I usually love my iPhone dearly. It has changed my life for the better. It’s pretty. It fits perfectly in the palm of my hand. It has all the tools I need to get through the day.
But right now, I wanna’ kick it to the curb. (Hollah!)
My iPhone won’t sync to my computer. Hasn’t for 3 days now. Why is that a problem and why should you care?? Because, my scrappy friends, Mr. iPhone holds photos of:
– The progress I made last weekend on my scrapbook makeover PROJECT.
– New scrappy stuff at Target.
– New scrappy stuff at Michaels.
THAT. Is why you should care. You feeling me now? Good. We can suffer together.
I have tried all the fixes. The last time this happened, it was right after a software upgrade. I did all the fixes and nothing worked. After a day or two, it worked again. Apparently, iPhones are like women…don’t tell them when to do something. They’ll decide their DAMN selves, thankyouverymuch!
But it’s been threeeeeee daaaaayyyyssss…..How much longer must I wait? How much more can I take??? (Sing it with me! “No, you can’t hurry love…).
Yes, I DO love my iPhone. But right now? Not so much….
ETA 10-08-09: Okay, I tried again late lastnight and it worked! I have all my photos downloaded now. I have a zillion other things to do but will get those entries up as soon as I can :)

come on baby…work, work..I want to see some goodies…ha!!!!!
computer issues are SO frustrating at times.
I know – I have the bruises, cuts, scrapes and broken windows to prove it…
just kidding…but have been known to swear like a drunken sailor at times around here..yeah like the computer really understands right?…..hee, hee…
That worries me, Erika, because we upgraded to Snow Leopard and Sean’s phone has been syncing without a problem. This may require the work of a genius. (Which at least means a visit to the Mac store, which is ALWAYS a good time!!!) Can you email the stuff from your phone to your own email account and then download it onto your computer as a workaround until it starts tot sync again?
been there, done that, same problem – download the upgrade.. no downloadee photo no more…. BAH!!
ooh, feel for ya! and we wanna see some ‘enabling’ + your always awesome projects!! good luck… can’t wait!!
You have to just love technology! We can’t live with it or without it. Deep breath and go to the apple store.
I wish I could help you but, I don’t use my Cricut because it is too “technical” for me. LOL!!! I hope you get it fixed soon. I can’t wait to see some yummy goodness.
Technology – you gotta love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey girl, don’t have an iphone (apple/mac flashbacks to High school) but plan on using the held hostage idea …working on redoing my den/sb room next week with little sister, it should be fun, ikea furniture to assemble and move in ..old furniture to move out, and 5 billion scrapbooking items to find homes for..wish me luck and can’t wait to see pics of your progress and shopping excursions !
Sorry your phone is not cooperating. I hope it works soon. Take care.
So glad you got it to work. Love seeing pics of your finds.