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Archivers Asks for Holiday Customer Support – What Do You Think?

ARCHIVER’S scrapbooking chain sent out this e-mail recently. I’m not on their mailing list so I copied it from a posting online; I apologize for the lovely ‘chopped up’ quality :)

I’m on the West Coast and have never been to an Archiver’s, altough shopping there is on my Scrapbook Bucket List :) I’m rarely even in an LSS anymore – all of mine closed years ago – so the thought of being in a scrapbooking warehouse of sorts is pretty exciting! Alas, I’ll have to cross 2 large states to reach the closest one!

Archiver’s Locations:

But when added to their BANKRUPTCY NEWS from the recent past {where the irony of them shafting some of those small manufacturers they now propose to support has been mentioned} and now this e-mail, it’s starting to feel like another thing I’ll have to remove from the Bucket List as impossible {like seeing The Oprah Show in person, boo hoo}. In other words, I have to wonder: Will Archiver’s even be around by the time I can travel to one?

The message boards are blazing with reaction to the above Archiver’s e-mail. Here’s the gist of some of the comments, both good and bad:

– Archiver’s is clearly NOT a small business and trying to cast themselves as part of Small Business Saturday was tacky and unwarranted. While they ARE a small chain {33 stores} in comparison to big boxes MICHAELS {1000+ stores} and HOBBY LOBBY {800+ stores}, they do not meet the definition of a small business {25 locations or less; they missed it by 7}. Personally, I don’t read that they think they ARE a small biz, just that their continued existence helps to keep ‘small biz’ scrapbooking vendors alive. And that they are similar in many ways to a small business in that their home office and individual store staffs are relatively small. I was surprised to hear that only 30 home office employees run a chain of 33 stores; I had pictured a much bigger ‘corporate headquarters’ type of set-up.

– Archiver’s in the past seemed to be practicing “Goal: World Scrapbooking Domination”, putting stores in close proximity to local scrapbook stores {LSS’s}, which many feel was a targeted and successful attempt to shut the smaller stores down. So isn’t it ironic that they now would like to cast themselves as a ‘small business’ or small business supporter?

– Archiver’s has made other business mistakes – like employees who seem to lack scrapbooking knowledge or interest, installing Memory Labs in their stores which don’t seem overly popular, must’ve been hugely expensive, and take up lots of store space that used to hold product, etc. So to send this e-mail that seems to imply that it’s the customers’ faults that Archiver’s is struggling is like a slap in the face.

– Scrappers who do have Archiver’s stores nearby enjoy shopping there, feel they offer something special, and they try to support them with their dollars. Shoppers realize that if we as customers don’t show our support, i.e., spend our scrappy dollars there, we simply won’t have them as a choice eventually. And no one wants that :(

– The e-mail from Archiver’s didn’t bother some scrapbookers at all. They either found it harmless, just the truth being spoken, a necessary cry for help, etc.

Please remember, I stated these are not MY opinions per se, just a compilation of things I’ve seen expressed on the message boards.

Again, as someone who’s never shopped at Archiver’s, I can’t comment on their business practices, their employees, etc. But I can say that if I DID have an Archiver’s within driving distance, I would be there as much as possible. I do have other loyalties to keep with my scrapbooking dollar {as a MEMORY WORKS consultant since 2007, a lot of my dollars have gone there obviously … but they are closing effective 12-31-13} and other places I like to buy basics {Michaels, etc.}.

But I personally wouldn’t take offense to the Archiver’s e-mail. It would’ve opened my eyes to the dire straits they appear to be in, and would’ve renewed my interest in and commitment to shopping there. Hoping it wouldn’t be too little, too late for “us” to save them …

Are you an Archiver’s customer? What has been your experience with Archiver’s? Did the e-mail bother you or no? Do you think Archivers is on its way to closing down?

Even if you don’t have an Archivers close enough to shop at, I’d love to hear your opinions on this issue. Like THIS post I wrote a while back, scrapbooking stores, manufacturers, and customer support is an issue that’s going to keep coming up as more stores continue to fight to stay in business in these tough times … or give up when it’s no longer possible.

Do we as scrapbookers “owe” anything to these retailers? And if we don’t monetarily support them, are you okay if they close?

Please leave your Comments below!

Online Scrapbook Class: “True Scrap Pocket Pages” BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL $100 off!

Yeppers, it’s time to sign up for True Scrap Pocket Pages!

Here’s the thing I’ve noticed about True Scrap events. I tell you about the early bird specials and you say to yourself, “Yeah, that sounds fun. I’m busy though. I’ll sign up later when it gets closer.” But then the special prices go away – like Black Friday, the BEST price you’re going to get on “True Scrap Pocket Page”, I promise.

Before you know it, it’s late December, then January, and you keep hearing people talk about this cool TS event. When you have time, you go to sign up and guess what? The specials and early birds are over and True Scrap is now “too expensive.” And you kick yourself for not signing up when the price was affordable. Like RIGHT NOW TODAY.

Only $47 after the $100 Black Friday discount. At $47 divided by 6 classes = $7+ per class. That, my friend, is a bargain. So please don’t wait and then kick yourself later, mmm kay? I mean, who wants the bruises? Not me, sista’! I just signed up myself and I expect to see you there in class :)

Just click this link to sign up.

Here is a message from True Scrap organizer Lain Ehmann:

We know you’re being inundated with specials today, but we just HAD to throw one into the mix. As you may have heard, our next big event is True Scrap Pocket Pages in January. And this weekend, you actually get your choice:

…Over $100 off OR
…a savings of 68%

Actually, it’s a trick question because right now you don’t HAVE to choose… you can save $100 on True Scrap Pocket Pages, which just happens to be 68% off. We’re tricky like that. :)

That’s right: For the next few days you can get the LOWEST price available for a day of fun on January 25, 2014. We’ll bring you teachers like Layle Koncar, Traci Reed, Marcy Penner, and MORE in our first-ever True Scrap Pocket Pages event. And it’s all live, all recorded, all from YOUR computer.

*See the whole scoop here*

And sign up now through midnight on Monday, Dec. 2, 2013 to save BIG.

You’ll get…
-SIX video classes
-A round-table live Q&A discussion with some rockin’ PL/pocket page designers
-Recordings of EVERYTHING
-And a few other bonuses!

No coupon. No stress. No fuss. Just pure, unadulterated SAVINGS.

This price is the absolute LOWEST price for TSPP including for ScrapHappy family members, True Scrap Alums, and my favorite sister. This is it, my friends!

The savings are good through Monday, Dec. 2, but if you sign up before midnight tonight (on Black Friday, 11/29), we have an extra-special bonus for you. You’ll get “Phoning It In: Using Cell Phone Photos Effectively,” a one-hour video class from Tami Morrison, absolutely FREE! It’s chock-full of fab tips for pocket and traditional scrapbooking and it’s yours for NADA, but only if you sign up for TSPP by midnight TONIGHT.

You’re going to love True Scrap Pocket Pages – we guarantee it!

Now go get that $20 flat screen TV from Wal-Mart you’ve been camping out for. :)

Lain the Red-Nosed Reindeer

PS The $100 savings is good through 12/2, but the special free class is good ONLY today! Don’t delay!

So how do you like that?!? Not only $7 per class but a relevant, free class thrown in, too! It’s a great deal, fer shizzle. Hope to see you in class!

PS: If you are decidedly NOT going to attend this True Scrap event, I’d love to hear why. Are pocket pages just not your thang? Too much for the budget? And I’d love to hear if you DO sign up, too! Just leave a comment below :)

Scrapbook Novel: “A Sweethaven Christmas” by Courtney Walsh Only 99 Cents for Kindle Right Now!

I read on Courtney Walsh’s blog today that her third novel, “A Sweethaven Christmas” is only 99 cents for Kindle! Woot! I love when scrapbook novels go on sale :) You can get it HERE

She doesn’t say when it expires so I wouldn’t hesitate – just DO it!

Here’s the synopsis from Amazon:

The women of Sweethaven are reunited for a small-town Christmas!

It’s holiday time in Sweethaven, but things don’t go quite as planned for these scrapbookers. Lila is thrown for a loop when a woman claiming to be her sister arrives in town. As she begins digging into the woman’s claims, Lila uncovers things about her family she may never be able to accept or forgive.

And after the girls find an old scrapbook on Adele’s bookshelf, she is reminded of her first love, a Sweethaven boy whose heart she broke so many years ago. With help from modern technology, Adele arranges a reunion with this man. And when Campbell sees Luke with a ring, she isn’t sure whether to be happy or terrified. Are wedding bells in her future? For Jane and Meghan, Sweethaven is filled with the promise of something new—as well as good friends, a new scrapbook and a little holiday magic!

In case you want to read Courtney’s 2 other scrapbook novels, here they are:

Book 1 (02-16-12): “A Sweethaven Summer”

A faded scrapbook reveals secrets that reconnect old friends in a place called Sweethaven. Campbell Carter has come to Sweethaven in search of answers about her mother’s history. Just before losing a battle with cancer, Suzanne Carter sent letters to childhood friends from her hometown of Sweethaven, Michigan. Suzanne’s three friends — Lila, Jane, and Meghan — haven’t spoken in years, yet each has pieces of a scrapbook they made together as girls. Suzanne’s letters have lured them all back to the idyllic lakeside town, where they meet Campbell and begin to remember what was so special about their long Sweethaven summers. As the scrapbook reveals secrets from the past, old wounds are mended, lives are changed, and friendships are restored — just as Suzanne intended. A Sweethaven Summer is the first book in the Sweethaven series, followed by A Sweethaven Homecoming and A Sweethaven Christmas.

Book 2 (07-30-12): “A Sweethaven Homecoming”

An autumn surprise brings an old friend back to Sweethaven… The Sweethaven Circle is back—and so is the friend they thought they’d never see again! Country music star Meghan Rhodes has moved on with her life, leaving Sweethaven and its painful memories in the past. But when she is confronted on national television with her ex-husband’s plan to file for sole custody of their twins, Meghan takes the first flight home, back to the charming lakeside town full of regrets and relationships that need mending. As Meghan searches for forgiveness—as well as the ability to forgive—she is overcome with the need to make things right with her children, her ex-husband, her mother and even the friends she’d convinced herself she no longer needed. But is she too late? The Sweethaven Circle is together again as Meghan works with Campbell, Jane, Lila, and Adele to begin a new scrapbook for memories yet to be made. A new chapter in the Sweethaven series, A Sweethaven Homecoming explores the strong bonds of friendship, the power of forgiveness and the importance of unconditional love.

Now, I don’t want to hear any excuses like, “But but but but … I don’t HAAAAVE a Kindle! Boo hoo, poor me.” Because you don’t even need a Kindle to read it, see? You can download the Kindle app for free to your iPhone, Droid, iPad, computer, etc. Or you can get it for Nook. Or if you hate those e-reader thingees, you can get the paperback copies for a reasonable price :)

So most of us have a nice long Thanksgiving weekend coming up here. How about snuggling up with these 3 wonderful scrapbooking novels, a cozy blanket, and a nice cup of tea or Joe? Sounds super good to me! Goodness knows we’re going to be too tired from all the cooking, cleaning, and tryptophan to do much else. Lawdee.

I’ve read “Sweethaven Summer” and, because I need to read things in order, looks like I’ll have to get “Sweethaven Homecoming” {$7.69 for Kindle right now, not bad}, and then I can get to “Sweethaven Christmas” which I just picked up. I mean, 99 cents . . . what, am I crazy?

Have you read any of the Sweethaven novels? Reviews welcomed! Which ones are you going to pick up now?

CreativeLIVE, Project Life, and Mini Albums

If you watched CreativeLIVE like I did and fell in love with all those Project Life mini albums … like I did … and now you have to buy 1 or 7 . . . like I do . . . Well, there are a ton of them right HEREon Amazon.

I’m thinking about this one because I want to do THIS with it and it will match the materials exactly:

And several of these to do a series of family weddings – wouldn’t that be cool!

{Sorry if the pics are really big on your screen. The PL store is being worked on right now and the Amazon images are huge}.

I’m also thinking of getting one – don’t know which color yet, maybe Rain or Cinnamon – to showcase the 80 best photos from my Mediterranean cruise – Italy, Spain, N. Africa, Malta, etc. in 2006. You know, the one where I’ve scrapped about 20 layouts but most of the amazing photos are still sitting in a box and I never look that them? That one.

Unfortunately, Michaels doesn’t carry these nor do other big box stores that I’m aware of (please correct me if you’ve seen them!) so we can’t use our 40% off coupons :(

But here’s a little good news:

Plus PRIMEmembers get free shipping and it will be here tomorrow :) Or non-Prime, there is free shipping over $35. Oh DARN! You have to get 2 mini albums. Darn it all to heck ;)

I’ll bet these albums are SUPER popular after CreativeLIVE, don’t you think? She showed so many great examples and really got our wheels turning. I love how they’re so compact, even the ones she showed that were full – they didn’t fan out or anything.

A set number of pages {20 pages hold 80 photos + 80 cards} usually makes me kind of skeeved out but I figure I’ll just spread the photos I have throughout the album first, then go back and fill in with journaling and design cards.

Anyhoo . . . just wanted to share where you can get the Project Life mini albums. A lot of scrappers are asking on the forums. What colors are you getting and what will you use them for?

Project Life: “Honey” and “Kraft” Core Kits Only $12.49 on Amazon Right Now!

These normally retail for $29.99 so you would be cray-cray in the head to pass this up. Srsly.

Project Life Core Kit – Honey Edition

Project Life Core Kit – Kraft Edition

I love the “Honey” kit so much, I wrote a blog post here about it being my all-time favorite. And if you click on that link above, you’ll see the one and only Amazon review I’ve ever written. What a scrap goober, LOL!

There are discounts on some other Project Life items at Amazon but the “Honey” and “Kraft” kits are at by far the largest discount. I noticed that the “Rain” and “Jade” kits are $6 off which, for those of us who can’t get those kits at Michaels, is a good deal.

I already have the “Honey” and “Kraft” kits so I’m trying to think of someone I can gift for Christmas. And I’m tempted by “Rain” … it’s one of the few kits I don’t have (gulp!). It’s just that I hate to pass up such an amazing deal. Ya’ feel me?

If you watched CreativeLIVE all weekend like I did, I know you’re jacked to get lots of Project Life scrappin’ done now, am I right? If I know Amazon, these prices will creep back up soon so if you’re going to get them, please don’t hesitate.

Happy Scrappy Shopping!

CreativeLIVE is rebroadcasting all 21 hours of Becky Higgins/Project Life NOW! Even if you’re not a PL’er …

… I would recommend watching. HERE is a link. {If the video is choppy for you, change Best to 480p in the bottom right of the screen}.

Right now {Saturday @ 10:45 PST}, it’s still the first session. She was talking about how Project Life came about for her, what problems she was trying to solve as a busy working woman, etc.

Even if you don’t do or “get” PROJECT LIFE, I highly recommend watching this FREE* series. They talk about memory keeping in general, the feelings and reasons behind it, and multiple ways to capture our beautiful lives.

– digital photography, getting better more meaningful pictures, iPhone photography
– organization for actual photos, digital photos, memorabilia, art work and homework, etc.
– much more

I have other things to do around here today but I plan to have it running in the background. I had it running in a window this week next to my work window so I’ve already caught most of it. But there is so much to learn here … plus I just love hearing people talk about scrapbooking! She tears up several times as do some of the audience members – one of my favorite things is hearing the emotional ties we have to this amazing hobby.

I have to say … I’m a real Becky fan after watching this series. For all the griping that may go on about product errors, company growing too fast, etc., she’s just a real person, a real mom, going through all the same things we are, trying to do her best. Her love of family and memory keeping is so palpable and I really relate to that on a deep level.

*It’s on a free rebroadcast right now but I think this is our last chance to watch it for free. It’s an amazing opportunity. To purchase this course, it’s either $99 or $149 depending upon when you buy it.

Are you watching? Please leave a comment about what you think of it!

Project Life: FREE Online Class Going on Live NOW!

I’m joining in and watching this FREE 3-day class given by none other than PROJECT LIFE queen BECKY HIGGINS.

Live streaming video by Ustream

Here is some information about this class:

Scrapbooking with Project Life
Preserving your best memories doesn’t need to keep you from making new ones! Join memory keeping maven Becky Higgins for a 3-day workshop on her famous Project Life® scrapbooking system. Cultivating a good life doesn’t require endless weekend hours glued to your glue stick. Becky will show you how to more…

Instructor: Becky Higgins
Length: 3 Day Workshop from 9AM to 4PM
Starts: Wednesday, 11/20/2013
at 9AM Los Angeles time

HERE is an information page. It’s free to watch live, like all of the events at creativeLIVE, but if you decide you want to purchase the forever-videos of this course, it’s $99 for a couple of days, then goes up to $149.

We are 30 minutes in and I’m loving it! Just wanted to share in case you would like to join in :) Please leave a Comment below if you do!

Online Scrapbook Classes: “True Scrap 5” Individual Classes Available Date Announced!

I’ve been asked many times when the TRUE SCRAP 5 online scrapbooking classes will be available “a la carte.” In other words, when will they be available to purchase just the individual classes you want instead of the entire event?


I was attending Lain’s online scrapinar this evening and she told us the date: Monday, 12-09-13!

If you’re reading this, going “what in the Sam Hill is she talking about?!” … I blogged about it HERE. Or you can click on THIS LINK to the True Scrap 5 site. Or, heck, do both. I mean, you want to be fully informed and educated on True Scrap 5 before you plunk down your money, right? Right.

See? And you thought you hated Mondays. Pshaw!

WINNER! Signed Brand New Scrapbook Mystery Novel “Gilt Trip” by Laura Childs

Last week, I held a CONTEST to win a signed copy of the new book, GILT TRIP (A Scrapbooking Mystery) by Laura Childs

Thank you so much to all who participated by leaving comments on that blog entry and were entered to win. You scrappers came up with such interesting questions to ask Laura, who I’ll be interviewing soon!

I used to generate a number and now it’s time to announce the winner:

jackie November 6, 2013 at 10:29 pm
love her books! I have her first 3/4 and need to get the ones that came after that..and would love to win this one! thanks for giving us a chance.
jackie from beautiful southwest Virginia

Jackie has been notified and is super excited to receive the book. Jackie, I hope you’ll stop by with a review once you’ve finished reading! I hope to post a review as well.

If you’d like to purchase your own copy of this book, you can find it RIGHT HERE.

YAY! Love scrapbook novels! Love giving them away! Happy Day :)

Scrapbook Deals and Steals: Canon Selphy Portable Photo Printer Only $60!

Right now {and I don’t know how long this lasts so hurry!}, the Selphy is only $60 with FREE shipping. Unbelievable deal. This printer usually retails for $100.

Click on this link to get this fabu deal:
Canon SELPHY CP900 Wireless Color Photo Printer

Here is everything you get for $60:

New wireless capabilities lets you print right from your computer, iOS and Android devices
Light, compact body and an optional battery makes it easy to take this printer with you
Preview your images on the built-in 2.7-inch tilt-up LCD
Enhance your photos with the improved “Portrait Image Optimize”
Print water resistant photos that last up to 100 years in just 47 seconds

*If you would like to see the full specs on the Selphy, HERE is the Canon webpage.

The only choice you need to make is do you want it in black or white?

Here’s what the printer looks like when the tray is open.

It still takes up very little desk space. I also love how portable it is. I was cropping last weekend on the road and I really could’ve used one of these. I had my iPhone and laptop with me and could’ve printed photos while there and scrapped them or gotten more Project Life done.

I seriously considered buying one while there and called the local Best Buy. But when I heard the price tag {$100}, I had to pass. Plus they only had the black in stock and I really want it in white.

So, yes, I do have big love for my old EPSON PICTUREMATE PM 260. It has its benefits over the Selphy for sure – but the Selphy has features that the Epson doesn’t. I’ve been resisting a Selphy for years now – do I really need 2 portable printers? – but I may just have to give in at this price!

I’m “picturing” (ha ha) Thanksgiving and Christmas events where I could bring this (you can run it on batteries) and everyone could print photos from their smart phones. Sounds so fun! And think how easy 30 Days of Thankfulness, December Daily, and Project Life could be this busy time of year with this great tool.

What do you think? Are you tempted by such a great price on the Selphy? If you “need” one, HERE is the link again ;)

If you get one, I’d love to hear which color you chose and also if you got any ink, paper, etc.

Scrapbook Products: “Timbergrove” by Fancy Pants

I just wanted to say: “Welcome back, Fancy Pants. Welcome back.”

I used to love FP back in the day. When I first started with MEMORY WORKS in 2007 and for a year or two thereafter, I used to lub me some Fancy Pants. They were one of my biggest selling brands.

Then I don’t know what happened but they fell off my radar. First off, I didn’t hear about them much anymore. Secondly, when I did come across a Fancy Pants line, I didn’t care for it. Too busy, too doodle-y, too much. Weird color combos, some kind of jarring. Just not my style anymore.

Then today I saw this: “Timbergrove” by Fancy Pants shipping November 2013 (!!)

And my FP love was restored. Like magic. Rich colors, simpler designs, no doodles, and a fresh look that I haven’t seen in any other Christmas line from 2013.

I didn’t link the images because they were so small when I tried. But do go look at the link above and see what I’ve fallen in love with. They also have a new line called “BELOVED” shipping December 2013 which doesn’t do much for me, but then I’m never much into Valentine’s lines. You?

What do you think? Had you lost the love for Fancy Pants only to discover it again? Or have you always like their lines?

Okay, this is going on my list for Scrapbook Santa!

October Afternoon Santa Sack Sale 2013!

It’s time for another Santa Sack Sale by one of my favorite companies, OCTOBER AFTERNOON!

Week 1 begins 11-11-13 and there is one per week for 5 weeks, continuing into December 2013. I know that in past years, scrappers have bought all 5 Santa Sacks. Man, it must’ve been crowded under their Christmas trees {she said, extremely jealously … }

They’re also offering a Stamp Sack beginning 12-16-13. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think the Stamp Sack is a first this year. Great news for all you stampers! OA has some wicked cute stamp sets.

I blogged about a past Santa Sack Sale HERE. If you’d like to see what kinds of things were in past Santa Sacks, there are tons of videos on YouTube.

I have to pass because I’ve been doing some other shopping lately, including a trip to HOBBY LOBBY while traveling. Will you buy an OA Santa Sack (or five) this year? Please do show us your loot if you!

GIVEAWAY! New Scrapbook Mystery Novel

How would you like to win a copy of a BRAND NEW scrapbooking mystery novel signed by the author?!?!!

Yeah, I know, right? Pretty exciting. Here’s your chance to win this book:

GILT TRIP (A Scrapbooking Mystery) by Laura Childs

Here is some information about the book and the author:

Scrapbook Store Owner Moonlights as Amateur Sleuth in Gilt Trip

Carmela Bertrand, heroine of the New York Times bestselling Scrapbooking Mysteries series, is one busy lady. Her scrapbook store, Memory Mine, is not only a haven for papercrafters but also a destination for New Orleans’ elite looking for custom cards and announcements for their society events. She has a handsome police officer boyfriend, and a social calendar filled with the city’s best social events. And, as if that weren’t enough, in her spare time – Carmela solves crimes!

For her accomplishments, the Romantic Times awarded Carmela Bertrand their Reviewers’ Choice “Best Amateur Sleuth” award for 2012, for the 10th book in the Scrapbooking Mysteries series, Postcards from the Dead.

In the newest installment in the series, Gilt Trip, Carmela attends a fancy ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ party for New Orleans business tycoon Jerry Earl Leland. But in the swirl of champagne, Zydeco music, and bad behavior, poor Jerry Earl is murdered and stuffed inside a clothes dryer. Since Carmela discovered the body, the grieving widow latches onto her and begs for help in solving the crime.

Halfway between a cozy and a thriller, Gilt Trip offers mystery and romance, in a setting peppered with scrapbooking references, and steeped in the sights, sounds, and smells of the French Quarter and its intriguing residents. In case all of the book’s decadent cajun meals make you hungry, there’s recipes for Big Easy Brownies, Cajun Chicken, and Crockpot Meatloaf.

Gilt Trip, the 11th book in the New York Times bestselling Scrapbooking Mysteries series, was released in hardcover by Berkeley Prime Crime Books on October 1st (2013). Postcards from the Dead, the series’ 10th book, was released the same day in paperback.

About the Author: Laura Childs is the author of the New York Times bestselling Tea Shop Mysteries, Cackleberry Club Mysteries, and Scrapbooking Mysteries series. She’s been making scrapbooks, cards, memory boxes and collaged cigar box purses for 15 years and describes her creative style as varying from conservative to funky. She’s also a believer that “the more layers the better” in her projects.

I’ll have the opportunity to interview the author, Laura Childs, which is also very exciting! I want to ask her questions that YOU want to know the answers to so I figured – why not tie the contest and interview together?

HOW TO ENTER BOOK GIVEAWAY: Leave a comment below with a question that you would like to ask of “Gilt Trip” author Laura Childs. That’s it, easy as pie. No Twitter, no Rafflecopter helicopter stuff, just a comment. For reals.

DEADLINE: Sunday, November 10, 2013 at midnight PST
*Open to mailing addresses in the US only

Please make sure when leaving a comment that it includes a way to reach you if you win – a link to your blog, your e-mail, etc. Winner will be selected by random draw. Thanks and good luck!

PS: If you’re too anxious to wait for the giveaway (or would prefer a Kindle version instead of a hard copy), the book is available NOW for sale RIGHT HERE. If you’d like to check out the 10 other Scrapbooking Mysteries by Laura Childs, you can find them all HERE. Happy Scrappy Reading!!

*** MEMORY WORKS CLOSING SALE *** Starting 11-02-13 Until It’s Gone!

As I posted here yesterday, the scrapbook company I’ve been a consultant for since 2007 is closing their doors effective 12-31-13. They also own Simple Stories and want to focus on that part of their business.

What that means is a HUGE CLOSEOUT SALE – hey, at least something good comes of it, right?

Effective November 2, 2013 all products will be clearance priced at an additional 30% discount. There will be no further reduction in price. As products sell out they will not be reordered or replaced.

Here is the Memory Works website:

Please take a look and if there’s anything you’d like to order for 30% OFF (even Clearance!), e-mail your order to me at: scrapbookobsession(at)gmail(dot)com

I will send you a Paypal invoice ASAP. Once payment is received, your order will be sent from the MW warehouse in Utah straight to you! They normally ship within 1-2 business days of order completion – although I’d allow a bit of extra time as they are flooded with orders.

I’ve been checking the MW site and don’t see the discount but please know that EVERYTHING* is 30% off. When I put things into my cart as a consultant, the discount is definitely showing. I’m off to order some goodies myself!

*NOTE: The Sn@p! albums and pages are not showing the discount and it being Saturday, there’s no one in home office for me to ask. If you want Sn@p! albums for 30% off, please send me an e-mail and I’ll find out Monday ~ thanks!

ETA 11-04-13: Apparently, the Sn@p! albums and page protectors are NOT part of this sale – sorry! But all of the Simple Stories lines and Sn@p! lines ARE part of the 30% off sale.

First come, first served and once it’s gone, it’s gone! MW carries all the major brands; here is just a sample of what we have:

SIMPLE STORIES “Everyday” Sn@p! Cards

BELLA BLVD “Daily Chevies”

GLITZ DESIGNS “Hello December”

MY MINDS EYE “Chalk Studio”

This is my last hurrah as a Memory Works Consultant. I would really appreciate your order :)

Memory Works is Closing Effective 12-31-13

As a Memory Works Consultant since 2007, I’m very saddened by this news :( Here is the press release I received in the last hour:

MemoryWorks 640 West 1100 South, Suite 100 Ogden, UT 84404 801-782-5901
November 1, 2013

MemoryWorks, a direct-sales scrapbook company, announces today it plans to cease operations, effective December 31st, 2013. The company will continue to operate a retail location at 640 West 1000 South, Suite 100 in Ogden, Utah for the immediate future. Employees of MemoryWorks will be absorbed into Simple Stories, a sister company.

MemoryWorks was started in 2002 by Kevin and Amber Crowell. The company experienced strong growth throughout its 12 years of operation. In 2009, MemoryWorks released an exclusive scrapbook collection, Life Documented, to its consultants. As a result of the success of the collection, Simple Stories was created in 2010, a wholesale scrapbook business. Since that time, Simple Stories has experienced phenomenal growth in its short, 3 year tenure.

Kevin Crowell, President, commented, “We are very grateful for the devoted MemoryWorks consultants that we have worked with over the years. While the decision to cease operations has been difficult, it enables us to focus our resources fully on the continued growth and expansion of Simple Stories”.

For questions related to media:
Layle Koncar Marketing Director Simple Stories 801-560-3733
For questions related to consultants:
MemoryWorks Customer Service 801-782-5901

Even though I assumed something had to change in the near future, I had hoped/expected it would be a renewed interest in the Consultant side of the business. I was brimming with ideas of how to make things better for Memory Works Consultants.

The other option in my mind was this: Memory Works closing. Yet I’m still in shock. I’ll write more later . . . just wanted to get the news out.

To all the other Memory Works Consultants out there {{{BIG HUGS}}}.

Project Life: Finally! See All of the Cards Within Each Kit on Becky Higgins’ Digital Site

This has been a long time coming. As a frequent buyer of PROJECT LIFE KITS, I have always been frustrated by the inability to see ALL of the cards within a kit before purchase. You just never know, based on a small sampling of the cards, if you’re going to like the entire kit. Sure, you could get a bit more of a sample by looking at the digital kit . . . or watch YouTube videos of scrappers showing the cards one-by-one. But for me, those weren’t good enough.

Well, Becky has solved that problem! You can now go HERE on her site to view and download Card Design Reference PDF’s of Project Life Core Kits, Mini Kits, and Themed cards. As of now, there are 47 kits available and more are being added. For more info, read Becky’s blog post HERE.

Can I get a WHOO HOO!?!?

It’s the little things in life that make me happy and this makes me VERY happy!

For instance, I’ve been debating whether to purchase the PL Merry & Bright Mini Kit for some Christmas scrapbooking. I just haven’t pulled the trigger yet because, from the small sampling I’ve been able to see on the digital site, I wasn’t sure if it was right for me.

Now I’ll just go HERE to peruse the .pdf showing ALL the Merry & Bright cards and be able to make an informed decision.

This not only makes shopping easier but it will also help us Project Lifers – or anyone who uses PL kits – to use the .pdf’s for reference. You can either print them out or just refer to them onscreen any time you’re looking for a certain type of card, particular color scheme, etc.

It’s genius, I tell ya’!

What do you think? Is this a useful resource for you?

Scrapbook Wish List: WRMK Shutter Memo Holder

Dear Scrapbook Santa,

The first item on my wish list for Christmas 2013 is . . . a WRMK SHUTTER MEMO HOLDER:

I’m sure just by seeing that picture – because you know me so well – you don’t really need an explanation for why I want one (or three) so badly. But I will tell you anyway because you and I have that kind of relationship, Scrap Santa. (Can I call you Scrap Santa or is that too familiar? Even tho’ we are VERY close!)

So here are my reasons, sir:

1. It’s just plain wicked cute. Srsly.

2. It comes in my favorite color, robin’s egg blue (they call it aqua but whatevs).

3. I can use my shutter for so many things in my scrap room – a place to hold washi tapes, photos, handmade cards, memorabilia, tickets, that kind of thing. And in the bedroom to hang jewelry. And in the kitchen to leave notes. It’s endless, I tell ya’!

I hope you will take my request into consideration, as I REALLLLLY REALLLLLY want one, Scrap Santa! If I were speaking to you in person, I would be shaking you by the furry lapels so you would understand!!! OH. UM. Okay, I’m sorry. I have calmed down now. But I still really want the WRMK Shutter Memo Holder. Pretty please, Scrap Santa????

I have been (mostly) good this year. I mean, there was the one teensy incident with the glue gun . . . oh, and the little bit of scrapbook-y overspending. {In my defense, it’s not my fault! They keep making such cute stuff! What am I supposed to do, just leave it on the shelf all lonely and unwanted?!?!}

I hope you and Mrs. Scrapbook Santa have had a wonderful year. Please look for my handmade Christmas card in the mail in December. And maybe another letter (or four) with some additional Wish List items. Hey, mama always told me, “It never hurts to ask!”

All my love,
~Scrapbook Obsession

OKAY. Letter done. Now I can get on with business.

These shutters retail for $39.99, I’ve seen them elsewhere for $35.99, but at Amazon they’re only $25-26 (depending on color) and free 2-day shipping if you have AMAZON PRIME. I’m not sure why the shipping time is 3-5 weeks but that’s what other vendors are showing, too. Maybe the WRMK folks don’t go out and chop down the tree to make the shutter until they have your order firmly in hand, IDK. Oh well, still plenty of time for Santa to put it under my tree!

It comes in several other colors if you’re weird and don’t like the best one I’ve chosen above ;) You can see them all HERE.

Now, off with you! Go write your Dear Scrap Santa letter and get one of these babies under YOUR tree!

ETA: Oopsie! AFTER hitting Publish (of course), I re-read my post and it’s a bit contradictory to tell you there’s free 2-day shipping on an item that says it takes 3-5 weeks to ship! Sheesh. Sorry ’bout that. But shipping is free with Prime!

Simple Stories: NEW LINE REVEAL! “Daily Grind” for Fall 2013

Well, I teased you about it HERE . . . but now as of 8am MST on Monday 10-28-13, I can share the images finally! Phew, it was a long 3 days, LOL :D

Without further adieu, here is the new line from Simple Stories called “Daily Grind”. Have fun scrolling . . . and here’s a tissue for your drooling.

Note: All images including layout provided by Simple Stories.

12x12 Layout





iheartsummer_6x6 cover sheets

























Daily Grind Collage

My 5 favorite things about Simple Stories “Daily Grind”:

1. Bright primary colors combined with the warmth of dark wood is a great look. It somewhat reminds me of another favorite line, Glitz Design – Color Me Happy Collection

2. Versatile, daily use designs like calendar/dates, Instagram, phone, clock, house, hearts, and stars. And COFFEE!

3. The Simple Basics kit full of colorful chevrons and polka dots just makes me happy!

4. A new line of Sn@p! cards . . . can’t get enough of them.

5. That modern cursive font is one of my favorites.

Another similarity this line triggered for me was the translucent speech bubble images that reminds me of this:

Carta Bella “Hello Again” Chit Chat paper

I just ordered the collection pack of that Carta Bella “Hello Again” line … soooo pretty and pastel-y!

So what do you think of the Simple Stories “Daily Grind” line?

Happy Scrappy Mail: Bag in Bag and Project Life “Bridgeport” in da Hay-owse!

Wow, that was quick! I just ordered these – which I talked about HERE – on Sunday and they arrived on Wednesday.


I {heart} AMAZON PRIME!! Will post more photos and a review soon!

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