…by Leslie at ORANGINADREAMS…check her out, a very talented scrapper.
What were you doing 10 years ago? I was a “young married”, just got a big promotion, learning a whole new line of work.
What were you doing 1 year ago? Dreaming of quitting a full time job so I could be with my kids more (it became a reality 8 months ago…)
Five snacks you enjoy: French Onion Sun Chips, Pirate’s Booty, string cheese, celery and PB, Ritz Bits
Five songs you know all the lyrics to: Dave Matthews Band “Crash” (I’m stealing Leslie’s), Rascal Flatts “My Wish For You”, Journey “(every single song)”, Aretha Franklin “Respect”, Olivia Newton-John “Have You Never Been Mellow”
5 Things you would do if you were a milionaire: Build a scrapbook studio and all the goodies I want without guilt, pay off our house, spend a summer in Italy, buy my kids something cool they have always wanted, fly to Chicago and watch a taping of the Oprah show
5 Bad Habits: Lying, cheating, swearing, stealing, procrastination (only the last one is real)
5 Things You Like To Do: Scrapbook (duh), read novels, watch reality shows, play Uno with my kids, e-mail friends
5 Things You Will Never Wear Again: Mary Janes, hoop earrings, Dittos, leggings (wait, let me think about that one, they WERE comfy), green eyeliner
5 Favorite Toys: MacBook Pro laptop, Cricut, digital camera, my dog’s frisbee, Starbucks coffee press
Where will you be in 10 years: Right here, same place…why leave? I got it good.

Ah, a fellow DMB fan. Yay!!
Okay silly question??? Being tagged does that mean I just answer the same questions above? Sorry never heard of being tagged. :)
Hi Leslie ~ LUV Dave Matthews Band. And Crash is probably my favorite song. I would love to see them in concert someday.
Hi Stacey – You’re right, you copy/paste the questions into your blog, answer them, tag 5 more people, and let them know they’ve been tagged. Look forward to hearing your “fives”.
Okay Erika. I’ll see what I can come up with. Thanks! :-)
Sorry I haven’t done this yet. I am out of people to tag!!!!