Coming in Summer 2008, according to the video. I’m still not sure if I NEED it. I mean, fer shizzle, I WANT it! But do I really need it? Prolly not. The things that are winning me over: It’s way more portable than my Cricut and would be so much easier to carry to crops. I like that you can plop it down on any size paper and not mess with lining it up precisely in the upper right corner of the Cricut mat and then pray the paper sticks down and the edge doesn’t get all snarled up in the blade. And I like that it has alphas and shapes that coordinate with the Making Memories lines that I love so much, like Noteworthy. I know I’ll be a fan of MM product lines to come and I imagine they will keep making compatible discs for The Slice to match. Why oh why must they keep coming up with products like this?!?! It’s a scrappin’ tragedy, I tell ya…
PS: What I really want is that scrapbook studio….

Heh-heh…thanks for sharing and I’m kind of with you. I don’t want to want it, but I do!
I want it…but do I need it????? How about YOU buy one and tell us how much fun it is:)
OHHH I might just have to buy one and try it out for myself!! Let all of you girls know what I think. That’s what I will tell hubby!! I need to demo it!!
I’m drooling…Noteworthy??? NOTEWORTHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi LIz, Stephanie, Stacey and Christina! It’s good to see I’m not alone in my struggle here, LOL! Yes, Stacey, I vote you buy that sucker. At least YOU can write it off on your taxes, hee hee! And Christina, yep, NOTEWORTHY! It’s just not fair, all these fab things they dangle in front of us, is it??
OK…I’m lovin’ the portability and ease…and I just found out I WON one at my local scrapbook store (Scrapbook Your Life)on National Scrapbooking Day! I’m So excited! thanks for posting the YouTube link!
scatter joy, bren
Can you use fonts from your computer?? Create titles and put then on the memory card to cut out???
I have a slice#G6D083710619 typennummer slice 30750. lamentably i lost the instructive. to send internet route or by post postale. very mach your atencion.
compre la maquina slice #G6D083710619 modelo typennummer slice 30750. lamentablemente perdi el instructivo de huso y no la puedo utilizar. me podrian mandar otro ya sea via internet o correo postal?. agraesco su atencion.