If you’re interested in purchasing the SIMPLE STORIES “Life Documented” kit by MEMORY WORKS, I’m accepting pre-orders as of NOW :)
If you’re not familiar with Simple Stories, please scroll down and see my past entries on it.
Suffice to say, if you’re looking for a cool way to do Project 365 this year, or just want to get some quick scrapping done, Simple Stories may be for you. The response to this new product has been amazing ~ I think because it’s look is what so many of us consider to be “our style” and because it’s such a cool system ~ that I’m halfway afraid it’s going to sell out before I can get it to everyone who wants one.
Hence, PRE-ORDERS :) This way, I will have your payment already in hand by mid-January when the kit become available. Standby your e-mail though, because I’ll notify you when when to place your actual order!
Here is how it will work:
1. You decide which item(s) you want from the list below.
2. Add the appropriate tax for the city/county of the shipping address.
3. Add shipping/handling charges (see end of this post).
4. E-mail your request to me along with how you would like to pay (check, money order, or Paypal).
I’ll collect and process payments until the projected “Life Documented” availability of Mid-January. When the kit and items become available, I’ll e-mail you with instructions on what to do then.
{Which will be to log into my Memory Works website, place the pre-paid for items in your shopping cart, enter your shipping address, and submit your order. I will automatically be notified that your order has been placed and, instead of having to wait for your payment to be received, I’ll be able to approve your order for processing immediately … assuming your payment has been received and processed already}.
{But don’t worry about that part right now, LOL}.
Here are the items that will be available in mid-January
(to the best of my knowledge at this time…disclaimer done…check!):
Simple Stories “Life Documented” kit for $16.99
We R Memory Keepers 12×12 D-Ring leather albums for $30.00
Colors are RED, BLACK, CINNAMON (brown), and KIWI (green)
Note: These albums come with (10) regular (not divided) 12×12 page protectors
We R Memory Keepers 12×12 divided page protector packages:
4×6 horizontal pockets only, 25-pack, for $11.50
4×6 vertical pockets only, 10-pack, for $5.50
12×12 regular (no pockets) page protectors, 25-pack, $10.50
Multi-Pack (various pocket configurations as show below), 10-pack, $5.50
Exclusive Simple Stories “Life Documented” page protector bundle ~ includes complete Multi-Pack PLUS (12) 4×6 horizontal pockets only, for $11.50
To anticipate some questions you may have about the above products…
Simple Stories “Life Documented” kit by Memory Works:
Exactly what items come in the kit?
~ Please see the graphic above for specifics on the exact items you get in this kit.
What is the quality of the cardstock items?
~ I haven’t personally seen the kit, of course, but the Simple Stories blog states that “you’ll love the quality of this super-thick, heavy-weight cardstock!”
Are the cardstock items pre-cut?
~ No, they will come as a 12×12 sheet and you will cut them apart yourself. They are sized to fit perfectly within the pockets of the WRMK divided page protectors.
Will this kit allow me to scrapbook an entire year’s worth of photos or an entire Project 365?
~ This truly depends on how generously or sparingly your use the elements of the kit, and how many photos you include in your project. For example, if you’re doing a “year in review” type of album, the kit does include (12) Monthly Title Cards with a spot for journaling on the back (which would show on the next page in your album). Everything is double-sided, so it does “double duty” in your album. With all the additional elements and patterned paper provided, I would feel comfortable saying you could complete an entire “Year in Review” album with just this one “Life Documented” kit.
I’m doing Project 365 for 2010 and will be using this kit to complete it. I’m not 100% sure that I’ll be able to complete my entire project using only one of these kits. Again, it really depends on how I lay out my pages, how lightly or heavily I use the elements on each page, etc. From looking at other scrappers Project 365s from 2009, I think I’ll be able to do it with just one kit. The majority of Project 365 is filled with your photos … at least 7 slots per 2-page layout, right? Depending on what type of “pocket” protectors you use on any given layout, the use of the kit elements themselves is going to be pretty sparing.
But that’s just my own judgement … You do what you feel is right for you. If you feel safer ordering 2 kits right from the get-go, I would do that. If you have extras leftover at the end of your project, whatever it may be, you can certainly use these elements on regular scrapbook page layouts.
We R Memory Keepers 12×12 Leather D-Ring albums:
Are the albums good quality and will they hold up to large projects?
~ I have several of these albums myself, that I use for School Days albums for my family members. These are albums that are very full and are looked at a lot, and I’ve been very pleased with the quality. The albums seem very strong and I haven’t had any problems, nor have I ever heard of scrappers being unhappy with WRMK albums’ quality.
We R Memory Keepers pocket page protectors:
Are the pockets on the front, back, or both sides of the page protectors?
~ I was really curious about this, too, as I was trying to conceptualize how I was going to lay out my Project 365 album using “Life Documented” and WRMK pocket page protectors. So I bought a pack of the set with 2×12 vertical pocket, and (5) vertical and horizontal 4×6 pockets. The pockets themselves are on the front side of the protector only; the back side of the protector is smooth. Obviously, whatever you put in the pockets, the backside of that will show on the next page of your album (if that makes sense, LOL!). That’s why Simple Stories has everything double-sided, and you get double duty out of all the cardstock elements.
Before you decide what you want to order, THIS is a great post on the Simple Stories blog to look at closely. It has all the elements of the “Life Documented” kit in one place, and I think any other questions you have will be answered in that post.
So, as I said above, if you’d like to place a PRE-ORDER for the Simple Stories “Life Documented” kit, or the We R Memory Keepers albums or Page Protectors, e-mail me at scrapbookobsession(at)gmail(dot)com. Please include:
1. Item(s) requested and cost
2. Shipping address
3. Total due including items, tax*, and shipping/handling**
4. Payment method – check, money order, or Paypal
~ I strongly prefer Paypal, and will e-mail a Paypal invoice to you ASAP
~ If paying by check or money order, I’ll e-mail you back with my address
* Sales tax amount is based on the tax rate for the address you’re shipping to. There is a really cool sales tax rate lookup and calculator HERE.
** Please see THIS post for information on Memory Works shipping/handling information and costs.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns :) If you know of anyone who plans to order Simple Stories “Life Documented,” send them my way!

1 Comment
I just wanted to say I am so glad you got the excitement started on this project at SSS…I am enjoying doing it as a group. I am loving seeing everyone’s photos too.