~ Project 365 for 2010 started today. I took some photos after midnight of our little New Years celebration, and also some photos on our walk today so I have about 8 photos to choose from. I’m going to start a Word document journal of my photos each day, then when it’s time to journal for my P365 scrapbook, I’ll just print it out or transfer it over in handwriting.
I found THIS blog via 2 peas tonight and she gave some good insight about not stressing on this project. I don’t want it to be a stressful thing, so any tips like that, I love.
We started a separate Project 365 forum at SCRAP SISTERS STUDIO, so that’s cool to have one place to gather all our posts, info, and inspiration. Whoever thinks of it first will start a daily thread in the main Scrap Chat forum, then I’ll move it over to the P365 forum once everyone has had a chance to read it. We don’t want it to be out of sight, out of mind. I ended up starting the thread for today and was happy to see all the responses of the ladies participating. I also responded to the first daily thread on 2peas. I think staying involved in those daily threads will help keep my Project 365 mojo going.
~ I wish I hadn’t been laid up in bed not feeling well most of today. I have so many new scrappy things to show you from Christmas and I need to take photos of them! Instead of taking photos to share with you, I chose to watch 8 back episodes in a row of Million Dollar Listing that have been sitting in my Tivo for months. {Okay, Chad, you can “love” your dog, just don’t “LLLLOOOVVVVEEEE” your dog. Crap, man, get a life!}
Anyway, once I got my lard ass out of bed, then took the kids and dog out on a long walk, it was too dark to get good photos. I will try again tomorrow. I got the crop bags I wanted (eeee!), my Basic Grey “vintage” order came in, and I got to shop at an actual LSS for the first time in probably 5 months. I’ll give you a review of that store and here’s a hint: It’s the “largest scrapbook store in California.” Ha! You’re jealous, huh? That’s okay, I would be jealous of me too.
~ 2 peas is having log-in issues and I’m getting mighty sick of it. I have to re-log in every time I go to post something. Grrrr. Maybe they will get it fixed on Monday, when everyone goes back to their normal life in the business world. If not, I may have to go to their home office in Wisconsin and bang their heads together like Larry and Curly.
~ I set a deadline to finish my scrapbook room MAKEOVER by 12-31-09 and *SHOCKING* I did not meet my deadline. Wow, that really surprises me, that I started a scrappy project and didn’t finish it when I said I would (insert eye roll here). Now that I’m feeling better, I’m hoping to finish it by my new deadline of Sunday, 1-3-10.
I would really love to have an organized space and clean desk to be able to get some major scrapping done in 2010, because my “number of layouts completed” for 2009 was pretty dismal. I don’t keep a tally but I would guess it’s in the 40-50 page range and that just bites. I would also like a clean slate to start Project 365 with for 2010 and feel like I can sit down on a weekly basis to insert my photos and journaling in the P365 album.
Did you have any scrappy deadlines set in 2009 or projects you were determined to finish that didn’t get done? C’mon, help a sister out! Make me feel like less of a loser, would ya?
Well, that’s all I got. Gonna make like a tree and leave…buh bye.

After failing to complete my page goals for 2 years running last year I didn’t make one…OMG it was horrible. I did do several mini’s and lots of scrappy gifts, but my son is 2 and a half and has like 20 pages (5 of which are hospital pics of him being held withvarious family members.) My second son is 3 and a half months old and this poor child has about a tenth of the pictures and they are ALL still in the camera…minus the one I printed to give people for Christmas. Yes I am a horrible mother!
My goal this year is to try and scrap 1 page a week for each child. I am attempting a project life type project. The orginal plan was to use up stash…until I saw simple stories…I want to buy this kit so bad…my deal with my self is that if I take a picture a day for the entire month of January…and JOURNAL, then I can have the kit…so we will see…1 day down!
Thanks for another great blog post! Good luck on your makeover, can’t wait to see the end result…whenever it is! LMAO
Dude, you have to get your room done! I finally got my table top for my awesome new craft table (I’ll post about it soon and show you) and it’s made my productivity go through the roof!!! Seriously, I’ve got a three year old, a very active eight month old, a massive head cold and I still got my scrap on last night. It’s awesome!
I had tons of stuff that I didn’t get done last year…tons! But, since I’ve gotten my new table set up, I’ve finished up two in-progress layouts and done a few projects on my to-do list. A cute piggy bank for the baby and a mini book for my online passwords.
Aaah, scrappy goals of 2009… I didn’t do too badly really, but my big FAIL was to scrap something every day. I figured I had a scrap room that sat rarely touched in 2008, so I’d better make sure I used it in O9, hence my plan to scrap something every day. I actually managed it until mid May, by whcih point I was totally uninspired and really needed a break! I also planned to do more mini albums, which simply resulted in a basket full of cute empty albums and OTP stuff waiting to be used. But overall, I did scrapbook heaps more, I did move scrap rooms and got the space I’d dreamed of (bit like Donna Downey’s old space with a little more restraint) which also made me purge supplies from my stash (sold heaps of it at a LSS garage sale), I managed to see what actually had and start using it more, and I more or less completed Project 356 (only the photo bit, no album yet and probably ever!) with a few missed days here and there, so will definitely do that again on 2010. Planning on being more disciplined with my 365 photos and journalling in 2010, doing a self take each day, and filling out a monthly records of little details in my life that make for interesting reading in the years later, which is something I did in 2008 and regret not continuing in 2009. Ok. Done with rambling on…
My goal for 2010 is to get my kiddo’s elementary school album done. I started back in October, but ran out of momentum… now it looms over me like a proverbial albatross… ugh! MUST GET ‘ER DONE! ;)