Back in the day, LISA BEARNSON used to host scrapbooking shows on QVC. They were THE THING to watch. Scrappers would call in sick to work or gather and crop during these shows. They were such an event, lol. Well, Lisa left QVC some time ago as did scrapbooking as a whole.
Then HSN picked up the crafts/scrapbooking baton with a variety of hosts. While I’m grateful that at least someone has kept on with the scrapbooking shows, HSN has never held a candle to QVC’s old shows. That’s why I was so very excited to hear that Lisa Bearnson is coming to HSN! Not only that, she’ll be debuting Project Life there. As a Project Lifer myself, that was icing on the scrapbooky cake.
If you don’t want to know ahead of time many of the items she’ll be showing on HSN, don’t look below … SPOILERS!!
But first I’ll share the schedule so you can set your DVR – it’s basically Monday, 03-25-13 from midnight to midnight EST. HERE is the program guide at You can adjust it to show your time zone if you like.
These are the times Lisa says she will appear (all EST):
12:01 AM – Papercrafting with Lisa Bearnson premiere along with Today’s Special (Project Life) presentation
1:00 AM – Today’s Special (Project Life) presentation
8:00 AM – Today’s Special (Project Life) presentation
12:00 PM – Papercrafting with Lisa Bearnson premiere along with Today’s Special (Project Life) presentation
2:00 PM – Today’s Special (Project Life) presentation
5:00 PM – Papercrafting with Lisa Bearnson premiere along with Today’s Special (Project Life) presentation
6:00 PM – Today’s Special (Project Life) presentation
9:00 PM – Papercrafting with Lisa Bearnson premiere along with Today’s Special (Project Life) presentation
10:00 PM – Today’s Special (Project Life) presentation
She’s been posting on her blog about items she’ll be presenting on HSN for the big scrapbooking day. This is just a snapshot; click on her blog link above to see a lot more details. But here are all the products in one place:
[quote]On March 25th, 2013 at 12:01 a.m. I will present the Today’s Special–an exclusive Project Life kit that is not offered like this anywhere else. Oh–and wait until you see the price![/quote]
There will also be a washi tape item:
A Silhouette Cameo bundle:
And a card kit:
Sticker Bliss Mega Kit:
Project Life Blush and Jade kits:
Favorite File of Rub-Ons:
Across the Board border kit:
Life’s Little Moments chipboard kit:
American Crafts twine and paper trimmer:
I don’t know about you but I’m excited! DVR is set baby! First of all, I love Lisa. I was blessed to spend some time with her on a scrapbook cruise and she was amazing. Loved her and David Venable on QVC all those years (and thought the dust-up about ‘the slap’ was kind of silly, imho). Anyway, just happy to see something new and exciting coming to HSN for once. If I have to see the WRMK punches demo’d one more time I’m going to scream.
Reminder: If you’re PST like me, we actually get the first show at 9pm Sunday night :) I need to catch up on my Project Life. I think I’m going to set it up on the coffee table and have a little Scrap Party for One from 9pm to midnight, LOL.
Will you be watching? Got your eye on any of the items above?

Thanks for all of the information. I am really liking the AC twine and the washi tape. I have never bought anything from HSN so this might be a first. :)
Thanks for the info! I’ll be watching too!