My AMR friend Abby aka ScRaPbOoKfReNzY told me this tonight:
“They (Mike’s) have a whole endcap of the Noteworthy stuff (didn’t have the paper out yet) and they had all of the MM Fa La La stuff out including stamps and paper. They also are carrying 6×6, 8 1/2×11 and 12×12 American Crafts cardstock. They had new wooden $1 stamps. I got 3. Gonna post on my blog.”
Please go see Abby’s BLOG for her post about this.
I luuuuuurve all that NOTEWORTHY stuff from MAKING MEMORIES. When I’m done using my coupons on Jetmax cubes to re-do my scrap storage, I’ll be using them for Noteworthy. Glad to hear about the FA LA LA stuff and AMERICAN CRAFTS CARDSTOCK too. I’ll have to resist the FLL, as I have enough Christmas stuff in my stash for now. I might have to give the AC cardstock a try…I love how it comes in a box you can use for vertical storage. We’ll see if it can lure me away from my Bazzill…
Does your Mike’s have these new items, and have you bought any? Give us a review!

I almost passed out when I saw the Noteworthy stuff IRL! I LOVE it! Everything Pink Paislee and MM Noteworthy are my faves! Thanks for linking me on your blog! I love to see what “hot topics” you have posted every week. You are “the” source for scrapbook juiciness! Keep up the awesome blogwork! Oh, and thanks for the sweet comments!
Hey, I thought of you the other day! I was at Target and they have a new Noteworthy line there (at least I think it’s new) and on the next aisle over they have premade albums and shadow boxes and photo boxes that use MM Animal Crackers! Stinkin’ cute! They also had Christmas and Halloween premade albums in the SB aisle.
Spread the word! :D
Whoo hoo, I will have to go to Mikes one day!! I really want to try that American Crafts Cardstock!! I can’t wait to see their new stuff!! Thanks for the Info!!