Lain Ehmann over at Layout a just announced her next FREE SCRAPINAR for October and I think you’re going to love it!
Hmmm … You know that little voice in your head that talks to you but no one else can hear … yet *I* know what it’s saying right now? It’s saying, “What in Blue Cherry Hill is a ‘scrapinar’???” And since I heard your little voice alllll the way from here, I’m going to answer: A scrapinar is an online event where everyone meets up at the same bat time on the same bat channel (e.g., same website – which will be provided to you when you sign up). Lain speaks to us live, then she introduces a pre-recorded mini-scrapbook class or seminar. While all of us “students” are listening to Lain and watching the video, in another box on our computer screen, we are having an ongoing “live” (real time) chat with Lain and each other about the topic. We ask questions, make comments, share our own ideas, make jokes, whatever.
And the beauty part is that if you get interrupted or miss it altogether, you will have a certain window of time AFTER the scrapinar to log in, watch Lain, watch the video, and read the chat transcript. Lain also shares any links, worksheets, etc. that were discussed during the scrapinar. BUT – aint’t there always a but? – you MUST register before the event to have access to it afterward (i.e., you can’t see if after the fact if you didn’t sign up to attend originally). You don’t need Skype or anything. Lain sends you instructions on how to access the “classroom” and they’re really super easy. Hey, I’m about the biggest techno-boob out there and I managed to figure it out. Just sayin’ …
The REAL beauty part is … this is all FREE if you can flippin’ believe it! I know, right?
So here are the Top 5 Reasons You Should Sign Up:
1. On Tuesday, 10/02/12, she is having Jennifer Woodbury, a creative team member for Becky Higgins’ Project Life! She will share “Project Life Step-by-Step.”
2. As soon as you sign up, you’ll be offered a special deal that you can only get by signing up for this particular scrapinar. {Hint: It involves Becky Higgins, it’s a great deal, and you won’t want to miss it}.
3. If you already love Lain, you get to spend more time with her. And if you’ve never “met” Lain, what are you waiting for guuurrrrll? She’s fun, upbeat, and always hooks us scrappers up with cool stuff.
4. The October scrapinar uses the same “live chat” and video technology that Lain uses for the TRUE SCRAP events. So this is the perfect test drive to see how it works, get any bugs out, etc. before True Scrap later in October*
5. Um, *I* will be there! DUH!
*TRUE SCRAP 4 is an amazing 2-day, all-inclusive, online scrapbooking event taking place October 21-22, 2012. You get:
Inspiration and Education from 15 A-list instructors…
Five virtual project make-and-takes…
Pre-Event PJ Party…
Virtual goodie bag…
All for one low price…
All from YOUR computer!
I’ll be attending a True Scrap event for the first time. You can probably tell how excited I am because I keep blogging about it, LOL. I just think it’s a super cool thing and I wish I would’ve found True Scrap earlier. The class I took from True Scrap 3 was the best of ANY online scrapbooking classes I’ve ever taken, and that’s what brought TS4 to my full attention. Please think about joining me. Srsly.
I also hope to see you at the free October scrapinar. Do you think you’ll attend either event?

I’m signed up and ready for the October seminar! See you there! And this time I’ll try to remember to give you a shout on the chat, despite the early morning hour here in Sweden. ;D
Even back in high school, I love creating scrapbook. I never thought that even the advancing technology can create online scrapbook that will enhance by scrapbook making ability. I signed up for this free online scrapbook class!