I always seem to be feeling pretty “random” by Friday night. I’ve usually seen little things throughout the week that I want to share with you, but don’t have time to do a whole post about them or whatever. So I’m going to start posting “Friday Night Scrapbook Randoms”, okay? It’ll be a big ol’ mosh pit of scrap stuff. It might be slightly dangerous and somewhat crazy, but I want you to just dive in and don’t expect perfection, yeah? Cool.
I found some cool things on SARA’s blog; she’s a Pea! I totally love the name of her blog: “Yeah, Like I Have TIme for This.” She had me at hello.
So first, check out her cool and fast solution for doing her vacation albums HERE. I’ve been meaning to do an album like that, with the 4×6 photo pages embellished with mats and things, but still haven’t gotten around to it. Her projects are wonderful inspiration, don’t you think?
Also, I stole this fun little survey from Sara HERE, and completed it for myself. Would love it if you took the survey on your blog, and shared a link with us!
FOR TODAY August 28th, 2009
Outside my window…it’s dark, hot, and still.
I am thinking…about how I should get to bed…have to get up early tomorrow..
I am thankful for…a wonderful dinner tonight, then the company of our great friends and a nice glass of wine.
From the kitchen…beer butt chicken, grilled bread, and salad.
I am wearing…my ‘jamas.
I am creating…nothing lately…but tomorrow’s another story.
I am going…to print some photos and place a Memory Works order.
I am reading…”Becoming Chloe” by Catherine Ryan Hyde.
I am hoping…that I wake up on time tomorrow.
I am hearing…all the fans running in the house. It’s 11:15 and still hot.
Around the house…there is folded laundry that needs to be put away. Where is that darn maid!?! Oh, wait, that would be me…
One of my favorite things…quiet “me time” after everyone has gone to bed. {<- Love this answer, so I just copied Sara}.
A few plans for the rest of the week…working overtime, having kids' friends over to swim Sunday, cleaning house.
One last thing: What do you think of this article, BLOGGING IS THE NEW SCRAPBOOKING…OR IS IT SCRAPBLOGGING? Other than this quote….
“Think about it … no blisters from the constant cropping of photos, no writers cramps from all those bubble letters…”
…I thought it was pretty good. Sorry, chickie, we don’t “constantly” crop photos or handwrite our bubble letters anymore. Well, I mean, you scrappers can if you WANT. Not that there’s anything WRONG with that. But most of us use Thickers and such, LOL. Also, she wrote it as “scrap booking,” making it into two words. But she had a good point, that the blogs of today can be seen as the scrapbooks of yesterday. A way to capture all those little, day-to-day details of our lives that might otherwise be forgotten.
ETA 8-29-09: The author of the article left a comment below….Thanks for stopping by, Kristy!
Alrighty then…I’m going to an all day crop tomorrow. Whoo to the hoo and all that shizzle! It’s the first time in 2 years (that I can remember anyway) that I’ve gone to a crop that I wasn’t either hosting or selling at. From 9am to 9pm, I’m just plain cropping, baby! Speaking of crops, HERE is my post about crops from 2peas today, and HERE is another one asking what do you do at a long crop?
So, was that all random enough for ya? What are your weekend scrappy plans?

love reading your blog always full of good info i finally started a blog about scrapbooking its something that i have always wanted to do check it out …www.pinkpaperpantry.blogspot.com thanks so much !!!
Hey there … I’m actually the one that wrote the article on scrapblogging. Thanks for the link to it and opening discussion here too :D.
Don’t get me wrong, I love being creative with my photos … just don’t seem to have as much time as I used to. That’s what got me thinking about the subject in the first place. Scrapblogging seems to be the next wave of sharing your memories because people are already in front of a computer so much.
Thanks again for the link. We do appreciate it.
Kristy Nuttall
RKN Studio
Love your random post!
Have you been by your Mikes this past week? Mine is loaded down with Sassafrass goodies (like, three whole lines), and bunches of new Thanksgiving and Halloween goodies!
Hmmm…maybe I’m spending too much time scrapblogging and not enough time scrappin’. so jealous of your all day crop. It’s raining here and my kids are quite whinny. Not sure what to do with them but I should think of something fast.
I did have a chance to make some cards today. They are posted on my blog.
love your posts!!