I love it! Thanks everyone for reading and for all the wonderful comments you leave :)
scrapbook blogs
Showing: 761 - 780 of 1,180 ArticlesA Scrappy Mother’s Day? Um, No…
Well, seeing as how it was Mother’s Day today – and I am a mother – silly me, I assumed that I’d be able to do something I wanted to do and get my scrap on at some point. I mean, wouldn’t you think?
Here is what happened instead:
– DH had to work. Shizzle. Bad sign.
– I told the kids the night before that they could serve me cereal in bed; I ended up making them French toast. I opened cool gifts from them and got in a really good Mommy Love session of hugs and kisses. I saved the gift from DH to open later when he’s home.
– After breakfast, I went back to lounge in bed and fell asleep reading the new Creating Keepsakes I bought lastnight at Target.
– Upon waking, I was informed that “we” were going to play Clue.
– After an exhausting game in which Colonel Mustard was found to be the culprit, the players were famished so I played short order cook and made multiple lunches, then washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen.
– Wouldn’t you know? After lunch, it was so hot, I was recruited to watch the kids swim. The water was too cold for me (kids are freaks, aren’t they?), so I hosed off all the patio furniture for the beginning of swimming season and got everything arranged and Windexed to within an inch of it’s life. I also babysat the puppy the entire time, who was quite disturbed that “his people” were jumping in this huge blue tub of water. He wasn’t clear on the whole concept and alternated between yelping, barking, licking wet people, and attacking defenseless towels.
– After sending everyone off to the showers, throwing beach towels in the dryer, feeding and watering the pup, and hanging up swimsuits to dry, I finally got in some Mother’s Day Relaxation….by doing 5 loads of laundry and cleaning the house.
– I then made tacos, cleaned the kitchen once again, and made sandwiches for school tomorrow. Washed out and refilled sports bottles, called my mom, and put a slipcover on hubby’s recliner to surprise him when he gets home.
– Before I knew it, it was reading and tuck in time. I watched Desperate Housewives and a recorded episode of THE MILLIONAIRE MATCHMAKER, e-mailed CATHY ZIELSKE (I know!), caught up on my message board reading and posting, wrote an entry for my transcription blog, tweeted a bit on TWITTER, and wrote out this blog entry.
Oh yeah, I was gonna’ scrap today, wasn’t I? Gah!
Hope you had better luck than me, and enjoyed some scrappy time this weekend. Tell me about your Mother’s Day, whether you’re a mom or not…
Memory Makers Magazine to Cease Publication
We’re getting quite used to this, aren’t we, scrappers? But it doesn’t make taking the news any easier. According to SCRAPBOOK UPDATE, a very reliable source in my experience:
Memory Makers Magazine To Shut Down
Scrapbook Update has received from a reliable source a copy of a statement by F+W Media president Sara Domville announcing that Memory Makers Magazine will cease publication after the magazine’s Sept/Oct 2009 issue. Domville indicates the economy and other factors are to blame:
The passion and dedication of the Memory Makers staff and contributors needs to be noted and commended, but in light of severe advertising cut backs, economic conditions, and lack of new consumers coming to the hobby, we cannot continue to publish the magazine on- or offline profitably. Unfortunately, this closure means the departure of several of our colleagues.
Please allow me to publicly thank Executive Editor Beth Williams, Managing Editor Katie Hilbert, and Advertising Representative Karen Crisp for their vision, enthusiasm, and tireless efforts on behalf of the magazine and the Company. Each has agreed to stay on through the transition expected to be complete by end of June. Please join me in wishing them well in their future endeavors.
The statement also notes that the magazine’s closure will not affect the operations of the company’s book publishing or Great American Scrapbook Convention operations.
The reference to the company considering an online version of the magazine is not a surprise to anyone who saw the survey that the magazine did earlier this spring (which was noted on Scrapbook Update) in which it questioned customers extensively about their willingness to pay for a digital version of the magazine.
The closure of Memory Makers unfortunately a shock to those who’ve been watching closely the state of the scrapbook magazines. As I wrote on Scrapbook Update a month ago in the same article that discussed Memory Makers’ digital survey:
Memory Makers is arguably in the weakest position of the “mass market” scrapbooking magazines at the moment. Their advertising content percentage has been the smallest of any of the surviving scrapbook magazines (Creating Keepsakes, PaperCrafts and Scrapbooks Etc.) in the past several issues. The 2008 USPS circulation statements showed them having the smallest circulation of the 4 mass-market magazines. They need some help, like many magazines across all areas of publishing.
Memory Makers’ last few issues have only contained between 15-19% paid ad content. The last (May/June) issue was boosted back to a healthy 40% by the inclusion of a large section advertising the company’s own book club, but obviously that is only a temporary measure and not a viable continuing operational model.
To compare, most of the scrapbook magazines in their healthier years contained about 40% paid ad content. Simple Scrapbooks and Digital Scrapbooking were shut down when their ad content had sunk to neighborhood of 20%. So at 15%, Memory Makers has arguably been on life support for awhile.
Scrapbook Update will continue to do research on this story and report more information when it becomes available.
HERE is a thread from the MEMORY MAKERS message board discussing the news. I’m so sad for these ladies who will miss their favorite magazine along with the friends they have made on the message board hosted by the magazine (which one assumes will also eventually cease). That’s all I could find as of now, late on the evening the above article was published. There is no reference on the Memory Makes site or blogs to the ending of publication.
MM is one of several scrapbooking magazines I have read as long as I’ve been scrapping. Obviously, I will very much miss them. I think THE STAPLE was the sign that they had jumped the shark, and the end was near. Just sad, sad news…We will miss you, MM!
To cheer you up a bit, here is what the next issue looks like….on newsstands May 26, 2009.
NSD Crop Challenge @ AMR
Last weekend, the AMR MESSAGE BOARD had a member-hosted online crop. This was the only challenge I had time to participate in, by JULIE aka scrappin{jewlz}. Here is what the challenge was, as posted by Julie:
I have been doing some photography challenges, and have been inspired to look for new and interesting things to photograph. So I thought I would do a photo challenge. For this challenge you need to take (yes, NEW pictures) a photo of something that matches the description. You may post only one photo per section. Players will receive 1 point for each photo. The most creative photo for each description will receive a bonus point. The player with the most points will win a prize. In the event of a tie, the winner will be chosen randomly. To clarify, photos need to be taken since the challenge was posted. You will have until Wednesday at midnight PST to post your photos.
And here was my entry….
1. Something that makes you laugh
My dork dog Landry always makes me LAUGH. He is so happy and crazy with energy.
2. Something pink
My favorite hoodie, a PINK one that says “Blessed not Lucky.” My mom got it for me because she said she knows that’s how I feel about my life…and she’s right!
3. Something soft
My favorite blanket that I read my book with at night on the couch. It is the SOFTEST thing I have ever felt.
4. Favorite activity other than papercrafting (ie no stamping, scrapping, cardmaking, atcs, altered stuff)
I guess you can tell by the fact my bookshelf is so heavy that it’s bowed, that other than scrapbooking, my favorite activity is reading…
5. Your desk RIGHT NOW.
The usual state of my DESK – multiple projects going at once – 80th birthday mini album, Basic Grey 2009 calendar, and getting ready to do yearbook layout for the Father/Daughter dance
6. Favorite music
My favorite MUSIC right now is anything that Pandora.com finds for me…I’m discovering so many new artists and the old ones I’ve always loved.
7. Something outside
The view from my backyard – I love sitting OUTSIDE, looking and daydreaming…
That was a fun challenge to do and it made me take photos of things I normally wouldn’t have. Some may seem like boring or unremarkable things, but they ARE part of my everyday life at this point and that is worth capturing, don’t you think?
Another OMG! Moment on my Blog…TROY DUNN!
In case you didn’t see it in the comments on my last post, Troy “The Locator” Dunn HIMSELF left a comment:
Hey AmericanMom! I was just told by a staffer to check out your blog- you made me laugh today, thanks for the kind words. You really must raise your standards for ‘hottie’ above me! LOL
I’m thrilled we could shed a little light on the scrapbook universe as I am a fan of it too! My wife scrapbooks for all of our 7 children, but doesn’t have as much time as she would like, so she sometimes engages the talents of other scrapbook divas to help.
Actually, there is a LOT of scrapbooking that goes on behind the scenes of The Locator show, more than I would have ever imagined! It seems that most people we reunite give scrapbooks as gifts to the reunitee or vice-versa. Maybe one of these days, some big scrapbook company will hire me as a spokesperson and then we will show it more in the show! :-)
Keep up your fun blog and may I say a huge hello to all of your fellow scrapbook divas out there!!!
Thanks for the kind words and please keep watching! (It’s hard to get and keep family-friendly tv shows on the air, so let your voices be heard!)
God bless you all,
Troy Dunn
“The Locator”
Is that totally cool or what? I’m going to write him back to thank him for taking the time to write. PSA: Watch THE LOCATOR!! He’s right, it’s so hard to keep family-friendly shows on the air. This is one that I watch with my kids. The message is always uplifting and it shows the power and importance of family which, as scrapbookers, I know many of us are very supportive of. It’s on WeTV…..just plug it into your Tivo/DVR and watch it, pretty please. Season Two just started and they replay all the Season One episodes. You will love the show, I promise :)
PS: Yes, Troy, you are a hottie. Family men / good husbands / involved dads are hot!
Scrapbooking on “The Locator”
If you’ve read my blog for a bit, you know that ~ being “somewhat” Scrapbook Obsessed ~ I’m always seeking out things in the media or pop culture where scrapbooking is mentioned. For instance, HERE, HERE, and HERE. But this time, scrapbooking being part of a popular television show found me. Oh, do TELL!
Well, one of my favorite shows that I tape and watch constantly is “THE LOCATOR” on WeTV. If you haven’t seen it, there’s this hottie named Troy Dunn who does his P.I. shizzle and reunites people with their long lost friend or family member. There is one rule for watching The Locator: You. Will. Cry. Okay, there is just NO way you are going to watch this show and not cry, so don’t even bother trying, sister. Have some kleenex, a sleeve, an understanding dog…somewhere to wipe your snot because, like Oprah says, you will be a-booin and a-hooin, making that ugly cry face before the show is over.
Okay, so I noticed my trusty DVR had taped a one-hour episode (they are usually 30-minutes long) and I was stoked to watch it. It was Episode 1 of Season 2 so it was special. The first part, where a lady wants to be reunited with her mom, ended badly. Mom wrote daughter a letter…telling her all the reasons she could NOT meet with her. That was the first case I’ve watched where Troy couldn’t bring the people together. It was super sad.
Then started the second part, where 4 sisters are trying to find their 5th sister; they were all from the same mom but 5 different dads and were separated out into foster care and adoption. Here is what the website says about it:
A Daughter’s Dream / The Last Sister
Episode Summary: In 1985, Wendy and Christopher Radcliff’s mother, Jennifer, left them to be raised by their paternal grandparents when they were just 9 and 10 years old. The brother and sister have called on Troy to locate Jennifer, who originally escaped from an abusive relationship with their father. In the next story, you’ll hear about five sisters separated since childhood. Through many years of hard work and research, the second oldest sister, Nycole, 26, made it possible for four of them to be together again, but they are all still searching for their baby sister Sarah.
Searchers: Wendy Radcliff – Wendy and her brother have not seen or heard from their mother, Jennifer, since she made the decision to leave her children in the care of their grandparents. Nycole Kiefer – When Nycole was only eight years old she and her four sisters were put into child protective services. Nycole has spent 10 years searching for her family.
The Searchees: Jennifer – It’s been 20 years since Wendy’s mother left, and she hopes she will be at a point in her life where she is ready to be reunited with her firstborn children. Sarah Martin – It will be the first time Sarah, 23, sees her mom, and the first time her mom sees all of her grown-up daughters together.
Okay, so the scrapbooky part comes in at the end when all 5 of them are getting together for the first time. The four sisters meet up at….a scrapbook store! It’s EVER AFTER in the San Diego area of Cali. They are sitting around the crop table in the back, looking through scrapbooks. Troy shows up (unbeknownst to the sisters, he has their 5th sister waiting outside) and asks if they have any photos of the sister they are looking for, Sarah. They show him one infant photo of her and tell him that’s the only photo they have. Then he whips out 3 or 4 present-day shots of Sarah and says, “Have you seen this one? Or this one?” and their jaws drop, they cry, they see that she has a son…”We have a nephew!” Then Troy says, “Or how about this one?” and turns around showing them Sarah herself is standing behind him. They have their reunion in the scrapbook store. Apparently, two of the sisters scrapbook. When Troy says, “So you guys are scrapbookers?” one sister says something like, “I am. And Nycole is. Actually, Nycole was first and she got me into it. She was the instigator!” Which was so funny because don’t YOU blame the person who got you started scrapbooking? Like, you got all addicted and stuff so fast and needed more like it was scrap-crack and you’re all obsessed and jonesing and you don’t want to take personal responsibility for it, so you grab the person who got you started and you’re, like, “But it’s HER fault that I’m frickin’ addicted!” Am I right? You know I’m right.
Anyway, HERE is a link to the episode description and some video extras that were NOT part of the televised show.
THIS is the link to “Learn more about the searchees,” a 1.5 minute video which shows footage from the show and gives a synopsis of the case.
HERE is “Learn more about the searchers,” a 2-minute video where the 4 sisters mention how their case worker made them Life Books, so they had photos of one another. What an awesome case worker….
THIS is one last video (1+ minute long) called “Learn more about the reunion” where they talk to all the sisters, and there are shots of them being in the scrapbook store.
Is it just me, or is this funny?
If you’re on 2peas, you’ll for sure agree…
Just some random scrappy things…
– Shopping report: At my Target, they have the cute summer lines from KI Memories and Making Memories both on sale. They weren’t huge discounts but, like, $3.99 items down to $3.19, etc.
The KI line is called ‘Juicy Summer’ and here is a sample, the chipboard:
[ picture goes here ]
Oh wait, I can’t give you a sample because their website doesn’t let you copy/paste pictures. Oh darn for them. Coulda’ had free advertising from a blog that does some pretty good numbers. Ah well…
The Making Memories line is called, oh I can’t remember, something summery. I looked for it on their blog which is down, and on their website which doesn’t list it. I even posted the question at 2peas ‘cuz I’m sure someone over there knows, but it’s 12:20 am on the West Coast, so I think all the Peas are snug in their beds. When I figure it out, I’ll plug it in here, LOL!
ETA 5/1/09: A nice Pea helped me out. She said it’s MM Spring Fling that’s on sale, and her Target also had MM Just Chillin’ (regular price, I think). I would show you some photos but the MM site doesn’t allow copying either….
At Michaels, I got some shizzlets for my AMR Scrap Pal. I am overdue in sending her any little gifties so she’ll be getting a surprise in the mail soon (don’t worry, I don’t think she reads my blog, LOL). I also got 19 stampalicious surprises for the ladies who are in my JOURNALING SPOT SWAP at AMR. I was so happy my swap filled up quickly, well before the deadline. Just a little way to tell them all thank you for participating. Such nice, fun ladies over there. The last thing I was looking for was some of those $1 packs of cute Thank You cards – now that I work from home, I want to write a little note to each of my “in office” co-workers since I won’t see them every day anymore – but all the $1 bins were gone. Gone, I tell ya! Bunch of clean and clear floor space near the front of the store. Let’s see, what holiday is coming next? Hmmm…. Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Graduation Day? Anyway, no notecards for me….farkle!
– The June issue of CK is out. My sweet online friend MIchelle aka Shelle’s2girls has a tip published in this issue. I looked for the mag at Target and Mike’s but they didn’t have it yet. Farkle again!
– I finished reading the scrapbooking novel, “A Page Out of LIfe’ about a week ago. I owe you a REVIEW, don’t I? Now I’m reading, actually am almost done with, “Frill Kill” which is a scrapbooking mystery by Laura Childs. Think I’m done with scrappy books for a while, LOL. I’ve already started on “The Pact” by JODI PICOULT; it’s my third time reading it ‘cuz I love her stuff so much. Now if Jodi Picoult would just write a scrapbooking novel, that would be THE perfect book!
– Last and most importantly: Stacey at AMR is organizing an online auction to raise money for one of her message board members who is going through something horrible right now. Please check out Stacey’s BLOG and the MESSAGE BOARD to see if you can help. If you’re more the shopping type, put June 13/14 on your calendar and come BUY an auction item or two towards this wonderful project. Bidding will start at $2 and, given the mad wicked talent I have seen from the ladies on the AMR board, you will find some amazing items to bid on. Please go check it out :) {{Love ya, Miss Destiny!}}
Etsy Day – April 24, 2009
I purposely haven’t posted since “INTRODUCE YOURSELF,” because I’m having so much fun reading all about all ya’alls and I don’t want people to stop leaving comments on that post. But today IS Etsy Day, so I have to post. HERE is a link that tells about it. Basically, it is a day to tell everyone you know about Etsy and publicize it any way you can. Do a blog post, give a Twitter tweet, or post on your favorite message boards.
Ironically, my favorite scrapbook message board (ALL MOMENTS REMEMBERED, of course!) has just started gathering up their Etsy girls to support each other and advertise together. If you’re an Etsy girl, scrapbook-related or not, come on over and join the AMR Etsy gang. HERE and HERE are owner Stacey’s blog posts about it. I’ve never had an Etsy shop but this has inspired me to start one. It’s basically free until you sell something, easy to use, and promotes buying handmade goodness over corporate, Made in China schlock. How can you NOT support ETSY.COM? Okay, I’m off to Tweet this entry and then open up my Etsy shop…hoping my brand name isn’t already taken…wish me luck!
ETA 4/24/09: I did it! I am now the proud owner of an (empty) Etsy shop! Guess I better add some stuff to it this weekend, huh? You should really go open an account yourself – it took me literally 5 minutes on my lunch hour and it was free. My shop is called Calla Memories and HERE is the linkee.
Introduce Yourself!
I would love to get to know you. Tell me about yourself and your scrapbooking. If it makes it easier, you can answer any of these questions you’re comfortable with:
1. First name, part of the world you’re from, and about your family, your job, etc..
2. How long have you been scrapbooking and why/how did you start?
3. Are you now a paper scrapper, hybrid, or digital?
4. How often do you scrapbook these days?
5. Your friends and family would say you are…..? Give us 5 random things.
Okay, I’ll break the ice and go first, LOL!
1. My name is Erika and I am addicted to scrapbooking. (“Hi, Erika!”). I’m from California, been married over 15 years and have some wonderful kids. My number one job is being their mom, although I do have to earn a living too (medical transcriptionist full-time from home).
2. I’ve been scrapping officially since 2001, when I went to a Creative Memories party. Finally, a name for hoarding all your photos and memorabilia and putting them in an album! Had been doing that since my teens, LOL. I became addicted quite quickly, seeking out ALL the scrapbook products, conventions, and crops I could afford! Have loved it ever since.
3. I say I’m totally paper, have not a lick of interest in going digital, but I do journal on the computer sometimes, print photos, etc. Does that make me hybrid? I dunno.
4. These days, I scrapbook mostly at crops with friends or when my mom visits (she’s also a scrapper). I find it hard to justify time scrapbooking at home when so many other things need done…but I need to get over that, don’t I?
5. They would say I am….a Journey fan, sarcastic and cynical, a good mom, fun to be around, and opinionated.
Alright, now it’s your turn! Leave me a nice long comment, or answer these questions on your blog and leave us a link! Look forward to hearing about ya’ll! Have a great day :)
12×12 Paper Trays on Craigslist
Hmmmm….should I or shouldn’t I?
The listing says they regularly sell for $60 and she wants $40. I’m thinking of offering $25-30 and see what she says. I don’t need them for my paper – I’m a Vertical Storage Girl – but I need something to stack my ongoing projects in. You know, instead of my current method of creating precarious piles all over my desk.
Tick tock, tick tock…I’d better make a decision….
ETA 4/17/09: I e-mailed her with an offer of $25. Fingers crossed she even still has them….Will let you know how it goes….
ETA 4/20/09: Well, no trays for me. She e-mailed back that she was holding firm at $35. I’ll just use my coupons and get them over time from Michaels. They have this type of 12×12 stackable tray but they’re dark brown or black. Will be scouting for those now.
Scrapbooking Stuff at Big Lots
I’m sure this isn’t a very big deal for most of you. But for someone who’s main scrap shopping opportunities are Michaels, Target, and Walmart, you have to understand my excitement. WE JUST GOT A BIG LOTS!!!!!
I have always been so jealous reading those lovely, enabling message board posts about ‘the finds’ everyone has at places like Archivers (never been there), Joann’s (don’t have any), Hobby Lobby (nopey, nopey), and Big Lots. So now, I’m at least 1/4 of the way into that exciting world. And luckily for me – She of the Empty Wallet – it’s the most bargain-minded store that came to my ‘hood. So forgive my overdoing it with the photos but just thought I would share all the scrappy stuff I found at MY – yes, MY – Big Lots the other day.
QUOTE STACKS….for Cinco de Mayo…Hey, you never know!
A BIG HONKIN’ SCRAPBOOK KIT – I heard a lady in the aisle say that she saw this kit at Costco for $40, but it was only $25 at Big Lots. And there was only one.
COLORBOK GOODIE BAGS – Tons of misc. stuff for only $12….”$100 value!”
SCRAPBOOK STORAGE OPTIONS AT A GREAT PRICE – I was eyeing those 3-drawer things but I have to see if the dimensions work for my space.
A PRE-DONE SCRAPBOOK – Hey, I’m not opposed to them as long as they are cute….great timesaver! And you can add embellies to make it your own.
YOU 3-RING SCRAPBOOK LOVERS MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN THESE – I didn’t recognize the brand but the quality seemed good and you can’t beat that price!
AS SEEN ON TV! THE CRAFT LITE CUTTER – I assume that’s a great price if you’re in the market for one…
A CLOSER LOOK AT THE DIE CUTS WITH A VIEW 12X12 ALBUMS – A stunning $8 each! Even the turquoise velvet one…
AND HERE IS WHAT I ENDED UP BUYING: DCWV ‘Old World’ album ($8), AC red ribbon (it was unmarked so she gave it to me for $2), AC ‘Happy Birthday’ rubons, great for card making ($2), Pressed Petals ‘Chip Chatter’ letters in metallic green and red; I’m thinking Christmas layouts ($2 each), DCWV ‘Pocket Full of Posies’ mat stack ($3), so pretty, and metallic words ($1 each). All that shizzle for under $25. Made out like a bandit, I’d say.
Personally, I don’t care if something is NEW or HOT or JUST INTRODUCED AT CHA! If it’s “old” and I like it – and I get a great deal on it – I’m a happy girl. If you’re the same way, don’t forget to check out your Big Lots once in a while. You never know what you’ll find….
Journaling Spot Swap
So excited! I just joined THIS journaling spot swap that I heard about via the 2peas daily blogger thread (I LOVE that thing!). She’s only accepting the first 20 people. Hope I made it! Come on over and join us, too :)
ETA: Just checked my e-mail. I am SO in! Yeah, baby…
Scrapbooking Novel: A Page Out of Life
I copied this from an ARTICLE on Scrapbooking.com:
In A Page Out of Life, the art of scrapbooking becomes a backdrop that explores the experiences of several southern women as they document their lives. When frazzled mother of four Ashley Gates lets her best friend drag her to a meeting of the local scrapbook club, she’s amazed at the way old photos and mementos bring vivid color to sepia-toned memories. Among the surprisingly diverse group is Tara, a single grad student whose search for love, like her relationship with her absentee father, has only caused problems—and some funny dating stories. Then there’s Libby, a semi-retired teacher who thought she’d spend her golden years taking cooking and photography classes—not as a town pariah after her son is charged in a corporate scandal. As Ashley copes with a husband whose love for her fluctuates with her weight, she comes to depend more and more on her scrapbooking sisters. Only together can these women face earth-shattering revelations and emotionally unavailable men. “Scrapbooking is a tradition, similar to storytelling, but with a visual focus,” said author Kathleen Reid. “My goal in writing A Page Out of Life was to use weekly meetings of a scrapbooking club as a backdrop to uncover the secrets of generations of women. I am hoping that people, men and women, young and old, will relate to these characters and the unusually funny and poignant situations they experience.”
I heard about this book awhile back on the MESSAGE BOARD at ALL MOMENTS REMEMBERED. I finally got it and have been slowly reading it over the last couple of weeks. I’m now about halfway through and, since it’s spring break and since my internet has been down a lot, I think I’ll finish it this week (so READING is what I used to do before the internet….that’s right! I remember now). NICOLE on the MB had mentioned that it started out kind of slow and it’s hard keeping track of all the characters, which is right on the money. But as you keep reading, it sorts itself out and gets more intriguing. Now, I’m really curious how things will turn out for the main character, Ashley. I have a lot in common with her (unfortunately!), so it’s an intriguing read.
I plan to write a scrapbooking novel (or more) someday so this is giving me ideas and has the wheels turning. But even if you just want a good, relaxing, scrap-related read, I would highly recommend it. I’m trying to drum up some interest in a kind of mini book club discussion at AMR but so far, no bites. Oh well. Either way, I’ll give you my final review when I’m done. If you’re interested in purchasing this book, A PAGE OUT OF LIFE by Kathleen Reid, you can get it HERE, HERE, and HERE among others. I got my copy at Barnes and Noble. Kathleen has a WEBSITE and a BLOG, if you’re interested. Happy reading!
Just an update of sorts…
Hey girlies! Sorry I’ve been MIA and haven’t posted in a bit. My internet is giving me fits since Monday. It works for about 5 minutes a day, so hopefully I can get this posted within the time frame, LOL! Please stay tuned…I have 2 posts coming up, one about a touching thing that happened on an SB message board and also a post about a new STORE that just opened in my podunk area…yes, I shopped and, yes, I have lotsa photos to share. Thanks for your patience…will post soon!
**UPDATE** Good Link for Michaels Easter Coupons
In THIS post, I gave you a bogus link to coupons which doesn’t work anymore. A very nice scrapper named Vivian, who found me via 2peas, e-mailed me with the .pdf for the coupons!
HERE and HERE they are. Please let me know if it doesn’t work for you.
I’m lovin’ the 30% off total purchase one. Hmmmm, do I need to stock up on anything? Maybe Herma Tabs….
ETA 4/6/09: Sorry, my modem broke and I was without a computer for a couple days! Anyway, I’m trying again to get those coupons posted. I fixed the one link and added another for the 2 coupons that still have “time left” on ’em. The links are working for me…please tell me they work for you…if not, I’m really truly giving up this time, LOL. But not for lack of trying….
“Clearance” Ribbon at Michaels
Now I’m no math major, but…this doesn’t seem like much of a Clearance Sale to me.
Just sayin’.
Michaels Bonus Coupons for Easter.
HERE is the link to some pretty decent coupons. Now go stimulate that economy! Hoo Rah!
Here’s a sneak to entice you….
ETA 4/3/09: Sorry everyone! I guess the coupon is no good! I didn’t even make a copy before it “expired.” I’ve never seen this happen before. Whadduppppp???? Feel free to vent your frustrations here, and I’ll be back after work today to do some research into this. Crap.
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