Over on the SIMPLE STORIES BLOG, they’ve revealed their third new line for CHA later this month!! It’s all all boy line called “AWESOME.”
Note: All images and projects are courtesy of the Simple Stories blog.
Again, they’ve got these “awesome” 6×8 pages that will fit into THIS new journal/scrapbook; it was introduced on Monday. You can mix and match all the new lines in it: so far, we’re talkin’ “FABULOUS” and “Awesome.” Maybe more later this week … I hope!
These are my favorite stamps – the license plates are classic!
Hey, I hope you’re entering the daily contests on the Simple Stories blog. You can win an entire set of a new collection just for entering a comment. Memory Works totally RAWKS. I’ve been a CONSULTANT with them for almost 5 years now. HERE is my website.
I’ll be taking pre-orders on all these new lines, which are due out in March. More details to follow on that … My understanding is they’re due out in March 2012 so we have a little time :)
After yesterday’s reveal of “Fabulous” ~ a more girly, feminine, spring, bright, pretty line ~ I was very glad to see this more boyish one. I love that it uses boy-friendly colors but it’s not the traditional primary blue/red/yellow. There are so many elements that can be used on other layouts, too. I’m picturing Fall, sports, travel, teen, etc. I can even see some toddler pages, with some of the fun sayings like “Are you looking for trouble?” I love their take on the banner flags, too.
What do you think of “Awesome,” Simple Stories’ new line for boys?

Ooh, I like it a lot! I’m such a fan of their stuff. Love these colors–I use ’em all the time.
Looks fantastic!!!! :)
I am loving their new collections. And the book is a must have!! I would love to have one. Can I order from you if I live out of state?? Could get it online but I would just asoon help out a Pea. :)
Hi Teri,
Isn’t the book cool? I’m loving how all the new lines are being made 12×12 as usual but then also 6×8 pages to fit in that album. Anyway, yes, I would love it if you’d order through me. That’s very kind of you to support a fellow Pea :) You could order through my website, then Memory Works ships it directly to you (within the US). I take Paypal and check.
I’m going to take pre-orders on the new lines, which are due in March 2012. I’ll post info soon so please keep checking back …. or you can subscribe to my blog entries via e-mail so you’ll know when details have been posted.
OK that was going to be my next question, how do I know when I can pre order because I didn’t see that on your web today. I will go and subscribe. ThankS!!!
I am new to your blog but love this paper! I have to have this set! :)
I’m so glad you like Simple Stories “Awesome.” It’s not available quite yet (as of 1-27-12) but should be soon. If you’d like to keep checking my blog or subscribe to e-mail updates, I’ll be posting the release date as soon as I know it. Then you can place an order through my Memory Works website and have it shipped directly to you.
This is truly “Awesome” collection. I cannot wait til this comes out in March. I absolutely think of my 5 year old son when I look at this collection. I love it.
Haven’t been to your blog in a while and missed it much… but I’m back to blogging. Thanks for the previews (in big images); this line is gorgeous! Keep up the drooling…. and laughs!
Love this line…it’s so AWESOME! My son is Brock (age 8) so I totally love the sample layout.
Love this line!! Been searching different sites/companies for this type of boyish material…can’t wait! It will totally work for my ideas for my boys…13 yr. old twins.
[…] “AWESOME” […]
[…] Works: Simple Stories “Year.o.graphy” NOW in Stock …Simple StoriesMemory Works: Simple Stories Reveal #3 …. It’s Totally …Simple Stories – New Scrapbook Paper – October Afternoon – Studio […]