Happy Weekend to you!
Remember the new line by Melody Ross for GCD I showed you HERE? It’s only being released at 100 Michaels stores and, as predicted, it’s not at mine. But my buddy ABBY who lives down South (or is that DAY-own SAY-outh? Sorry, Abby, don’t hit me!) found the line at her store. She recently became an iPhone convert and has been taking stealth photos in scrapbook stores! Why I never! Oh, wait, I do that, too. Anyway, she sent me these photos….I’m so jealous.
But the true scrappy friend that she is, she said if my Mike’s never gets “Artsy Urban,” she will send some to me :)
Have you seen the Nov/Dec issue of SCRAPBOOKS ETC yet?
As you may know {and I wrote about HERE}, they decided to change the magazine a bit and this was the second issue with the new format. It’s not getting rave reviews HERE at all… I was actually relieved to see that thread because I was quite underwhelmed by this issue also, but thought it must just be me…cuz I’m so pissy about their format change and all. And it’s humid here. And I’m so disappointed that WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE, the movie I was going to take my kids to this weekend, is being reviewed as doomy, gloomy, mature, and boring {ASTRO BOY it is!}. And I’m tired, cranky, and generally vindictive….. But no. That wasn’t it. The issue sux. It’s not just me. {What a relief, ‘cuz it’s usually just me}.
My discontent started when I found the issue at Walmart the other day and that new title font just rubs me the wrong way. It reminds me of those cheapie supermarket magazines at the checkstand, the ones that look to be worth about 50 cents. The logo looks….cheap, I guess. I am a classy woman. I prefer to look at a classy logo. Nay, I DESERVE a classy logo! To sum up the rest of my issue with the issue (ha!), it just wasn’t a page-corner-turner-downer, kwim? Few layouts I wanted to steal…erm, scrapjack. Few articles I was excited to read. And some non-scrappy advertising, too. Yuck. {Yeah, yeah, I know beggars can’t be choosers…SBE is taking the advertisers it can get, but do I have to be happy about it?}.
Just to give you an update on my scrapbook room makeover…there isn’t one. I’ve been working a lot and just generally busy. And I’m at the point with it that some decisions have to be made about how/where to store things. I want it all to make sense and be user-friendly. I go in there sometimes, look around, try to wrap my brain around some kind of concept….and usually walk back out without accomplishing anything. I think I need to complete two things before I can really move on: Paint THIS shelf so I can decide where to hang it and what to put on it, and put my 2 remaining JETMAX cubes together so I can decide what to store in them. Both of these things involve manual labor which, like “exercise,” are words I try not to utter much less DO. Hollah! Okay, okay, you’ve nagged me enough! {Oh yes, I can read your mind, sista!}. I will do these two things so this makeover can move forward. But when I get paint under my fingernails and hurt my hand with that tiny screwdriver, I will curse YOU, damn it!
My scrappy and ever-so-talented online friend JULIE is having a RAK to celebrate her 10,000th hit! Please go say hi to her. Once you see her blog, you’ll be hooked. She takes great photos, has beautiful kids, and makes riDONKulously gorgeous layouts. And she’s such a huge JASON MICHAEL CARROLL fan, that she makes me feel better about my own STEVE PERRY crush. Swoon!
Upcoming in November 2009, there is a “Blogging for Scrapbookers” class by SHIMELLE … isn’t she pretty? And she is wicked talented, I tell ya….
– learn about it and sign up HERE.
What a wonderful idea for a class. Unique but very pertinent, since so many of us scrappers love to blog. If you sign up, let me know :) I’m thinking about doing it…but if some people that I know signed up, that would tip me over the edge… {hint, hint, wink, wink}.
Okay, mah chickies….Peace out!

OMG, you actually linked to JMC.. amazing.. LOL (and thanks, yeah, I think he is too ;) )
BUT I can’t see the stealth pics.. guess I don’t have the right glasses on.. or something… LOL
Whoa, Abby, great photos! Me and my coupon are gonna check out our very urban Michaels tomorrow. Crossing fingers. I have to tell the cashier to use the coupon on the most expensive item, otherwise they use it on ANYTHING. Must have ancient registers.
Scrapbooks Etc. – is it looking more like Better Homes and Gardens? More generic? Less elitist? More like the website [which seems to have snares lurking in every corner]? Maybe I just don’t get it; I am really a Simple girl at heart. Miss that mag.
Glad you scored the Craige’s list shelf. Paint it and love it!
Jason and Steve??? I’m so out of it! [and love it!]
Loving all these Melody Ross goodies. In fact, this has given me some much needed inspiration for a little project I am working on. Love reading your blog, Erika.
Abby makes a great partner in crime for ya…lol! That line looks so great!
LOL. Glad the pics went over well. ;) I LOVE the texture of the papers and embellishments…especially the flocking!
I think Scrapbooks, etc has a Family Fun magazine feel to it now. I have my new copy, but I haven’t gotten to look at more than 2 or 3 pages. I also love how they’ve added ways to create layouts from stuff around the house. Great blog post. :)
Oh, and in case you didn’t know honey, DAY-own SAY-out is the WAAAY ya SAAAY it, sugar. ;)
MR – I wonder if a Mikes around here has it? Hmmm…..curious.
On the SBE thing. I didn’t hate this issue. No, it wasn’t their best ever, but I really LOVED the last one, so I don’t really think it’s a format thing. I just think this one sort of missed the mark. I just hate it when that happens on the 2 month issues because now I have to wait LONGER to get a good one! LOL!
That class sounds very interesting!
LOVED Shimelle’s blog. I am for sure gonna take a class. Heavens knows I need to take the blogging one, but the Christmas one also looked great. Normally I would justify taking both, but I acidentally on purpose went crazy at an Archives store today and my husband was along (funny story for later) so he may disown me if I try to take both. The sales lady tried to reassure him that my total “wasn’t that bad” but that didn’t seem to pacify him much. So, I guess I will let you know when I sign up for the blogging class!
Hi Tina,
Thanks for the Comment! I checked out that Journal Your Christmas class and it does sound good. I wish there were a little more detail but that’s okay. I’m considering it anyway. I love that you’re a “member for life” if you do the class, LOL!
There is a “Welcome” thread for you at AMR – did you see it?
Hope you’re having a great weekend,
No, I haven’t seen the thread, will check it out. I looked things over last night, but was little overwhelmed. It is inching toward midnight here so I may wait until tomorrow to check. I am getting up super early to dive into all my new goodies!!!!!!