There’s a new scrabpook vendor in town and their name is FARMHOUSE PAPER COMPANY
Here is what they have to say over at TWO PEAS IN A BUCKET. If mah Peas are correct, this company is from the people behind THE BUTTON FARM CLUB.
The Button Farm Club is known for their mini album kits. If you’re not familiar – here are past BUTTON FARM KITS and a pic of their June 2012 kit:
Not what I expected to see from a company called “Button Farm” but okay. Very cute, huh? {And I’m going to tell you a little secret here … an embarrassing secret … I’ve never checked out this club before because I have a pathological hatred of … BUTTONS! Oh, ick! I hate even SAYING that word. Ick, ick, ick! No offense to The BLANK Farm Club or all of you who love … those things. /embarrassing confession over}.
The tie between Farmhouse Paper Company and The Button Farm Club is confirmed in the description of the March 2012 TBFC kit:
Turning the pages of March’s Button Farm kit, featuring the beautiful new Be Amazing Line from My Mind’s Eye, will give you a case of “Spring Fever” . Starting with FarmHouse Paper Company’s new 6×6 Kraft Album, we adorn-it with brads, buttons, ribbons, and flowers to create a “Springy” keepsake.
See? Mah Peas are always right! {Well, except the other day when they tried to tell me that Willow Smith, age 11, got her tongue pierced. But that’s a story for another day}. Also, in the About section of TBFC, it says this:
The BUTTON FARM CLUB is a Artistic Collaboration Between and The Button Farm.
So to save ya’ some Googling {although who doesn’t like some Googling?? it makes me giggle … hee} … here is the site for SCRAP-MART.COM. I see that both companies are from Oklahoma.
In researching Farmhouse Paper Company, I found this fun tidbit: They requisitioned their logo design back in November 2011 from 99 DESIGNS. I say they picked the right one, don’t you?
You can get a peek at one of their lines, “Fair Skies”, in The Button Farm class description for CKU-BUFFALO 2012.
Here is part of the description:
The Button Farm is excited to help introduce Farmhouse Paper Company to the paper craft industry and we will spend this entire class playing with their first new release – Fair Skies. This paper line features classic country colors and patterns with an unexpected twist. The images of hot air balloons, clouds and sun will whisk you away to a happy place. The Farmhouse album we will use contains a creative combination of chipboard pages and envelope pages and we will embellish away with Farmhouse goodness!!
I’m no detective {I just play one on TV} but it sounds like the “paper company” will sell more than paper. Mini albums and embellishments are also mentioned. And I always love me a good travel line so I’ll be looking forward to seeing their offerings at CHA SUMMER 2012.
You can sign up for e-mail updates from FARMHOUSE PAPER COMPANY. The long contact form is misleading. You ONLY need to fill in your e-mail address, not all that other shizzle.
How about you? What are your thoughts about this new company arriving in Scrapbook Land?
ETA 06/26/12: MICHELLE GRANGER just posted to the Two Peas thread and provided two sneak peeks!
Hey there everyone! Farmhouse Paper Company will be debuting at CHA Summer with Papers, Albums and Embellishments..I will be working with the company and teaching some classes and have a sneak peak of some embellishments that will be available…. Enjoy and look for more sneak peaks to come!
I’m really likin’ what I’m seein’ … those chipboard embellishments are darling!

So good to read of a new company rather than the demise of a loved old company. Thanks for all the info. I’ll look forward to seeing the papers IRL. Hopefully they’ll hit the retail outlets before too long.
We are super excited to debut our new products! YES, we will have MUCH more than just paper! Can’t wait for the full reveal at CHA!
Thanks for the shout out!
Looks intriguing! :)
Great private detective work here! :D
I can’t wait to see the sneak peeks!!
paper crafts are really neat and nice. my kids love them…
Check out our new blog as well
Are the papers & embellishments acid and lignin free?