This is part of a series about the scrapbooking booths I visited at CHA 2016. If you’d like to see all the posts in the series, please click HERE.
Here’s the Project Life booth – yes, that’s Becky hidden back there!
Becky was busy talking the whole time I was visiting so I didn’t bug her. I was lucky enough to speak with her when I was at CHA 2 years ago. She’s as lovely as you think she is.
I did get to talk with Molly who was amazing. She’s worked with Becky for I think less than a year and absolutely loves it. {I told her she has “our” dream job!}.
We joked about how we buy lots of the Project Life kits, then have been so busy with work it’s hard to find the time to use them up. I’ll bet we aren’t alone, are we girls?
Here’s a closer look at the “Inspire” Theme Kit with the rows of hearts {above, third from left}. Love the stitching!
I asked if they had any planner products other than the ones I’d bought way back when. She showed me some planner items that I wasn’t aware of, although they weren’t new for CHA.
She was most excited about their new Instax line with albums, page protectors, Instax lenses you can pop on, etc. {Look over her right shoulder!} Molly said that when someone asks her about planner supplies, she directs them toward the Instax line because the items can be used for both – little embellishments, washi tape strips, acrylic embellishments, etc.
I just realized Molly’s outfit totally matched the green with black and white polka dots planner in the photo above. Hmm, coincidence or savvy dressing?? Love it.
They had mostly Project Life core kits in the booth that had already been released except for this one called “Currently.”
“Explore” has been out for a bit.
All the products including the Instax page protectors, 6×8 album protectors, planner supplies – everything works in everything except for the tiny Instax album. Everything else is interchangable from album to album. See the tiny little Instax pink and blue albums up top? Stinkin’ cute.
I told Molly that my Project Life storage Pin is my most popular Pin of over 2,200 of ’em I have and she wanted to see it and to follow my Pinterest. She looked it up while we were talking; made me feel special :).
I leave you with more pretties from the Project Life booth.
Here’s the Project Life CHA 2016 catalog if you want to browse away. Lots of goodness in there . . .