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52 Lists in 52 Weeks: List #3

HERE is the latest list prompt from Kellie.

Here’s mine: Fun Things To Do By Yourself

1. Scrapbook (duh!)
2. Scrapbook shop
3. Blurf
4. Take your time in Target with no one rushing you
5. Go inside with The Sitting People at Starbucks instead of using the drive-thru
6. Lie in bed in the middle of the day and read on your new Kindle
7. Watch scrapbook haul videos that no one else in your family cares about (or understands)
8. Make a lunch only you will eat like caprese’
9. Watch Gilmore Girls reruns
10. Obsessively watch old Steve Perry videos on YouTube.

There’s my list. Where’s yours?

Scrapbook Organization: Stickles Sort and Store

For those of you with a Stickles addiction, I’m about to make your day. I present to you … the STICKLES SORT AND STORE!!

Stickles sort and store

Is that cool or what? My 3 favorite features:

1. It stores the bottles upside-down which is the preferred method for many Stickles luvahs.

2. You can leave the cover off to see all your pretty colors or you can put the cover on to take them to crops, or just to keep the dust off.

3. Speaking of pretty colors, you can line them all up in ROYGBIV order. Oh, be still my anal-retentive heart!

Okay, that’s 3 but I just thought of 2 more. So sue me.

4. You get 3 units in the set and can store up to 30 BOTTLES, people! {Don’t sit there all righteous and pretend you don’t have that many … we know you do}.

5. The Stickles Sort and Store can also hold other popular items like Liquid Pearl, Stampin Up ink pad refill, Claudine Helmuth Studio Mini Acrylic Paint, Mini Art, and Tim Holtz Adirondack Alcohol Ink.

Oh crap. I thought of another one.

6. It’s only $24 for a set of 3 which hold 10 bottles each.

I’m thinking they’re a new item because Tiffany’s website, THE SCRAPRACK MULTI-CRAFT, says they ship January 17th.

I’m trying to decide if I should get a set or not. My Stickles are currently lined up on a stamp shelf above my desk. Let me go count my bottles … K, I’m back. I have “only” 18 :P So I’ll probably hold off for now but I’m glad to know about this great new scrapbook organizational item. When I make it to 30 bottles, I am SO getting this.

What do you think of the Stickles Sort and Store?

52 Lists in 52 Weeks: List #2

Hey there, hi there, ho there! It’s time for a listy list!!

{Okay, Erika, put down the triple latte’ … that may have been a bit much for 9pm on a Sunday. Just sayin’.}

If you need to read my explanation of 52 Lists in 52 Weeks, it’s right HERE. And HERE is the prompt from Kellie for List #2: What are your New Years Resolutions?

Now I don’t normally *make* resolutions because they usually involve making commitments to yourself and ~ while I’m superb and stupendous about honoring commitments to others ~ I’m quite crap at keeping them to myself.

But Kellie says to make this list, so I will. Begrudgingly :P


1. Speak with Kellie. Nicely but firmly.*

2. When downloading books on your new Kindle, only download 362 times more books than you have time to read. If you do any more than that, it will be too stressful.


3. Buy more scrapbook supplies. You do not have nearly enough. I will tell you when to stop.

4. Keep up your SMASH BOOK aka fitness journal. And only lie about your weight when you have a bad week. The rest of the time, tell the total, honest-to-God, 100% truth. Except about the Reese’s dark chocolate cups. Those are exempt from this resolution as well.

smash book

5. Do not give up on your Project 12. If you can’t manage to take 7-8 photos a month about everyday life and journal about them, you’re a bigger loser than I thought. And I say that with love <3. Okay, can I stop now???!?!??! This resolution-listing is making me cranky. And I want to enjoy this coffee high while I have it, so I'm outie. Oh, except I need to demand ... erm, ask very nicely and super sweetly to please see your list for this week. Please. Thank you :) *TOTALLY kidding, Kellie! Luvs ya, gurl...

52 Lists in 52 Weeks

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Hope you had an amazing Christmas and are looking forward to the year to come.

I heard about “52 Lists in 52 Weeks” from THIS THREAD on 2peas. I followed the link to Kellie’s blog, “On the Brink of Something Beautiful.” She did this project in 2011 (you can see her lists from 2011 HERE) and will continue it in 2012.

On of my New Year’s Resolutions is to be more active with my blog again (now that my work life has become a bit more manageable), so I’m going to try and play along. Once a week in 2012, I’ll post a list … won’t make a promise which day it’ll be but hopefully sometime during the proper week, lol.

I’ve always been a list-maker, even since I was a kid. For example, on Friday I wrote a “To Do” list on the steno pad that lives inside my day planner. Then I typed up a list in Word called “Online To Do” which has things regarding my blog, work stuff, etc.

I also think lists are a fun and meaningful way to journal in our scrapbooks. So who knows? Maybe some of my 52 lists will find their way into scrapbook layouts.

So here we go with Week 1: “What’s on your plate for today?”

TO DO: January 1, 2012
1. Put away Christmas ornaments and decorations
2. Make fruit salad
3. Laundry
4. BBQ with friends @ 2:00
5. Finish reports for work
6. Enter birthdays in 2012 dayplanner

I would love you to join me each week by posting your “52 Lists in 52 Weeks” right here in the Comments section, on your own blog and link to your entry in comments, or join in on Kellie’s BLOG. She has quite a group posting their lists over there!

Here’s to a fab and scrappy 2012!

Will You Please Follow Me on Bloglovin’?

I found this cool service called BLOGLOVIN‘ ~ it’s just a fun alternative to Google Reader, etc. as a way to follow your favorite blogs. For every blog you follow, you’ll get an e-mail every time they post a new entry.

They contacted me months ago to say my blog was listed on their site but I just now had time to check it out. It’s pretty darn coolio. They even have a MOBILE APP for iPhone and Droid … which I of course downloaded immediately (go ahead, it’s free!).

It’s a very clean looking site, easy to navigate, and has tons of blogs to choose from that you can “follow,” similar to TWITTER and Pinterest. There are blogs with 20-30,000 followers … and I have a pitiful 6. So help me not look like such a loser over there and follow me, wouldja’?

Grazie mile! (Thanks so much)

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

I’ve also added a button on the top right of my blog that you can click to easily follow my blog at Bloglovin’.

Scrapbook Video Contest: Rigged or Just Plain Funny?

Ruh roh, Cleetus McDuffy strikes again … and he finally got a toot!

What do you think of THIS? Do you agree with the commenters who love Cleetus and think it was a good choice or do you think it was inappropriate, not funny, unfair (since she has a tie to Cleetus aka Colin Kartchner who’s married to a “famous” scrapbooker), etc.?

I think it’s a hilarious video just like the rest of his (I’ve been a fan since the BEGINNING). He fulfills the “entertain” category for sure. I guess if I had worked really hard on a video submission that “educated” or “inspired,” I would maybe {unjustifiably} be pissed, I don’t know. But barring that, I don’t get the negative comments. Maybe my sense of humor is so warped, I’m beyond comprehending, LOL.

What are your thoughts?

December Daily

Have you jumped on the DECEMBER DAILY bandwagon? I’m going to give it a try for the first time. Today is December 1st so it’s time to get started!

Actually, I’ve noticed that scrappers are doing all variations on the dates covered in their December Daily whether it be December 1-25, December 1-31, or covering the entire season from Thanksgiving through New Years Day. I think it’s great to personalize the dates to whatever works best for you.

My plan is to cover December 1-25. I considered other time frames but ultimately my scrapbook made the decision for me, LOL. I’m using an old Making Memories 8×8 album from my stash. The pages are spiral bound and there are 30 (well, 15 pages front and back). So by the time I add a cover page that’s 26 of the 30 pages. The other 4 pages I figure will be used for 2-page layouts on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, etc.

I was kind of hmmming and hawing about whether to do December Daily at all because I’m one of these girls …

queen of unfinished projects tee shirt

* Shirt by TWO CHICKS DESIGNS, where I get all my scrapbook tees

The tipping point was when I placed my BLACK FRIDAY scrapbook order @ MEMORY WORKS, I got this as one of my free gifts:

simple stories 25 days of christmas

It was like a sign from the Scrappy Gods, I guess, so I finally gave in. I’ve been too busy working to scrapbook much lately but here’s how I’m going to accomplish this project:

1. I have a mini-scrapbook retreat this weekend where I can get the foundation pages pre-done all at once.

2. Don’t be picky about photo quality. I always have my iPhone with me so if that’s how I capture a moment, so be it if the pic is blurry or not perfect. It’s going in the book, damnit!

3. Other than the new sticker sheet, I’m using supplies from my stash … so no time spent shopping.

4. KISS * Keep It Simple Stupid * {“Stupid” would be ME I’m talking to, so don’t go gettin’ all offended. Sheesh.} In other words, these pages will be very basic. No time for all this fancy, wicked cute stuff I see everyone else doing. Eye on the prize, baby. Eye on the prize.

5. Remembering that the main thing I want to do is capture what’s important to us during this season with 1 photo and some journaling for each day.

So wish me luck! As the Queen, I will need it.

Are you doing December Daily?

Awesome Black Friday Deal by Basic Grey

Have you seen THIS*. WOW!

I’m a total BG hoarder and all I have of the Wander line is a few papers so I’m contemplating that one. Actually Jovial’s looking pretty tempting, too. Only $35 for all that stuff ($100 value) and free shipping!

Good through 12/02/11.

* If the link isn’t working, here it is:

Okay, I Figured Out Where I’m Scrappy Shopping on Black Friday!!!!!

Yeah, I’m biased but you gotta’ admit MEMORY WORKS is going to have some slammin’ deals during their Black Friday Blowout Event. ***Everything below applies to Thursday 11/24/11 and Friday 11/25/11***

HERE’s A PDF with all the sale items.

HERE is my Memory Works website if I can help you order. THIS is a link to the special section of Memory Works called “Black Friday Specials”. I’m always available for questions, too. No, I mean ALWAYS … 24/7 … 365 … even the Thanksgiving holiday, sista. ‘Cuz I know how seriously you take your scrapbook shopping.

We have that in common, you and I ;)

I’m picking up the THICKERS deal for sure. {10 packs for only $20!!!} Yes, I have 4 zillion Thickers but why wouldn’t I buy more when they’re only $2 per pack AND I get a free SIMPLE STORIES gift with purchase? It’s a no brainer, people. Actually with my consultant discount, they’re only going to cost me $1.60 per pack or 68% off, hollah!!!

Other deals:

~ MY MINDS EYELost and Found” mega pack (32 double-sided sheets with assorted embellishments), a $65 value for only $20

~ My Minds Eye “O Christmas Tree” paper pad (54 cardstock glitter sheets), a $20 value for only $14

~ ALL Memory Works “Trend Essentials” are 20% off (these are ‘latest and greatest’ products you can find HERE)

~Select Memory Works Express kits for 50% off (these are the monthly kits and are packed with goodies; you can see them HERE)

*Please note that if you’re clicking the above Memory Works links any time OTHER THAN Thanksgiving Thursday {11/24/11} and Black Friday {11/25/11}, the pages aren’t going to reflect the special deals ~ thanks, mwuh mwuh!

Okay, now tell me what you’re looking for on this fine Black Friday and what other great deals you’ve seen out there.

Ivy the Dog: It’s Scrapbook-Related, I Swear!

This was posted on a message board a while back … can’t even remember where I saw it.

But it totally cracks me up how freakin’ mellow this dog is. If I had my Landry dog {aka Peabody McSpazitron} on that table while I made a card, it would be a tangle of paws, kisses, nose nudges, licking glitter, barking at the heat gun, and who knows what else. Oh, and Landry is really opinionated. He would not hesitate to critique my work and suggest things to make it better. {Ivy is much too polite for that}. If I tried to put ink on his paw, he’d start giggling and pull it away for sure!

Anyway, this dog Ivy is amazing. Cute sweater, too. Enjoy.

My Blog Needs Some Serious TLC …

Just a quick apology. I said I’d have some site improvements and new things going on by October 1 or soon thereafter … but still no go :(

It’s a big combination of reasons but let’s consolidate it to two: busy life and can’t find a new theme that I like :P I’ve spent countless hours looking but I can’t find the perfect fit. And I can’t afford right now to pay for a Premium theme or a blog designer (sigh…). And you know me and the computer ain’t the greatest of friends so it takes me 10 times longer than the average bear to do anything, lol.

Did you notice I got my own domain name? {^^^ look in your browser ^^^}. I used to be … now I’m So there’s some progress at least … My mind is spinning throughout the day with all the ideas I have … just wish I had the time to sit down and implement them all.

Anyway, just wanted to say “hey” and let you know … I’m still here and working on it! Hope your life is scrappy ~n~ happy :)

HSN Scrapbooking ALL DAY Monday 9-26-11

Either call in sick to work or set your DVR, missy!

Midnight-2am: Cricut world launch
2-3am: Martha Stewart
3-4am: “Scrapbooking Steals Under $25”
4-6am: Crafty Solutions
6-7am: Paper Crafting
7-8am: Card Making
8-9am: Paper Crafting
9-10am: Scrapbooking
10-11am: Anna Griffin
11-1pm: “Scrapbooking Featuring Designer Showcase”
1-2pm: Martha Stewart
2-4pm: Sewing & knitting
4-5pm: Anna Griffin
5-6pm: Scrapbooking with Sandi Genovese
6-7pm: Scrapbooking Featuring Getting Ready…
7-8pm: Martha Stewart
8-9pm: Singer Sewing
9-midnight: 24-hour Craft Day Finale

Please note these times are all EST. Please look HERE to find your own time zone if needed.

It will be fun to see Sandi Genovese again, won’t it? I used to watch her scrapbooking TV show religiously when I first started scrappin’. And HEIDI SWAPP will be demo’ing a gorgeous new Halloween kit.

Happy shopping!

Scrapbook Room Organization: Store in Style Cubes and Glass Jars

As I said in my LAST POST, now that the scrapbooking part of my office has been reorganized I’m going to do a series of blog posts showing the befores and afters and explaining how I organized.

From the whole room photo in my last post, you couldn’t even see this but it’s probably my favorite part of the room. It’s the wall made up of STORE IN STYLE CUBES and a variety of jars.

Here’s how the setup looked before my latest reorg project.


And here is the new and much improved version.


So back to how it looked before:

*Disclaimer: I own so much MME paper because I bought a few of those huge packs that they sold at Costco years ago. I used the papers for goody bags when I held crops, sold them open stock, etc. There’s no way I’m EVAH going to use all that MME paper. But I have no plausible excuse for the rest of it.

In the past, I’d bought these cubes, assembled them, and put them in a good configuration for the room. I didn’t want to stack them too high because I need to be able to get to the jars spread across the top. {Otherwise – I love these stinkin’ cubes so much, I totally would stack them to the ceiling, lol}. In the past, I had also started using the CROPPER HOPPER VERTICAL FILES to store my paper and embellies by brand name.

I used a label maker to label each file with the brand name, then put in 12×12 papers along with embellishments. I like to store a lot of my things by manufacturer because when I go to scrap, I pull out that whole file and pretty much everything matches. I don’t have to rack my brain going, “Now, did I buy the matching letter stickers to go with this?” or “What paper would look great with this one?” Everything I need is right there.

So that organizing scheme worked out well but, as you can see, as I bought more items, instead of taking the time to pull the vertical file out and put the new things in their proper place, I just kinda’ shoved them on top. Hey, at least I got them in the right cube! But yeah, not the most effective way to find things later on and it sure started to look messy.

As you may know, my original plan to reorganize my scrap room/home office was to take 3 days really focusing on it, emptying everything out of the room, then put things back in an organized way, purging unwanted things as I went. {Details are HERE}. Needless to say, it didn’t much go to plan after Day 3 :)

But this photo is from Day 1 when I cleared most of the cubes out and moved all the paper files and other things to the dining room and living room.

I decided to keep some things where they were because their organization wasn’t going to change. The drawer jam-packed with adhesives and SNAPLOAD packs was left alone, as was my filer cube which has generic patterned papers filed by color.

Then it was time to install the doors on cubes that were still open.

I’d bought the doors months {gulp – or maybe even a year} ago but they’d just been sitting in boxes in my scrap room since then. I ain’t gonna’ lie … I absolutely HATE putting stuff like this together, even when it’s something this easy. I’d rather, like, go to the dentist or watch paint dry than assemble something. But I finally did it.

And leave it to a scrapbooker – when I couldn’t find any Elmer’s or white glue to install the magnets, I just used my trusty GLOSSY ACCENTS. Hey, same diff. It’s all sticky, right? And just think how glossy and shiny it is inside those tiny holes in the cubes. I bet they feel really special.

Okay, here’s some more things that didn’t get removed from the room because they were going to stay essentially the same.

These 4 gingerbread jars were chock full and had been organized already (journaling spots, flowers, and chipboard letters sorted into baggies). They didn’t need anything but a quick wipedown with Windex to get rid of some dust.

Speaking of cleaning …

Here are all the lids of the gingerbread jars laid out on the homework table drying. Yep, I washed everything with soap and water because I wanted to start over sparkly clean.

In the background of the photo, you can also see where I started to fill in the cubes. I decided to move the Vertical Paper Holders to another part of the room. Part of the reason was to prevent fading of my papers. Can you see the lightswitch to the top right of the photo? To the right of that is a sliding glass door that gets full sun for half of the day. I noticed that the edges of some of my Beloved BAZZILL was fading :( I know, right? We CANNOT have THAT. So even though doors were going on those cubes, I thought it would be a good idea to move all my papers away from the sliding glass door.

Here’s what the cubes looked like once I got all 7 doors installed.

It looks so much neater, doesn’t it? The Store in Style DOORS only cost $13 each which I think was a good investment for my space. Other than the fading issue, another important advantage is that now I can use the cubes to hide things I don’t feel are very attractive to look at: empty albums, pages/page protectors, projects, etc. Most of these items used to be kept on an open bookshelf and I just hated looking at them. They looked so sloppy not to mention uninspiring. Now they’re hidden {wink}.

Here’s a closer photo of some of the things that are now kept on top of the white cubes.

Jar, jars, and more jars! There are also a few decorative things that I’m starting to collect that are in my favorite colors ~ turquoise, ocean green, robin’s egg blue, and white. These are colors that remind me of my favorite place in the world: the ocean. The Ball canning jar on the left I got from an antique store in Seattle last year. The pretty vase on the right is from a nursery near the beach house we stay at each summer. {I know I should put something cute inside it but I like that grassy straw stuff it came with for some reason, lol}. The dish is from my mom who is an expert at collectable china and often gives me pretty things. I’m thinking I can use it as a holding area for pretty embellies or flowers until I put them away in the proper jars.

Speaking of all those jars … I don’t have a good picture of them all put together, do I? But I’ll go across from left to right and tell you what I have stored in them:

– Sport embellishments
– Making Memories embellishments
– K & Company embellishments
– Ink pens
– Bling
– MAMBI/KI Memories embellishments
– Mists
– Flowers
– Chipboard
– Ribbon
– Twine and jute
– Photo corners
– Chipboard letters
– Journaling spots
– My Minds Eye embellishments
– Misc. embellishments (2)
– Decorative river rocks
– Decorative glass shells
– Empty (1)

Yes, I actually have a small ginger jar that is empty. It’s one of the jars without a lid so it’s harder to think of things to put in those. Maybe that will be an “embellies to file” jar or something :)

So back to the final product.


You can also see my travel art hanging on the wall above the cubes. As I mentioned before, I wanted to add some personal touches that WEREN’T about scrapbooking this time around. I love to travel although I don’t get to do it much, so I dream through pictures of other countries and reading books about them. My first love is Italy but I dream of traveling all throughout Western Europe someday. For now, I can look up from my desk, see images of Paris, Provence, and Tuscany, sigh, and be content with dreaming.

With each of these entries, I’m going to put a list at the end of products I’ve used and where I got them, so here goes…

STORE IN STYLE CUBES: I collected these over time by using 40% or 50% off coupons at MICHAELS. You can also get them from Oriental Trading (the link is above).

GINGER JARS: I got these ones AND MORE for $40 from a local candy store via CRAIGSLIST. I’ve seen these at BED BATH & BEYOND which seem to be the same thing. THESE are sure cute from Pier One; you can label them with chalk.

MASON JARS: I’ve had these for ages but I got them at Pier One. I can’t find them on their website but THESE ONES from are sure cute.

Thank you for checking out my “cubes and jars” wall in my scrapbook space and please let me know if you have any questions!

Scrapbook Room Organization: Day 492

Okay, fine, that may be exaggerating a little bit but Geez Oh Pete, this is taking a long time!

Remember, I had planned to finish it in THREE DAYS. I know, right? What in holy hell was I thinking? Maybe for a normal person who is not a SCRAPBOOKER HOARDER that would’ve been puh-lenty of time. But not for me. No sirree bob.

If I count every day since I started minus the days I worked out of the home all day or was out of town – I’m really on Day 12. I’ve just been plugging away, doing little things when I have a few minutes and bigger projects when I have chunks of time. Here are some of the things I’ve accomplished:

– Assembled a 3-drawer cube; I own 3 of the JETMAX STORAGE CUBES from Michaels and there is still 1 left in the box. Ugh. Dreading putting that last one together, although it WILL be glorious to be done and to have that extra storage.

– Added doors to all of my STORE IN STYLE CUBES that didn’t have them already; I think I added 6 doors. GREAT addition. Makes it look so much cleaner and I can hide more. Oh, shite, did I say that in my “out loud” voice?

– Emptied all my glass ginger jars, rinsed and dried them, and re-did what I stored in most of them. Yes, you will have to wait until the Great Reveal to see for yourself :P

*This is from an old blog post – one of the many times I’ve posted about working on my scrapbook room. You can see the cubes I talked about above, before they had doors :)

– Cleaned out the piles of stuff under my large, L-shaped desk. It’s really great at hiding things. But it’s nice to have some legroom back, I tell ya’.

– I am labeling like crazy, girlfriend! Love my good ol’ label maker. I would marry it if I could. Well, wait, I’m in California. Maybe it IS legal? Hrm, have to look into that.

– Started and labeled IRIS clamshell cases for “Projects,” “Incomplete Layouts,” and “Put in Albums.”

– Purged boo koo (yes, I do know that’s not the real way to spell it but I did anyway, ha!) scrapbook magazines and catalogs.

– Got my magazine holder full of 8.5×11 cardstock arranged in ROYGBIV color order.

– Purged and cleaned the kids’ homework and craft area. Of course, it’ll be a hot mess again in 3.2 days but at least it was pretty for a while.

– Pulled everything out of my computer/electronics/office supply cabinet, cleaned, and re-arranged.

Okay, I can stop now, right? I’ve given you enough of a list that you can see I’m cereal about this, right? I am NOT Joshing you. I really truly am working on my scrap space. Not that you’ve ever known me to lie, but still.

{Well, there was that one little white lie when I said I would NEH-VUR buy another stack of any sort from Michaels again. But really, who can keep a promise like that? Can you? Yeah, that’s what I thought}.

So that’s what I’ve been up to. How about you? Anyone else on this “fun” little journey of scrapbook room reorganization? Tell us about it. Or just tell me how awesome I am. Whatever.

And in the finest seque seen in a super duper long time … Speaking of JOURNEY (my favorite band EVAH!), my bestie scrapbook friend sent this to me. Go ahead, laugh your ass off. I did. Toodles.

Status Check: Still Organizing, Not Buried … Yet


Carol left this comment on my last organization post, written 9 days ago:

Did your room swallow you up–we have not heard from you in a couple of days. I am working on my room along side of you. I am close, but we were crazy to think we could get this complete in 3 days!!!

First, I have to agree with Carol ~ WTF was I thinking that I could do this in 3 days?!?! Fool.

So I wanted to let Carol know – and ya’ll! I didn’t forget ya’ll, sheez – that I’m still plugging away on my scrap/home office space whenever I have time. I was out of town for a few days and also got tied up with work, but I’ll be getting some time in this weekend. It’s almost midnight Friday night and I’ve been in here for a few hours tonight.

I’m too embarrassed to admit how much of that time has been spent organizing my … erm … MASSIVE Basic Grey collection. It takes a long time to alphabetize papers from, like, 50 collections, MM KAY?? Now before you choke on your gummy bear (yeah, I watch you late at night at your scrap desk … I know about the bears, the Diet Coke, and let’s just say the empty brown tissue cups in the trash that smell like chocolate and peanut butter don’t lie) … I have figured out a way to justify papers from 50 Basic Grey collections. And it goes a little something like this:

I’ve been scrapping since 2001. It’s now 2011. That’s 10 years. So if you divide 50 collections by 10 years, that’s only 5 collections per year. Which I personally think shows a great deal of RESTRAINT, don’t you? I don’t think I should be criticized for having too much Basic Grey. I think I should be heralded for having ONLY 50 collections.

I also think I should be applauded for helping to keep BASIC GREY in business for all these years. Somebody has to do it, right? It may as well be me. I will make the sacrifice for you. I will buy the Basic Grey each year, at least 5 collections, so you won’t feel like you have to.

So the bottom line here is that I don’t have too much Basic Grey. Those who would care to criticize me: Maybe you need to ask yourself why you don’t have enough? You need to buy more because until you have papers from 50 collections in 10 years, I don’t even want to be seen with you. Not on the message boards. Not at CKU. Not at the scrapbook expo. If I see you at Michaels, I look past you like I don’t know you.

In a nutshell, you’ve let me down. So get busy on the Basic Grey Collection Buying and get back to me when you’ve caught up. I’ll decide then if we can be friends again.

Now that THAT is settled, back to scrapbook room organization. Tonight I’ve also been trying to include some decorative touches in my room. As much as we all believe that shelves of Stickles and jars of ribbon are decoration in themselves, it hit me that I could add some other pretty things that I like to look at. Things to soften the edges and to add other parts of my personality to the space.

I know you’re gonna’ ask for photos and I have been taking them along the way but I’m not posting any tonight because I’m too lazy. At this point, I may just save all the “before” and “in progress” photos for the Big Reveal, which isn’t too far off. Promise :)

Pink Paislee 2011 Warehouse Sale = Grab Box of Goodness!

It’s that TIME again! It’s their 3rd annual sale.

The Peas are talking about it HERE and HERE.

I got the PP warehouse boxes in both 2009 and 2010. However, I think I’m going to pass this year. When I look at the sample in their ad and also think about the lines they’ve come out with since the last box, I have to be honest and say not a lot of it was up my alley. Not that it wasn’t great stuff – ‘cuz it was, it was! Just not my style.

{Not to mention the fact that my current scrapbook room reorg. has me VERY well aware that I have puh-lenty of pretty papers and general scrapbook goodness}.

Yeah, I’ll probably kick myself later, especially when everyone starts posting pics of their boxes when they arrive. But I’m gonna’ hang tough.

How about you? Did you order a PINK PAISLEE 2011 warehouse box … or are you gonna’?

Nothin’ to See Here, Folks. Nothin’ to See … YET

I’m sorry I haven’t posted any updates to The Great Purge and Cleanup goin’ on in the hizzy. I’ve taken some photos and am … hmmm … about halfway done? It’s hard to say. And that’s halfway with the scrapbook part, not including the home office part … which could take a year or more, ha.

I wish I could download/edit photos and type up a post right now, but it’s been an exhausting weekend. I have to get up at 5am tomorrow so I’m going to bed way before my latenight blogging session usually takes place.

I will tell you that it’s nice to see the floor in here again … even if it’s only temporary … because a lot of my scrapbook shizzle is in the dining room right now. Well, I’m gonna’ enjoy it while it lasts :)

Just wanted to say “hey” and let you know I’ll be posting as soon as I can. Have a great week!

Scrapbook Room Organization: Going for Broke, Day 3 @ 1:30 pm

Can’t write much because … I’m going like gangbusters on my scraproom! I have it about 1/2 emptied out. I’m grouping, purging, and organizing as I take stuff out so it’s taking longer than I thought. I’m hoping that means it will be quicker to put back together.

Yes, I’m taking photos along the way so you can witness the devastation later ;)

I thought I was going to keep things arranged pretty much the way they have been because I like my system (it was just out of control). But I just made a decision to make a major switch and I think it’s going to be great.

Okay, back to work! Just wanted to check in :)

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