This is part of a series about the scrapbooking booths I visited at CHA 2016. If you’d like to see all the posts in the series, please click HERE.
Next on the agenda was the American Crafts … area. I can’t even say booth because there was so much area covered.
I saw Amy Tangerine and Shimelle at the American Crafts booths but didn’t see Lizzy Karcher (aka Dear Lizzy). However, I saw her in some CHA videos so she was there, I must’ve just had bad timing.
I didn’t talk to Amy this time, as she was busy chatting.
I did briefly speak with Shimelle. I told her welcome back, that she was missed, and that all the scrapbooking peeps are happy about her new line and the return of Glitter Girl! She said even though it seemed like she was gone for a while, she actually hadn’t missed any shows and continued to release her products on schedule. Wow, she’s amazing!
When I asked if I could take a photo in front of her new line, she grabbed the basket. I had to make sure and get her sweet silver shoes in the photo too :)
Okay, for the rest of these photos, you’re on your own. There’s SO much goodness. I can’t even.
You can see all the new lines from American Crafts on their site HERE.