Sorry no bloggee for me lately. No, I didn’t get trampled by scrappers running to buy all the new Project Life THEMED KITS coming out this month. Nor was I run over by the October Afternoon WAREHOUSE SALE truck.
Nope, just the same old reason … super busy with work and family stuff. And a ran an online crop last weekend at my favorite message board – including Scrapbook Bingo! We had a blast and hope to do it again soon.
Speaking of October Afternoon, how did I miss THIS?!?!? It’s called “Milk Money”, a super cute school line. The papers and stickers are so cute, and these are a MUST-HAVE!
OA “Milk Money” Pillow Puffs
OA “Milk Money” Pop Drops
In fact, there is much of the DAILY FLASH line that I need to start saving for now. What do you think of OA’s new stuff? Maybe now that they’ve PARTNERED WITH Webster’s Pages, delivery to their frothing and drooling public (aka ME) will arrive sooner than later for once. Here’s hoping!
Lot’s of buy-outs and join-ups in the scrapbooking world these days. I just heard that WRMK BOUGHT A COMPANY, too. Hey, whatever keeps them viable and making scrappy products for us to enjoy, I say!
And I’ll close with a lovely video that made me smile . . . hope it does the same for you: IRISH CUPS.

1 Comment
Loving the new OA I have seen! Wish the sale was close to me. I hope the partnership will really speed up the delivery of product, inventory, and customer service.