We’re getting quite used to this, aren’t we, scrappers? But it doesn’t make taking the news any easier. According to SCRAPBOOK UPDATE, a very reliable source in my experience:
Memory Makers Magazine To Shut Down
Scrapbook Update has received from a reliable source a copy of a statement by F+W Media president Sara Domville announcing that Memory Makers Magazine will cease publication after the magazine’s Sept/Oct 2009 issue. Domville indicates the economy and other factors are to blame:
The passion and dedication of the Memory Makers staff and contributors needs to be noted and commended, but in light of severe advertising cut backs, economic conditions, and lack of new consumers coming to the hobby, we cannot continue to publish the magazine on- or offline profitably. Unfortunately, this closure means the departure of several of our colleagues.
Please allow me to publicly thank Executive Editor Beth Williams, Managing Editor Katie Hilbert, and Advertising Representative Karen Crisp for their vision, enthusiasm, and tireless efforts on behalf of the magazine and the Company. Each has agreed to stay on through the transition expected to be complete by end of June. Please join me in wishing them well in their future endeavors.
The statement also notes that the magazine’s closure will not affect the operations of the company’s book publishing or Great American Scrapbook Convention operations.
The reference to the company considering an online version of the magazine is not a surprise to anyone who saw the survey that the magazine did earlier this spring (which was noted on Scrapbook Update) in which it questioned customers extensively about their willingness to pay for a digital version of the magazine.
The closure of Memory Makers unfortunately a shock to those who’ve been watching closely the state of the scrapbook magazines. As I wrote on Scrapbook Update a month ago in the same article that discussed Memory Makers’ digital survey:
Memory Makers is arguably in the weakest position of the “mass market” scrapbooking magazines at the moment. Their advertising content percentage has been the smallest of any of the surviving scrapbook magazines (Creating Keepsakes, PaperCrafts and Scrapbooks Etc.) in the past several issues. The 2008 USPS circulation statements showed them having the smallest circulation of the 4 mass-market magazines. They need some help, like many magazines across all areas of publishing.
Memory Makers’ last few issues have only contained between 15-19% paid ad content. The last (May/June) issue was boosted back to a healthy 40% by the inclusion of a large section advertising the company’s own book club, but obviously that is only a temporary measure and not a viable continuing operational model.
To compare, most of the scrapbook magazines in their healthier years contained about 40% paid ad content. Simple Scrapbooks and Digital Scrapbooking were shut down when their ad content had sunk to neighborhood of 20%. So at 15%, Memory Makers has arguably been on life support for awhile.
Scrapbook Update will continue to do research on this story and report more information when it becomes available.
HERE is a thread from the MEMORY MAKERS message board discussing the news. I’m so sad for these ladies who will miss their favorite magazine along with the friends they have made on the message board hosted by the magazine (which one assumes will also eventually cease). That’s all I could find as of now, late on the evening the above article was published. There is no reference on the Memory Makes site or blogs to the ending of publication.
MM is one of several scrapbooking magazines I have read as long as I’ve been scrapping. Obviously, I will very much miss them. I think THE STAPLE was the sign that they had jumped the shark, and the end was near. Just sad, sad news…We will miss you, MM!
To cheer you up a bit, here is what the next issue looks like….on newsstands May 26, 2009.

it’s sad, I agree. :(
It’s such a bummer.
This makes me really sad. I “liked” this magazine!
Love the view from your backyard…..wow. No. California in all it’s beauty.
I am a regular over at the MM boards. We are all so very saddened by this, and everyone seems to be in a solomn mood over there this morning. We have shared things from our daily lives, we’ve done swaps, shared ideas and stories. These are truly a great group of people, and everyone has always been so nice and helpful to one another. It will be sad to see this end.
I haven’t gotten my last two copies of this. Now I’m understanding why I can’t get in touch with customer support.
I don’t get that magazine Erika. But it’s always sad to hear when another scrapbooking magazine bites the dust. I guess there’s a lot of competition from on-line sources to help scrapbookers keep up to date with the latest trends. Although I must admit, nothing beats curling up with a cup of hot chocolate and a scrapbooking magazine.
To replace Simple, I recently subscribed. The rate seemed lower than normal, thought something might be up (but I am up to date with all issues). So sad for the loss of jobs. As far as my loss, well, last night I went to bed with the May/June 07 Simple and was totally inspired. So glad I never threw any of them out.
Erika, have to agree with Eileen on the backyard view. Lovely.
I just renewed my subscription (for $70 for a couple of years!!!) I really hope they’re planning on refunding me!!!!