Just something different, for fun :) I saw this over on Baldwin’s Girl’s BLOG. Btw, check out her post today about muffins. A great recipe and funny story to got with them. She is also a talented photographer (see, that’s kinda SBR)…
You go to the COLORGENICS WEBSITE, do a quick exercise picking out colors, and they give you a diagnosis. Here is mine; I added my commentary in ITALICS.
“You are a very sensitive person and you try hard (perhaps a little too hard) to make favourable impressions and to be recognised by your peers. But you have that inherent need to feel appreciated and admired and you are easily hurt if all of your endeavours go by unappreciated or not acknowledged. Stop trying so hard. Unfortunately, all of this is true. I am too senstive and easily get my feelings hurt, especially when I feel a strong loyalty to someone and they don’t return that. You wouldn’t know it though, because I hold my true emotions very close. I don’t believe in hurting someone’s feelings just because they have hurt me. I DO have a need to feel appreciated and admired; don’t we all? One great thing about this blog is that I get such positive feedback and it really truly makes me feel good. I love the feeling that people I don’t even know IRL are reading my words. Just a frustrated unpublished writer, I guess. (But Thank You from the bottom of my heart). And the converse of that is that it makes me feel good to read other blogs and leave positive comments, hopefully making that person feel good as well.
You are a true extrovert, frivolous and outgoing. You need to feel in control of any situation. If matters are not proceeding according to plan you tend to get extremely irritable and perhaps become difficult to live with. The only statement here I don’t agree with is that I’m a true extrovert, frivolous and outgoing. I’m quite the opposite, very shy until I get to know you well (then you can’t shut me up!). I’m very planned out and a worrier, so “frivolous” couldn’t be more wrong. I could be considered frivolous with the amount of money I spend on scrapbook supplies, but I don’t think that’s what Colorgenics meant, LOL. I will admit to controlling and being irritable when things don’t go to plan. Hey, I’m a work in progress. “God’s not done with me yet.”
Loneliness is soul destroying and at this time you feel lost and lonely, perhaps it is because you feel so frustrated that you are prepared to go out of your way to become emotionally involved with someone who could accept you for what you are. You are egocentric, antagonistic and quick to take offence, although it must be said, you can control your pent-up up emotion and thus avoid open conflict. The lost/lonely/frustrated at lack of connection part does hit a personal note right now. I hope I’m not egocentric and antagonistic (!), but the rest is correct unfortunately. I do detest conflict and avoid it at all cost.
Presently, you are experiencing stress because of restriction on your independence. You need and seek respect from other people and it is essential that they appreciate you for yourself and not for what they would like you to be. You have your own beliefs and convictions and you would like to be respected for them. You are anxious to avail yourself of every opportunity that may come your way but nevertheless, come what may, you have the need to control your own destiny without imposed limitations or restrictions. I’m not identifying with this right now. Not feeling restricted or unappreciated. I AM anxious to avail myself of every part time, work from home business opportunity that comes my way!
You are trying to build up your own position and you resist all external influences. You insist that you are your own person and you will not tolerate any outside interference. Decisive and proud, you are true managerial material. Ouch, managerial material?? Is that a compliment or an insult? Just kidding, I’ve had many great managers in my career, just never wanted to be one. Don’t like telling others what to do, and never wanted to be the one where everyone quits talking when I walk into the break room. I AM decisive and proud – yeah baby!”
Well, that was a bit like going to a fortune teller or reading a long and insulting horoscope, wasn’t it? But I recommend you do it. Maybe you will learn something about yourself, or at least have a good chuckle. Comment below if you do a Colorgenics on yourself, k? I’d love to hear if you agreed with your results.