And I think you’re going to be as excited as I am. There’s a buncha’ good ones!
I just found about about the True Scrap events recently {do ya’ every feel like … “Well, where the heck have *I* been?!?!” That would be me}. I had already missed True Scrap 1 and 2 but was able to take some a la carte TS3 classes this summer and WOWZA. Very impressive. Very fun. Very cool.
HERE is my review of my favorite class which was presented by Shimelle Laine. At some time after the live True Scrap events are done, the individual classes become available for separate purchase. This is a great way to check them out and see if they’re for you … which they will be, I promise.
But now I want the interactive, 2-day, hundreds of scrappers converging online at once, entire amazing experience. I’m going to sign up for “True Scrap 4” and get the whole bomb diggity. Fo’ sho’.
And, yay, it’s getting closer!!! October 19-20, 2012. CLICK HERE TO SEE A QUICK FUN VIDEO ABOUT “TRUE SCRAP 4” !! You can also sign up there for advanced notices, discounts, etc.
Every True Scrap event has a theme and this time it’s super heroes. It’s so cute how she put little masks on all the instructors. And in a Full Circle Scrapbook Moment, it reminds me of the super fun Glitter Girl series that Shimelle does.
True Scrap 4: It’s already in my day planner. The work decks will be cleared and no other plans made. A little mini vacation, some “me time” if you will. {And you KNOW I will!}
As the True Scrap site says:
Not sure what this whole True Scrap thing is? Well, it’s the galaxy’s ONLY live, virtual scrapbooking event! Produced by yours truly, it encompasses two days and almost 20 hours of non-stop scrapbooking and paper crafting fun. Classes, make-and-takes, goodie bags, a PJ party… all from the comfort of your own home, all with 300 or so of your best scrappy buddies!
So check it out. The instructors looks great. I’m getting so excited and will be posting more about “TRUE SCRAP 4” so stay tuned!
Which of the instructors would you MOST love to take a class with (because they are all great)?

I would love to take a class with Jen Gallagher, looks like a great line up of instructors
[…] I talked about HERE, a wonderful online scrapbooking event ~ TRUE SCRAP 4 ~ is now open for […]
[…] been talking about TRUE SCRAP 4 ever since I took and loved SHIMELLE’s CLASS from True Scrap […]
[…] the details are HERE. If you’re in a hurry, just click on the cute red superhero graphic in my right sidebar […]
[…] to take part in my first live “True Scrap” online scrapbooking event. I posted about HERE, HERE, and HERE. And HERE is what started my love affair with True Scrap . . . an individual […]