Okay, so I’m doing a BOOK OF ME, thanks to my friends at AMR. I only have a few pages done but this is definitely a project I’m going to continue with throughout my life. I’ve been putting my completed pages in a 12×12 postbound album I had already, an older one by Chatterbox. But … and I’m peeved … the album cover is warped even though it’s been stored properly since I bought it. So I need something else to use.
ETA 9-27-09: Okay, I finally took some pictures….
It’s hard to see in a photo but look at the top 1/3 of the album. It’s all wavy. Here’s a little better view.
Let me just say it looks much WORSE in person.
I’ve been thinking about going D-ring for this album, even though I’m pretty firm on sticking to Snapload for my everyday family albums. I hate the D-ring “interruption” in the middle of 2-page layouts, which is what I mostly do in my family albums. But so far, these BOM layouts have been 1-pagers and most will probably continue to be. So why not get a D-ring, right?
Well, the other day I was placing a MEMORY WORKS order for a friend from the crop I went to last Saturday. Tangent: She is getting these, from the Fancy Pants “Christmas Magic” line……sooooo pretty:
Anyway, I thought what a shame to pay $8.45 for shipping for just 2 little things, and have all that empty space in the box, right? I mean, it’s a travesty of some sort, yeah? So I’ll just search around the sale items at Memory Works and see if I can find something to add. You know, something I NEED not just want. I opened the SHOP OUR PRODUCTS section and noticed there was a new section called “Limited Time Only,” which are products they now have a limited quantity of and won’t be able to get more from the manufacturer (I tell ya, girls, it is SUPER hard to stock a scrapbook store or reselling company these days, with the limited and unpredictable quantities being released by manufacturers…not their fault, “it’s the economy,” right?).
So what do I see but this! The perfect color. The perfect design. THE PERFECT D-RING ALBUM!
It’s the Making Memories 12×12 embossed leather D-Ring ALBUM for only $20!! Yep, 20 bucks and with my consultant discount it’s only $16. It’s hard to see in this pic, but it has a pretty embossed design on it. They have several colors….light blue, mocha brown, red, pink, black, and yellow {you can see them all HERE} and it was hard to choose. But I went with pink since it’s one of my favorite colors, and it’s girly and “all about me.” LOL I also got some extra pages ($6 for 10 minus my discount).
If I can order one (or several) for you, please let me know. Just click HERE for info, or up in the top right where it says “I’m a Memory Works Consultant.”
Anyway, I’m so very happy…only $16 (plus $4 to split the shipping with my friend’s order) for a leather, embossed, D-ring album…I’m still in shock, but happy. And pretty in pink! Have a great day…
ETA 9-27-09: My new album is here!! So pretty….. and not warped, LOL!

I love D Ring Albums. I mostly do 1 pagers, but I know what you mean about the “interuption” w/a 2 page layout, so those are in a different album. Each kid has a post bound album.
I love those D-ring albums too.. I rarely do 2 pagers anymore, so they work great for me.
The only thing I need now are book shelves with deeper shelves
What I’ve also noticed, with some of the (name brand) post bound albums I sometimes needed to trim like 1/8″ off the LO to make it fit the page protectors. I bought a Making Memories 12×12 D ring album and my LOs fit perfectly, no trimming required. Love it!
I love Making Memories Albums. D ring and post bound. I love the ones that have the embossing especially. Tuesday Morning is the best place to buy too!
good to know about you being a Memory Wks Consultant!!
…and I never noticed MM made 12×12 albums. I know they have sooo many other products. So thanks for showing this other side of MM to me!!
D Rings are starting to look better and better to me. I hate trying to add pages to the post bound albums. UGH, Maybe I will try that.