Just wanted to say “hiya” and check in. Life has been too busy to blog. Wah. Boo! Hate it.
As Mary reminded me in Comments, I have yet to post the second Arizona LSS review. Gotta’ get on that.
I also said I’d post about the stamp contro at Two Peas. Boy, do I have a lot to say ’bout that!
And there are so many other things I wanna’ write about.
But in the last 2 weeks, my workload has literally doubled. My car has literally died. And I literally have sciatica and a head cold.
So please forgive meeeeeee!
To make you smile, HERE is where Lisa Bearnson posted about her upcoming HSN Scrapbook shows in May 2014. Does that help you not be mad at me? Hope so!
And I hope all is well in your world, my loves <3 Talk soon.

No worries! Concentrate on getting better, so you can continue to entertain us with your witty scrapbook/life blog!
Be well.
Thank you so much, Laura! I’m slowly feeling better and getting caught up. Hope all is well with you!