That’s the title of a blog post I found today because someone had posted the link on TWITTER. Here is the text of the article, along with two of the comments that have been left so far:
Edited 10/06/11: Article removed per request of the author.
Here are 2 comments from the blog:
Edited 10/06/11: Comments removed.
I’m purposely not sharing the link and hope no one adds it. I don’t want to lead the author to our discussion or give her any blog traffic. I just posted all of this on the 2peas scrapbooking board because I’m so curious what other scrappers think about this article. She may find me anyway, but oh well. I’m not gonna’ just hand it to her on a silver platter, ya know?
Why am I being so catty and cagey, you ask? Because I’m frickin’ offended, that’s why! Since I read this blog earlier today, I’ve been wondering how to write my own post in response. I can’t exactly call the author on the carpet for being mean and offensive … and then be mean and offensive. {I mean, I really can’t, correct? That would be wrong. So wrong. Right?}.
I am gritting my teeth and trying really, really hard to be the bigger person here … when all I want to do is kick that lady in the virtual shins and stomp back to my scrapbook room to (ahem) cut out pictures and write stupid, cutesy things. ‘Cuz that’s how we all usually scrapbook, right?
See? Now there’s my first peeve: People who criticize this hobby when they clearly don’t even understand it. Maybe that’s how yo mama scrapbooked those “SIX heavy, awkward, obnoxious binders full of scrabbookery.” But that ain’t how we roll these days … mmm kay? (So, that was sarcastic but not mean, right? I can be sarcastic and that is fair because the author and her commenters were sarcastic. I’m just playing their game, right? C’mon, stay with me. You got my back?).
So here is where I go through the article and explain – nicely but with MY usual sarcasm – why the author is WRONG. Well, I mean, opinions can’t be “wrong” per se. You know what they say, “Opinions are like addictions … EVERYONE’S GOT ONE.” And she has a perfect right to hers.
Now I’m going to give mine.
Digital scrapbooking is not cooler than paper scrapping. It is not more financially responsible. Digital scrappers spend a lot of money, too. They just spend it buying digital kits online, and at Best Buy and the photo developers instead of the scrapbook store.
A scrapbook cannot be destroyed by something as simple as a spilled glass of juice. They’re called page protectors, sweetie. But let’s be fair and look more closely at the issue …
Okay, scrappers, raise your hand of you’ve ever had a scrapbook destroyed by a spilled anything. Thanks. Now those scrappers who have never had a scrapbook destroyed by a spilled anything, raise your hands. Thanks. I think it’s clearly illustrated by the show of hands that it’s a statistical anomaly to lose an entire scrapbook to a juice spill and, therefore, not something to be factored into whether one should scrapbook or not scrapbook.
A scrapbook is not something that will rarely get looked at. My kids look at our scrapbooks quite often. When we had company for Thanksgiving, someone asked to see my scrapbooks. She is new to the family and enjoyed seeing who all the players are, etc. I mean, she may not have enjoyed that one photo of Dirty Uncle Marty picking his nose, but I truly do think she enjoyed all the rest of it. {And, NO, I did not make Uncle Marty give me the booger so I could scrapbook it! Sheesh. You people!}.
Even if my family and guests never looked at my scrapbooks, I would still make them because you know what, Miss Smarty Pants? I like looking at them. So there. And when my kids are grown and gone and you’re fondling your ornaments, I’ll have eleventy-billion scrapbooks to look through, containing photos of my kids and journaling about things they said and things we did and why they mean so much to me.
Maybe some people have black hearts and won’t miss their kids when they’re gone but I have a smushy, red, puffy heart and I know I’m gonna’ miss those suckers like crazy. Glad I’ll have my scrapbooks, my rocking chair, and my crocheted afghan to keep my company in my old age. Lord knows my husband won’t want to talk to me anymore. He’ll have been listening to my crap for 30 years by then. I predict he’ll be golfing.
She may be right that no one but me gives a crap about 90% of the things I scrapbook. Again, I don’t care. I don’t scrapbook for other people. I scrapbook for me. If 5% of the people get 1.97% enjoyment from 26.666666666% of what I scrapbook, then that’s just bonus, baby! It probably all averages out to about the same amount of people who want to see my Christmas ornament collection.
The author may also be right that “(s)howing someone your scrapbooks is the modern day equivalent of forcing people to sit through your vacation slide show.” Incidentally, I like vacation slide shows. I love to travel, although I don’t get to do it much. Through the photo albums, home movies, scrapbooks, and slide shows of friends and family, I’ve “visited” the Panama Canal, Switzerland, Patagonia, Ireland, the Caribbean, and other places I’ll likely never see in person. Works for me.
Incidentally Number Two, I don’t show/force anyone to look at my scrapbooks. If people ask, I’m happy to show them. If they don’t, I’m not in the least offended (see prior references to “I scrapbook for myself” above).
As for the thoughts that scrapbooking everything makes it all less special, and that each person will remember the events that were worth remembering – surprise! – I have to disagree again. I don’t remember a lot from my childhood. What I do remember is triggered by looking at old photos. “Oh, I remember that dress my mom made me! Oh wait, or was it my aunt? I wonder whose house I’m standing in front of? I think it was booger-picking Uncle Marty’s but I’m not sure. Dang, whose freakin’ house is that?!?! I wonder why we were there? I wonder how old I was then? Oh look, that’s my dad’s old project car in the background. I think it was a Triumph. No, was it an MG? He LOVED that car! It was so fun to ride in. He’s passed away now … I can’t even ask him what kind of car it was … .”
Are you smellin’ what I’m cookin’? You pickin’ up what I’m layin’ down? Yeah, you know it. Scrapbooking our daily lives and our special events does not make them any less special, and as much as you think you’re going to remember the things you want to remember … you won’t. I mean, maybe if you’re like Little Grey on GREY’S ANATOMY with her freaky deaky photographic memory, you will remember.
But most people do not have freaky deaky memory banks. Most people forget things they wish they could remember, memories partially triggered by photos or, say, ornaments. But they just can’t pull those specifics out and make that richer memory. They’re left with questions and maybe a sense of loss or melancholy about it. At least I am, with my smushy, red, puffy heart. Maybe you’re not and that’s fine. But acknowledge that some people (like me) wish their mother had scrapbooked their childhood and don’t be hatin’ on them for it.
If I haven’t already made it clear, ornaments are NOT much cooler than my scrapbook. I think the facts have been established. But nice try, that.
I have ornaments that span my lifetime, too. For some of them, I remember details of where they came from … others I don’t. I have more than one “Baby’s First Christmas” ornament and I can’t tell you which kid received which ornament. They’re all Hallmark and not that distinctive. I wish I would’ve written on the bottom whose they were but I didn’t and now they feel kind of meaningless, and that makes me sad every year when I look at them. I know there are scrappers who’ve scrapbooked about their ornament collection. Now THAT is a fabulous idea!
I do have to agree with her statement that “… memories are wonderful, but you don’t need to spend hours and enormous sums of money on supplies to create elaborate books to remember.” So, so true. Memories ARE wonderful and that’s why we scrapbookers want to preserve them, cherish them, and never forget them.
You DON’T need to spend hours and tons of money on your scrapbooks. Some scrappers see their layouts as works of art and the process of making them a time of artistic expression. They say it’s like therapy to them, down time, alone time, de-stressing time. It’s savoring the walk down memory lane time. It’s spending the extra money on supplies because you like the pretty papers and the bling … looking at them and playing with them bring you joy. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.
There are also scrappers like me who prefer to keep it more simple in favor of getting the photos scrapbooked and journaling written down before the moments are forgotten. We may also love the pretty-pretties and have fun shopping for them, or we may only buy cardstock and basic supplies … but when we scrap, we enjoy the same “me time” that artistic scrappers do. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, either.
You don’t NEED to spend hours, lots of money, and create elaborate books … but if you want to, go ahead. It’s a free country. And if someone tells you that is “wrong,” I want you to turn to them and say, “Hey, who pissed in YOUR Wheaties this morning? Gah. Worry about Korea or something and leave me alone.”
I’m kind of torn on the stated idea that “not every single event in life is special. Sometimes Halloween is just Halloween and it doesn’t really need to be documented. Your children will not be scarred if you don’t.” No, my kids won’t be scarred either way … if I document the repetative holidays or I don’t. Again, I’m not scrapbooking for them. If I feel like scrapping those photos, I will. If I don’t, I won’t.
One thing I do know is that if I don’t scrapbook those photos, no one will ever look at them … they will live forever on my computer, never to be seen again. At least if they’re in an album, my kids can flip past and giggle about how funny dad looked after the Silly String Attack or how cool they looked in their monster costume. One idea I like for Halloween photos is, instead of doing a layout each year of Halloween, you create a mini album of just their costumes each year. How fun would that be to look at through the years? And the costumes are what kids want to remember anyway. Well, mine are probably more concerned about what candy they got but whatevs.
And if I do choose to scrapbook each Halloween, I’ll always remember that Grammy decorated her house really cool, made great Halloween night dinners, and had all the grandkids bobbing for apples. Kinda neat. I know whenever my husband reminisces about his Halloweens as a kid, all he remembers are the mini pizzas they had every year. That’s it. Bet he wishes his mom scrapbooked, heh heh.
But I do get the point that if you make every. single. event “special!”, then what is truly special when it’s all special? {Yes, I just used the word “special” three times in one sentence. Deal with it.} But I guess I feel like our life IS special. What we do every day is important and meaningful and fun and interesting and, well, special. I don’t think having a layout of each of our Christmases makes any of them less important or meaningful. They will all be special.
It reminds me of that saying about adding children to your existing family … that a mother’s heart will always have room for more. I don’t think there’s a limit on love in my family, and I don’t think there’s limit on “special” in my life. It’s ALL blessed. It’s ALL important. It’s ALL cherished. If that makes me a bad person or a bad parent … well, crap, them I’m doing this whole thing wrong.
I also think that scrapbooking the everyday and the special events, year after year, shows my kids how important they are to us and how special and amazing they are. If you’re a kid looking through a scrapbook full of photos that include you and your family, the fun times you had, the efforts your parents made to spend time with you, evidence of all the games they attended and the celebrations of your good report cards … how does that make you feel anything but GREAT? My kids may never look at another scrapbook again and that’s fine. But if they do, the evidence of my love is always there for the taking.
Okay, well! I’ve addressed pretty much every freaking point in the article, haven’t I? If you’re still with me, you’ve probably gone through your Venti latte and your eyes are bulging clean out of your skull. Sorry ’bout that. No worries … I’m about to wrap this sucker up so you can get on with your life. Promise.
If the author of the blog post does find my response, I hope she’s not offended. I don’t think she will be. I read through her blog and if you think I’m sarcastic … boy howdy, she puts me to shame. (And I LOVE IT!!!) I’m pretty sure she won’t try to bitch-slap me through the internets. If she tries, you still got my back, right? Scrapbookers Unite! Hollah!
Okay, I’m off now to go scrapbook about my doggie taking a doo doo, what shade of blue the sky is today (I happen to have very expensive coordinating paper, duh), and my kids’ math homework page. Ta ta! (For now).

Bravo! Great response!
I love your response. I don’t understand why folks have to bash things they don’t understand, but it happens all the time (about more than just scrapping.) At least her post was funny, right? (And so was your response!) I can see both sides of the “argument” but, since I’ve been scrapbooking for 13 years, you can probably guess where I stand on the points that were made (ummmmm, with you, totally!)
Apparently the author of the snarky post is a Mormon SAHM Army wife with 3 kids and “they all drive [her] crazy” (not linking!). Which is ironic because the Mormons invented scrapbooking in its current form, as a way to document their family heritage per their religious beliefs.
I shared this with my FB peeps because they all know what a scrapbook freak I am. I scrapbook everything. EVERYTHING. Pretty much every event photographed. I’m getting better at limiting myself to just a few photos of most events, but I don’t want to miss anything. I love watching my kids grow and change. Because, you’re right, the scrapbooks are first and foremost FOR ME.
Great response…I stand by the idea that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it! Oh, and tell me this: When she is dead and gone, will her kids remember the significance of each ornament? probably not. And guess what? MY kids will probably buy her ornaments at some garage sale…..’nuff said.
I love it! I would love to leave a comment on her blog. It would read, “Your blog posts make me go zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.” I know, mature of me.:-P
Great response! What got me the most was her going on and on about the Christmas ornaments. I love my ornaments, too, but why would anyone think their Christmas ornament collection is more important than pages of photos and memories is beyond me.
I’d love to have just a few photos from my childhood. They wouldn’t even have to be in a scrapbook. Just anything but those awful posed school photos. A few photos were taken but because they weren’t saved in an album they were lost who knows where. The everyday is really everything.
Hi Erika,
I haven’t said hello in such a long , long while . I remember you from Stacey’s board. I had to leave a comment here because I think your response was very graceful and Funny:) I haven’t scrapbooked in a long long time now, from stamping I had moved into Art . I think the reason peoples creativeness is inhibited is because of people like that blogger who judge everything on the merits of what they deem worthy . Just like those who judge what is Art and what isn’t Art. I am happy to hear you are still Scrapbooking and enjoying it . I think being creative is an important part of being human . May you scrapbook into a ripe old age :) :)
Hah! I love your response! And maybe I will make a page about how she’s offended me….on the other hand, maybe not :)
Good for you for responding! Maybe we should just feel sorry for her, about how clueless and deluded she is, and that she’s missing out becuase doesn’t get scrapbooking ;)
Love your response. My kids may be young but they already love looking through our scrapbooks. And I know that I would have loved to have this kind of documentation of my own childhood. There are so many little things that I just don’t remember. Even if my children grow up to not be interested in our family scrapbooks (which I highly doubt) they will be momentos of their childhood that I will always have.
Well said! I too have thought about scrapbooking…the volumes that I will have left over later in life…but (BIG BUT)…that will not stop me from doing what I love, and putting the memories and moments in a scrapbook that will always be there for my kids and grandkids…
I love it! You have captured exactly how us scrappers feel and why we scrap. I hope my kids/grandkids want these books someday but if not, who cares? This is my therapy and *I* enjoy doing it. It can’t be any worse than a box of photos in the attic that nobody even remembers who these people are much less what they thought, did, dreamed, lived.
Love your response Erika! I hope that my sons and their {future} wives and children appreciate my scrapbooks someday. But if they don’t, that’s okay. Because I enjoyed making them and they enjoy looking at them NOW. :)
I do see her point, I spent a month making the best album of my sister life. It took her less than 5 mtes to go thru, I must say my feelings were hurt.
Also one of the best thing of living in America is the Freedom of Speech. I bet cha she couldn’t do that in Venezuela :)
I do understand someone who doesn’t craft will feel it’s a waste of time, just the same way I feel about Golfing :)
Well said! Think she’d like to see the scrapbook I made of my ornament collection?
I couldn’t agree more…well said! The thing that made the most upset when reading was how unappreciated those 50 pounds of scrapbooks are or the scrapbooks made by the baby’s nana…I would LOVE to ask these people what they think of these books 30 years from now when the people that made them may not be around. I cherish a single birthday card written by my grandmother now that she is gone. I can’t imagine how loved and amazing an entire scrapbook or BOX of scrapbooks would be from her. It’s a shame that these people don’t see that now. One day these people will be gone, and these scrapbooks will be a treasure.
I really like your reply and I was similarly offended by her post. But I especially like your comments on how every part of your life is special. I really believe that’s true! The big moments and the small ones and all that other stuff in between too! Really scrapbooking is just like any other hobby that someone might choose to do. It’s not going to be appreciated by everyone the same way that you appreciate it. But, I know that when looking at pictures (like you said) it’s nice to be able to really know what’s going on and when and who and why! Even if people just put little notes next to their pictures in divided page protectors (I do this too). Someone, someday will be able to look at that picture and not have to ask 50 questions about it. Thank you for sharing and responding. It really just makes me want to go home and hug all my albums :D I really appreciate this hobby and how it makes me feel!
So there! Go gettim girl!
This conversation is compelling, both the original hostile post and your response. I’m primarily a collage person, but I have made two scrapbooks, both as gifts and both much appreciated. I read scrapbooking message boards and blogs, and I have seen this topic emerge in several forms. I once commented that if scrapbooking were done by urban men, there would be no criticism of it. The fact that the hobby is woman-centered, and to a large extent rural and suburban, accounts for much of the criticism, even criticism coming from women. That said, many scrapbookers, if not most, appear to be scrapbooking for their children, grandchildren and posterity, not for themselves like you. They miss having more information about their family history, and compensate by including so much detail that I think it’s sometimes more than their descendants will ever want to know. In fact, think this detail, and the resulting bulk of so many scrapbooks, may cause the family history to be lost again, as descendants just dump them rather than going through so many volumes. The temptation to photograph everything is part of the same issue, but the original poster is, as you note, ignorant of the hobby and its motives. Scrapbooking is a form of visual journaling (with writing too), and condemning it is like condemning people for keeping diaries — what would we know about history generally without them? It was a silly post, and you’re so right not to give that poster any more traffic. You took time and thought answering her effectively, and your readers can only be grateful!
This is what I’d say to her.
I’m fine with you not wanting to see my scrapbooks. I didn’t make them for you. I made them for my family and most importantly for me.
I agree with you 150%. I don’t scrapbook for anyone but myself. My kids/family/friends enjoy looking through my books, and even if they didn’t, they’d NEVER tell me. And, if my kiddos do not want my scrapbooks when I’m pushing up daisies, then that is up to them.
[…] This post of mine came about because I just read a great post at Scrapbook Obsession about the very topic, and it got me thinking about my perspective on it. Cancel […]
I really love that the passion you have for scrapbooking compelled you to answer each of the original post’s rather nasty points. Well done! You inspired me to write my own take on this issue:
Preach it sista!!!
found your post from 2 peas. i really like your analogy of making room for another child and how everything is special. great response!
Great response. That person may not think that they are missing out, but they really are. This is a great hobby, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Any hobby worth doing is expensive if you look at it, like collecting Xmas ornaments, golfing, etc. I love scrapbooking because it is great therapy, and I want to document the little things in my life and my family’s life. My husband sometimes doesn’t understand my hobby and love for this craft, but he LOVES pulling out the scrapbooks and watching our daughter grow into a beautiful young girl right before his eyes, all over again. Scrapbooks are cherished parts of my family’s life, and we love and enjoy all looking at them together at least a few times per year. Bravo!!
You still got it, girl! You’re such a compelling writer and I’m so lucky to have stopped by today!
I have one of those friends/neighbors that looks at me cross-eyed when I tell her I don’t want to do something when I’m in the middle of scrapbooking. Or asks me just what I’m going to do with all those tags I received in a swap (visibly snarling at me). Her disdain for what I love has put a real crimp into our friendship.
Thanks for reminding me that she’s the one with the problemo….not me. Major big HUGE {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}
Bravo– having a hobby is better than sitting in front of the tv and watching other people have a life…
And when she is dead and gone her kids will wonder why she thought those ornaments were so special and never know!
Your response was hysterical. I loved it! Way to shoot down Ms. Snooty Patootie with both barrels blazing. ROTFL. Hey I should take a picture of myself and then scrapbook it. LOL. We definitely have your back! Thanks for the good laugh today. Take care.
I found your thread at twopeas. I was offended too and now I feel better. Great response!
I, too, found your post on twopeas. The woman offended me too, which was apparently her intent. Why, otherwise, gratuitously spew bile over a topic about which she knows nothing. I wish I had my grandmothers stories and photos – and even my mothers – oh, I’ve got her photos – but who? Where? When? Why? no chance.
My mother-in-law had tons of photos both her own and ones she’d inherited. She guarded them like the grim death lest someone should lose one. But did she write on them? HEck NO! And now she’s got Alzheimers and my husband’s heritage is gone and lost forever!
GREAT POST!!! You crack me up! :)
Tell us how you really feel, teehee.
I agree with you. I scrapbook for me. My family loves to look at them.
My daughter who is 21 and marriage is not in her close future, has made it clear that I have to do a scrapbook of her wedding, when the time comes.
Now if someone doesn’t want to do this then fine. But I/we do, so there….sticking out my tongue.
LOVE your post…………….so funny and well-written and true! She should go fondle her ornaments and leave the writing to you!
Loved your response. For me, scrapbooking was the crown on top of all my years of crafting experience. It has stayed with me the longest because for me it has to do with remembering and being remembered. I don’t know if others will be interested in the pages I made long after I am gone. But then, it’s kinda like when I keep a journal or in the past a diary. I did it and do it mainly for myself. If others get something out of it, great! Some of us are brave enough to express our thoughts about the everyday of our lives. Some don’t have that brave spirit. Oh well. To me, scrapbooking is a form of art.
Great response!!! I love it. Two points to further illustrate your points: 1. What does she write in here blog? Everyday things? Is that her way of therapy, remembering, journaling or what? and 2. How many times have you accidentally broken a cherished ornament? I know, makes me sick to even think about it, but I have broken more ornaments than I have ruined layouts. I even keep the broken ornaments too!
Anyway, AMEN sister, go get her!
I’m a scrapbooker but I have friends who honestly could care less about my hobby. And it doesn’t make them evil or bad parents. And their kids will grow up just fine, even if their mom didn’t scrapbook their lives. I think this blogger is entitled to her opinion just like we all are, and it’s unfair to criticize her because she makes different choices. While she did admit to just wanting to rag scrappers somewhat, I thought for the most part her post was a pretty reasonable statement of her opinion as to why she does not like scrapbooking.
I wish people would see differences of opinion as an opportunity for discussion rather than a call for battle. And yea, this goes both ways.
Here! Here! It’s a pity when scrapbooks end up in the basement. Yeah, I totally get it that sometimes scrapbooks can be a bit boring to look at, but still, they are memory albums. The author should take some photos of those cherished ornaments and document a few memories. Geez…
I LOVED your response. But I fail to see how religion has anything to do with it. I happen to BE a sahm “Mormon” mom with 4 kids, who LOVES to scrapbook. (You can see this by the time I posted! 12:31 am.) I could just as easily be a Catholic, a Lutheran, Jewish, Baptist…. I know that YOU didn’t bring it into it, but one of your posters did, and it spoiled the moment for me. But good, (no great) job on the blog post. I truly enjoyed it. Thanks from a very sarcastic, kind of ornery, sahm scrapbooking mom, who just happens to also be Mormon. (smile)
Right on! Loved you before but I think I love you more now!
I agree with Jamie, why bring religion into it?
Other than that, GREAT RESPONSE! I scrap for myself. I couldn’t believe the comment about how no one looks at scrapbooks. Every year for my kid’s birthday our family night is all about them. And guess what we do (besides go around the table and say our favorite things about the bday girl/boy)? We look at their SCRAPBOOKS! My kids take them out all of the time. In fact my 3 year old told me the other day she needs “more pages in her book”. Every part of my children’s life is special. Now documenting every second, I don’t think so. But realizing that the little things end up amounting to the big things is a great perspective to have. It’s what I try to use as a scrapper. BTW, when she quoted the lady who had the ten tons of scrapbooks left to her by her mother, it reminded me of a couple of friends that I have whose Mother made them just as much as this lady’s mom. You know the difference between the two stories? My friend’s mom passed away when they were both in their 20s. They were so grateful that she took the time while she was in good health to document their lives, because they can’t pick up the phone and talk to her about their memories with her. Sorry I blabbered on, but I just completely agree with your post. Thanks for sharing!
OH MY, I totally didn’t ready your first paragraph and just jumped into the part where you posted that individuals absurd view of scrapbooking and then the sad folks who commented and thought you had written it! LOL I almost wanted to kick you in your virtual shins LOL, but then I thought, “Wait…her bolg title is Scrapbook obsession.” LOL so THANK YOU for posting this. I can’t believe how insensitive people are. EVERYONE who comes over to my house,knows this is not my hobby, it’s my PASSION and love everything I make and can’t believe it. My 4 year old son brings me home items and keeps things and tells me ” Mommy, scrapbook this.” If they keep these treasured memories in a box, shame on them. POWER TO THE CRAFTING WOMAN AND SCRAPBOOKERS!
I felt I should add one more thing about my scrapbooking experience here…if you are a creative person, it isn’t only scrapbook pages you make, but the art of scrapbooking can be applied to other craft projects. I put a couple different ideas together and made my version of a scrapbook calendar from CD’s that I have sold to various people last year and this year. No, not everyone is a crafter and that is okay. But it really isn’t necessary to “dog” a subject you don’t like or understand. Anyway, hopefully soon I will be making a Hire Me page on my site and when I do, those CD calendars I make will be one of the items I’ll sell. Just something to think about.
Excellent response! I agree with you. I scrapbook for me, and if my kids appreciate it, that’s a bonus. And guess what? My 7-year-old son loves to look at our scrapbooks, especially his baby book. On a regular basis, my husband sits down with the children and goes through the annual albums I’ve created. When I watch them looking at the pages and laughing together, I feel so proud and I get a little lump in my throat!
I feel like it’s my job to be the family memory keeper, and when I’m dead and gone, future generations can see how we lived and learn what was important to us. I sure wish I had more stories from my deceased grandparents, not less. I’d give anything to have photographs of my grandmother, complete with her memories written in her own handwriting.
Heck, I have a Christmas ornament collection, too. But the funny thing about ornaments is that you only bring them out once a year. My scrapbooks are sitting on a bookshelf year-round, there for anyone to look at. And by the way, we’ve never had a spilled-juice incident…
Amen sister. Just amen.
I wish I knew where she is in the blogosphere so I could leave this message with her instead of you. Feel free to copy and paste.
In my opinion, a blog is a form of scrapbooking. Whatever she chooses to write about that day, her scrapbook page. I don’t ask anyone to read my books, hers are out there for the world at large. I don’t know if she has kids and/or blogs about them but does she think everyone wants to read about their shenanigans? Those who do will read, those who aren’t interested, won’t. Just like our scrapbooks.
What- she says she puts it up just for her family? Guess what, so do I! Only mine is in book form and not electronic. No difference.
Thank you for your thoughtful response. It offends me to think about the mom who put so much time/effort into scrapbooking, only to give it to kids who leave them to gather dust.
I just stumbled onto your blog while searching for scrapbook room tours and I saw this post. I LOVE IT AND NOW I THINK I MAY BE IN LOVE WITH YOU! I have to admit it made me sad when I read the original post. I mean, I love to scrapbook, it makes me so happy, why would anyone care if I scrap or not? But your response made me cheer for all of us scrappers who do it for whatever reason we feel is important enough to warrant the time and money. Thanks for being such a “Scrappy Scrapper”!
Have you noticed that people love to see themselves in pictures, in blogs, in videos? Let’s not forget to include friends in our scrapbooks too! I have seen some first baby scrapbooks that were very narrow in focus, but ones that tell the story of the entire family are so compelling, they put that new baby in perspective. You would have to have a very hard heart to resist a book with greats, grands, parents, and children, the history speaks for itself.
Well Said!!!
Someone mentioned that she is a Mormon SAHM of three kids who drive her nuts. When I looked at her profile, she is now not mentioning any form of religious leanings, and she is pushing her homosexual lifestyle. I wonder how her children feel about that. Must not be too difficult since they have no scrapbooks to remind them of the “old mommy.”
In reference to my own scrapbooking, I told the kids they can do whatever they want with my scrapbooks when I go. I have school books for them to take with them (if they want). No pressure– cremate them with me if you don’t want them!