This book is only $1.99 for Kindle right now and it’s a #1 Best Seller. It’s called Five Quarters of the Orange by Joanne Harris.

five quarters of the orange joanne harris scrapbook novel

The description caught my eye:

When Framboise Simon returns to a small village on the banks of the Loire, the locals do not recognize her as the daughter of the infamous woman they hold responsible for a tragedy during the German occupation years ago. But the past and present are inextricably entwined, particularly in a scrapbook of recipes and memories that Framboise has inherited from her mother. And soon Framboise will realize that the journal also contains the key to the tragedy that indelibly marked that summer of her ninth year. . . .

This author also wrote Chocolat which, while I didn’t read the book, was a movie I really enjoyed. The thing is, I don’t tend to like historical novels :/

And sometimes a book or movie description will mention a scrapbook, I buy it, then it’s mentioned one time in the whole work, LOL. Aggravatin’, I tell ya’! So I’m wondering if this book is actually “scrapbook-y” or are they just teasing me again?

Have any of you scrappy girls read this book who could give me a review please? (<- That is SO grammatically incorrect but I'm tiiired). I know it's only $1.99 and I should just chance it but my Kindle doth overflow with tons of bargain Kindle books and I'm trying to be more selective these days :) So should I get it?

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  1. avatar

    I read this book this summer, and I loved it. The scrapbook is a very important part in the book. Actually, you could say it is another character! It’s not the scrapbook as we know it today, but more like what I had when I was a teen, with the black construction paper pages. It has recipes in it, though, and the mother writes random things in it, that the daughter tries to decipher. The story takes place in the present, with flashbacks related to the mystery of what her mother did. It is not “chick lit,” but very intense contemporary AND historical, and I would recommend this to anyone.

  2. avatar
    Scrapbook Obsession says:

    Cathy, you’re amazing! Thank you so much for that review. I’m going to buy it. You totally sold me with your description.

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