Becky Higgins revealed on her blog today that she has a new kit coming out called “Southern Weddings”. It’s made in partnership with a company called – and I think it’s no coincidence! – Southern Weddings. The new line has an expected arrival of February 2015, just in time for wedding season.
From Becky’s blog entry:
Not only will there be a Core Kit, but we’ve also created an Album, 6×6 Paper Pad, Chipboard Stickers, Photo Overlays, Embossing Folders, 4×4 Cards, and 2 sets of Specialty Cards … one that is specific to Southern brides!
I wasn’t nor will I ever be (ha ha) a Southern Bride but it’s pretty cool that there’ll be a card set just for them.
There are photos on her blog but they weren’t big enough on my screen to get a very good look – and I have a huge iMac. So I enlarged the photos and posted them here, just in case anyone was having the same problem. Just an aside: That’s why I don’t prefer blogs that are set up like Becky’s with such a narrow body. I find that it’s often hard to see photos on her new set-up :( Scrapbookers are, by nature, VISUAL! LOL On the flip side, the photos here may load slowly for you so that’s the trade-off, I guess.
Okay, y’all, here ya’ go! {<- Did you catch the Southern reference, hardy har har}.
Wow, so dreamy and lovely! The soft colors are gorgeous and I love their choice of fonts, card topics, etc.
At the last wedding I went to, I took my usual photos {in between dancing and drinking shots; OOPS! Did I say that in my ‘out loud’ voice?}. That night, I printed them in our hotel room (yes, I got a ride home from a non-drinker, Nosy Nancy!), put them in a pre-assembled 8×8 scrapbook, and presented it to the bride and groom the following morning at brunch. They said it was one of their favorite gifts and loved having photos and a rememberance they could take on their honeymoon, as the professional photos wouldn’t arrive for some time. My point – and I do have one – is that THIS KIT would be SO SO SO perfect for projects like that, don’t you think? ‘Cuz I think. Surely I do.
Alas, my own wedding (over 20 years ago and yet to be scrapped – because I can’t find just the right line) had darker colors and no pastels so I’m thinking my photos won’t look good with this line. However, I’ll reserve judgment until I see it in person or see more of the cards online. If nothing else, I have at least one family member’s wedding to scrap and their colors were perfect for “Southern Weddings” by Project Life. {<- Didja' see how I just enabled myself to buy a kit I can't use for my own wedding?? Huh? Huh? Dang, I'm good!} Okay, now I have some questions for you: 1. If you're married, how long ago was your wedding and have you scrapped the photos yet? 2. If you're not married, can you see yourself designing your future wedding around these colors just so you can use Project Life "Southern Weddings" to scrap it? 3. Are you willing to divorce your current spouse and find someone else to marry just so you can use this kit? Just curious ;) Have a great week! PS: I had to laugh a bit at the message I got when I intially tried to comment on Becky's "Southern Weddings" blog post:
ERROR: Your comment appears to be spam. We don’t really appreciate spam here.“Erika @ Scrapbook Obsession Blog” appears to be spam. Please enter a different value in the Name field.
Please go back and try to say something useful.
Granted, I did put an @ symbol in the “name” field so it must’ve set off their spam detectors – even though I’ve commented on her old blog and lots of other blogs as “Erika @ Scrabook Obsession Blog” with no problems ever. And I *have* several blogs so I can appreciate not wanting spam but 1. there are spam detector plug-ins that are amazing and what they don’t catch, you can moderate with little effort, and 2. I thought the wording was a little hurtful (sniff). In practice, I bet more “silly, oops, that was a mistake” scrappers like me see the message than spam bots (who, by the way, can’t read). Still love ya’, Becky! Like I said, it just made me chuckle.
Now, go on, leave already! Go plan a wedding or something.

Enjoyed see the pics for Southern Wedding. I had one but it was 53+ years ago and have only a very few pics from it. And I don’t think those colors would work for scrapping it. I have scrapped the pictures already. Did those along with our 50th wedding anniversary reception pictures in 2011.
Gloria, congratulations to you and your groom on 53+ years! Just one of the many reasons I look up to you, my friend. I’ll bet that was a fun project, scrapping your wedding and 50th anniversary photos. Knowing what beautiful pages you make, I’ll bet that’s one gorgeous album!
I first have to save I love your posts. I always chuckle all the way through! My wedding was 35 years ago and I have not scrapped it. But I am thinking these would be great for my daughter’s friends who all had Quinceanera’s for their 15th birthday or my daughter who had a Sweet 16 (she wanted to different!). Also her senior prom is coming up in a few months and it might work for that too. But it would be nice if we could see all of the cards. Your pictures really helped! Thanks
Hi Juliana – I’m glad to hear I can provide a laugh :D Congratulations on 35 years married! That’s such a wonderful accomplishment. And I like the sounds of your daughter :) The colors in this line are very soft and pretty. I imagine they’d work great with party and prom photos.
I love this line so much, I got married last summer and our colours were pastel pinks and greens so this would be perfect for our wedding!
Oooh, that would look gorgeous, I bet!
This kit is just lovely – I’m thinking about doing a wedding album for a friend where I would have guests write notes on the cards to include in the album and then I could get people to send me their photos (probably mostly from their phones) and then the bride and groom could see all the candid shots taken at their wedding. Having said that, I am in Canada and I see that Becky ships internationally but it is quite costly. I am going to Idaho for a visit and was thinking of having the order sent to my hotel. Do you have any experience with how long her online orders actually take to arrive so I can plan for that? Her website says 1-2 days for fulfillment and 5-10 business days for shipping but I know those are just general guidelines. Thanks!!
Candace, what a sweet thing you’re doing for your friend! I think having it shipped to the US hotel is a great idea. I’m sorry I can’t help with a shipping estimate from Becky’s site. I’m a total Amazon girl and usually get my Project Life stuff from there (although I don’t think Southern Wedding has made it to Amazon yet). I wonder if there are any shops in Idaho that might carry it, or order it for you now and hold it?
Speaking of having the guests write notes, have you seen the “Wedding” line by WRMK? (scroll down til you see it). I saw it the other day in person and it was mostly made up of lined cards to leave a note. Have fun at your friend’s wedding! I gave a mini-album to a bride/groom once the morning after their wedding (I brought my little printer and made the album in my hotel room, lol) and they said it was one of the favorite gifts. Scrapbookers rock!