Everybody say HAYYYYYY-AYYYYYY, cuz I do believe we have another Scrapbook Item Frenzy on our hands!! Thanks to LORI RN (who doesn’t appear to have a blog I can linkya to…shame), I hear that there are these cute new border punches in the Martha Stewart section at Michaels. The photos were provided by Lori, and if you click on the heading of each one, it takes you to the Martha Stewart site. There are photos there too, but Lori’s are way better because you can actually see how the paper looks after you punch it. According to the Martha Stewart WEBSITE, each punch retails for $14.99. I don’t know about you, but I’ve got (3) of the Mike’s 50% coupons burning a hole in my wallet. Hrrrmmmm…(doing mental necessity vs. available cash calculations inside obsessed scrapper’s head)….$14.99 minus 50% off times 3 would be….PERFECT!
There are 5 punches altogether, so here are the other 2 from the Martha site, as Miss Lori does not have pics of the last 2…yet (something tells me she’ll be heading back to a certain craft store soon…).
CORNICE EDGE PUNCH by Martha Stewart
Another shout out to LORI RN for posting these punches, and taking those fab pictures of them, on both CKMB and 2PEAS. You are one wicked enabler, my dear (God luv ya!).
I have to say, Lori did a good shoppin’ job b/c I don’t like the last 2 punches anywhere near as much as the first 3. So what’s the verdict, ladies??? Will I be knocking you down in the aisle when I go to Mike’s, determined to grab those first 3 punches, get them to the register, slam down my 50%, and say BAM! like Emeril?!?! Or ya gonna pass on these punches?

Whoa!!! I swore I would never buy any of her stuff because…well, I just don’t like her. But maybe I will send DH to Mike’s to buy these for me. Technically that would not be ME buying them, right??
I’ve decided, I NEED the first three :) Too bad my Michaels is an hour away.. hmm, roadtrip? :)
i forsee the return of decorative edge scissors…
Cute punches but I am not a Martha gal so I won’t be adding them to my stash. The only one that appeals to me is the zig zag but I can recreate that look myself (albeit slowly) LOL Thanks for the tip on what could be the new frenzy. :)
I agree with you I love the first 3 as well!! But I though the coupons exclude all Martha Stewart stuff…. hmmm I will have to see.
Those first 3 punches ROCK! Thanks for sharing :)
Funny to see this here today as I bought the SIMPLE SCALLOP EDGE PUNCH just this morning. lol
[…] new toys on their way to me too! How could I resist this punch? You can see a better picture of it here. I’ve also got the Zigzag one on it’s way, plus because I thought they were out of […]
If your Mike’s doesn’t have these – as many of them can’t keep them in stock – then go to ebay. They have several of the Doily Lace and 1 listing for the Zig Zag. Simple Scallop is harder to find. I was never a Martha fan before but her Craft line is great. Very high quality and reasonably priced. And different from other lines. :-)
[…] all Cricut products. Sounds like you’re in the clear to use it on those Martha Stewart PUNCHES you’ve been […]
Hey have you seen the Martha Stewart Halloween Border Punches? I purchased the “Rickety Fence”
It’s a must have!!
I love these punches – wish I could get them – I live in New Zealand and we don’t have Michaels here……
Dear Madam, I am interested in one of you products, I have a dolls house company in Spain.
many thanks,
Do you have a recomended person, episode, or contact on how to make window cornice boards or valances?
thank you.
Linda Shipman
Found this site while searching the web for Martha Stewart´s edge punches.
They seemed to be sold out on her online store.
I would be very happy for any tips where to buy them at reasonable prices.
Katja from Sweden
I have four of the punches – hearts, picket fence, floral scallop and the train. I have found that they all cannot be used as a border on the bottom of your card. The hearts and the floral scallop are fine. The hearts bottom point points to the bottom of the card as well as the floral scallop. The picket fence and the train are upside down if you wish to use them as a the border of the card. Basicly you would have to punch it out and then glue it to the card if you wish to use it as a border on the bottom of the card. Has anyone else had this problem?
you can use the weekly coupons on martha stewart I just did that today and plan on doing it a lot more
I just bought the doily lace punch and love it. It will be neat for heritage pages it has that old fashioned look.
Thanks so much for sharing! I think I’ve added a couple more punches to my list!
HI Everyone
I am in Australia and trying to get hold of some martha stewarts punches, each time i go to order off her site there are only a few left and she doesnt have all the ones i want. Just asking girls would you know where I can purchase them online??? You all mentioned Mikes? Please fill me in!
thanks Heaps
I have three Martha Stewart punches ans I love them so much that I ordered another three. I got mine from Sir Stampalot. Great delivery service too. Joan
Thanks! I’ll have to check these out!!
In my town we can use JoAnns coupon at Micheals–I got 5 of the new double packs and we are having a blast/ I got the ribbon double cutter–what a buy at 50% off/ And the butterfly stamper and cuter–u get 3 different butterflies to decorate. I have one more day to buy more at 50% off. I promised to pick up 2 more of the double ribbon cutter. I might get the neat heart border one also. I love the way you can get the border and corner/ I am not a fan either but she must of hired a real winner to come up with these–beats Fiskar this time
[…] Martha Stewart Border Punches at Michael’s April 200823 comments 5 […]
[…] Price:$8.29Read More[amazon-product-reviews]Martha Stewart Floral Lace Edge Punch. One of our …5s precision edge punch lets you create […]