser kids. I. will. not. cave. Wish me luck!
ETA later the same night: Well, shukes! I can’t even be righteously indignant toward the Discount Maggers that sent out the erroneous info. Check out this contrite e-mail they’re now sending their customers:
We are writing to you today, to apologize for incorrectly stating in a previous e-mail that Scrapbooks ETC will be ceasing publication. We are unable to fulfill your subscription because this magazine is no longer available through our website. A full refund back to your original payment method has already been promptly processed. In offering this deal, it was certainly our intention to complete all orders.
Clearly, we did not meet your, or our own, expectations for the excellent service you deserve from us. Please be assured that we will take this opportunity to conduct a comprehensive review of our entire process in offering this deal, so this situation does not happen again. We have enclosed a code for $5 off your next purchase, in the hopes you will shop with us again and see that we are committed to doing better.
Gift Certificate: (a big long number)
Again, please accept our most sincere apology.
Sincerely, Customer Service Team
It’s not even fun to be mad when someone apologizes like that, huh? Good on ya’, Disc0untMags.c0m!
Hey peeps, long time, no talk. Well, I hope you’re fittin’ to get sick of me because I’m about to take on ~ and blog about ~ a big project. I’m writing it down here so I don’t back out AGAIN with the “I’m too busy” or “I don’t have time” or “I don’t have the space” excuses.
Can I get a witness!?!?!
This is a WAY long time coming. OMG, just WAIT until you see the before photos! You’re going to fuh-reak when you see what a pigsty I’ve been working in. And by “work” I mean do bills, play on the computer, and do my home transcription biz.
I do NOT, however, mean scrapbooking. Because that particular activity hasn’t taken place here in quite a damn while. {When you see the BEFORE pictures, you’ll see why}.
Did you know it’s impossible to scrap on top of piles? Yeppers, I’m a “piler.” That means that instead of putting things away right when I get them, I just pile them on my desk, the floor, the couch, whatever blank spot I can find. It’s like I think the Pile Clearing Fairies are going to come when I’m sleeping and put it all away for me. {Hey, if there’s a Scrap Santa, I don’t see why there can’t be Pile Clearing Fairies!}.
Here are the things that tend to end up on piles in my scrapbook room/home office:
New scrapbook supplies – because who am I kidding? that goes at the top of the list
Memorabilia – because apparently I have to save every. stinkin. thing.
School and work papers – “until I have time to go through them” … um, yeah, right …
Scrapbook magazines and catalogs
Receipts – because you *know* as soon as I trash a receipt, I’ll need to return one of the items on it
Like I said, I’ve wanted/planned to do this for a long time but HERE is the 2peas thread that’s motivating me to finally do it. Well, that thread plus the fact that I’m tired of stubbing my toes in my scrap room and I’m REALLY tired of not being able to scrapbook at home (crops are the only things that have kept me sane).
According to the scrapbook-organizing Peas, you can either attack your room’s “hot spots” or you can “go for broke.” Going for broke means emptying most everything out of your scrap space, getting it sorted and purged, and only putting back what you’ll use. I’ve been doing the Hot Spot deal for years and, honey pie, it ain’t workin’. Time to Go For Broke, I say.
I have three days off from work starting today ~ although I have some transcription work to do, plus all the “mom” stuff like entertaining kids on summer break, making meals, laundry, etc. Oh, I have a question: How many frozen pizzas do you think a family can (be forced to) eat before they stop speaking to you? Hmmm … then again, if it’s quiet around here, I can get this done faster ;)
So there’s that old saying, “Good things come to those who wait.” It came to mind when I was thinking about the fact that the new Memory Works catalog is now available. But because I can’t do anything the normal or expected way ~ and because I like to make you smile ~ I had to introduce our new catalog with this quote instead:
The things that come to those that wait … may be the things left by those that got there first.
If you watch AMERICAN IDOL religiously like I do, I’ll bet you can give a guess who said that friggin’ doozy. Yep, Mr. STEVEN TYLER! The man is full of these funny comments and sayings that have me wondering if he’s drunk or just plain cray-cray. Which I really don’t care, since his voice absolutely rocks and he’s a doll to all the contestants.
I mean, what’s wrong with a little crazy/drunk on national television, right? Never hurt nobody. Welllll, I take that back. There was the little matter of Chris Brown and the BROKEN WINDOW … but I digress.
But back to my initial point: THE NEW MEMORY WORKS CATALOG IS AVAILABLE!
You’ll find the entire Memory Works product line inside, which features a sampling of the latest-and-greatest supplies in the industry showcased in this striking, full-color, 48-page catalog! Customers will appreciate it as an invaluable scrapbook resource.
New Simple Stories
New 7 Gypsies
New BasicGrey
New BoBunny
New Cosmo Cricket
New Crate Paper
New Creative Imaginations
New Echo Park
New Fancy Pants
New Jillibean Soup
New K & Company
New Lily Bee Designs
New My Minds Eye
New October Afternoon
New Pink Paislee
New Teresa Collins
New Three Bugs
New Tim Holtz
New Stamp Essentials
New Design Essentials
New Ink & Mist Essentials
New Adhesives
New Crop Tools
New Cardstock
It’s taking all the strength I have not to place my order right now for a pack or two of these catalogs (or as we oh-so-professional consultants like to call them, “catties” :). As much as I love to look at all our new items ONLINE, I’m an old-fashioned girl who likes to hold a paper catalog in my scrappy little hands.
However, I’m restraining myself from placing my catalog order because if I can wait a mere 5 more days (until April 25), I can order THIS at the same time … HOLLAH!
It’s the new SIMPLE STORIES “100 Days of Summer” line that I’ve been waiting for since BACK HERE.
I can see on my MW website that not only will we carry the “100 Days of Summer” Collection Pack, Designer Cardstock Pack, Signature Elements, Flash Cards, Fundamentals Stickers, and Expression Stickers (click on BACK HERE above to see pics/prices for all of these items) …
As always, feel free to leave comments here or e-mail about anything Memory Works – the new catalog, 100 Days of Summer, or any of our other FABU products … scrapbookobsession(at)gmail(dot)com.
I leave you today with another Steven Tyler bon mot:
Well hellfire, save matches, (bleep!) a duck, and see what hatches.
(Oh man, I am SO going to lose customers by posting that, aren’t I? …. )
Okay, so that wasn’t a magazine you were expecting, huh? Whoever would’ve thought I’d be mentioned in an article in “Hobby Farm Home” magazine, right? Not me. But here is how they describe the HFH mag on Hobby Farms website:
Hobby Farm Home
The editors of Hobby Farms also produce Hobby Farm Home, the home magazine for those truly living in the country. Hobby Farm Home highlights farmhouse activities such as cooking, crafting, collecting, pet care and home arts and skills.
See? Crafting. That’s us. Scrappers are crafters!
I answered some questions for the writer back in September 2010 and never heard anything more of it. I was just going to contact MONETTE to ask if her article was accepted. Then I was in Walmart one day looking for the latest CREATING KEEPSAKES and SCRAPBOOKS ETC and there was Hobby Farm Home magazine! I flipped through it to see if the article might be in there and had the most surreal experience … there was my name at the top of page 66. Holy mother of … WTH?
I called my mom right from the magazine aisle. I bought all three copies they had, which made the checkout lady wonder, LOL. I told her I was mentioned in an article and she was giddy with me :) Even though she had NO idea what I was talking about … Scrapbooking your farm? Mmmm-kay …
There was one little bit of confusion printed but that’s okay. Just for fun … whoever spots it first and leaves a comment here, I’ll send you a $5 Starbucks card (or Target card? if you don’t like coffee, tea, sweets, or smoothies … hee).
I hope I don’t sound like I’m bragging. I actually found this out 2 or 3 weeks ago but was too bashful to say anything. But I’m still excited and can’t contain myself. This is NOT the kind of thing that happens to me! So it was extra-special and fun. Thanks for letting me share.
I found this via Creating Keepsakes Editorial on TWITTER (@CKeditorial). They linked to THIS article on Nate Berkus’ WEBSITE about how to make a “memory book,” or what we Scrapbook Obsessed would call a “scrapbook.” ;)
I have to say, when I go to read something about scrapbooking by a non-scrapbooker, I prepare myself to cringe. On time, there was an article similar to this memory book one in our local paper. They talked about things like using newspaper clippings, paper trimmings, and other random craft supplies on your pages with no mention of Archival Mist, acid-free, or the like. ACK! Scrapper Alert! Must. Say. Something.
Yes, I was so “upset” about it that I wrote a letter to the editor explaining the oh-so-propuh way to scrapbook items like that so that they don’t yellow with age, infect your pages/photos with acid, etc. Yeah, I’m a scrap geek like that. And proud of it! LOL
Anyway, I was fully prepared to cringe at an interior designer’s take on scrapbooking, much as I’ve been shocked at some of the things MARTHA STEWART has suggested in the scrapbook segments on her show. I’m glad to report there was no need to worry … Nate “Cutie Pie” Berkus got it right, as far as I can see.
He talks about scanning your photos and items (although I missed any mention of scanning them onto acid free paper or acid-free in general, right?), and recommends a binder ring over a spiral bound scrapbook, which I also agree with … and he (or whoever wrote the article) articulates the reasons very well. I’m a postbound/SNAPLOAD scrapper for the most part, so I’m not sure why those weren’t mentioned but, hey, it was a concise article with the major points covered, not a doctoral presentation on the matter, so that’s forgiven.
Anyhoo, it was nice as always to see any mention of scrapbooking in the wider media and to have Cutie Pie Berkus – who is one hot tamale right now, if you didn’t know – is a special bonus. Great job, Nate!
These were the last 3 sets and I actually liked them all. Yes, the teal ones have come unstuck and are falling off the sheet but that’s okay. I run most of my Thickers through my Xyron “X” anyway. The chipboard and vinyl ones are notoriously un-sticky in the long-term.
On the left are “Paper Crush” by COLORBOK journaling stickers. You get 6 stax with 12 sheets per stack. I thought these would be really cute on school pages.
On the right are 2 sets of Sticky Alphas by Colorbok. These 3 things sold together for $3.99 … great price!
Here’s a Scrapbook Paper Kit by HEIDI SWAPP. The line is called “Street Smarts” and has some really cool-looking papers … think skater dude, sports dude, cool dude … that kind of thing :) The papers are cardstock-thick, double-sided, and you get 20 of them. The retail price was $19.99; got it for $3.99.
The 2 sets of chipboard letters were only $2.99. I was so glad to find these again. I’ve used the black and white set a couple of times and need more! They look really striking on a page. The stack of notepads are going to great use on my desk. The 3-pack of American Crafts Flair was a great deal at $3.99. The Dear Lizzy one is my favorite.
Do you see anything wrong with this picture? Specifically, the price tag? Yes, there is just one epoxy embellishment there, and while the price of $1.99 could seem reasonable, I still thought it was mis-priced. The retail price shows as $8.99. Um, yeah. I showed it to the cashier when I checked out. It took me a few times explaining it before she would believe me, but 1 pack of epoxy stickers, no matter how stinkin’ cute, would not sell for $8.99 retail. Unless they were made of crushed diamonds or something. I think they were meant to be bundled in packs of 2 or 3. I don’t know if they really fixed them but, hey, I did my civic duty, right?
In case anyone is in the market for a Cub Scouts 12×12 album, Tuesday Morning has ’em!
They also had a lot of paper packs by the likes of AMERICAN CRAFTS. However, they were the 25 sheets of the same paper kind so I didn’t get any. But for those of you who do classes, kits, etc., this is a great deal.
Tuesday Morning also had the Making Memories “Hulabulu” packs, and lots of 12×12 postbound albums … I just didn’t get photos.
I got some books at BARNES and NOBLE. The one you might be interested in is on the top … “Tragic Magic” by LAURA CHILDS. She writes a series of scrapbooking murder mysteries set in the Big Easy that I really enjoy. Been waiting to see this one in paperback since I don’t usually “do” hardcovers.
I got these three older issues (April, May, and June 2010) of Scrapbook Trends magazines online recently. They were having a clearance sale for $5 an issue. I think these sell new for $15 each so I was happy to find the sale. It’s true what they say … these are more like idea books that magazines so well worth the dough.
These were from a message board “for sale” section. I love it when people clean out their scrap rooms and sell stuff I want for dirt cheap, LOL! I got collection packs of Basic Grey “Black Tie” for $5, Scenic Route “Background” for $6, and she only charged me $4 shipping. AND threw in some Anna Griffin border stickers for free. Awesome blossom!
These are the bling stickers from Michaels I mentioned in a PAST POST. Purdy, huh? You get 2 layers worth.
I had a 40% off coupon and was going to use it on the Making Memories storage jars (I’m re-doing my ribbon organization), but when I got the check-out, she told me they were on sale for 40% off. So the coupon went to one of the Basic Grey “Jovial” items. Then some Tiny Type alpha stickers that I can’t seem to get enough of. I guess you know what I’m using to scrap Christmas in this year, eh? Love these colors …
Come to find out, I should’ve gotten another set of the jars. After getting my ribbon sorted, I realized I need 3 more and I can’t find them at Michaels anymore. Shukes.
Have you heard of Studio 112? It’s a new line of scrappy stuff I’ve been seeing around. Here are the pretty lasercut papers they had.
Yep, every single thing was only 99 cents.
Bling, flowers, all kinds of embellishments …
Even some borders …
I dunno’, it wasn’t really my style. Some of the lasercut papers were pretty but nothing really blew my dress up. To each their own … maybe you’ll love it. At that price, you should at least check it out! M’kay?