I’m very sad that QVC doesn’t do scrapbooking shows anymore. Very, VERY sad :( Okay, I had to get that off my chest first.
They do still have lots of SCRAPBOOKING ITEMS on their website, like THIS huge lot of COSMO CRICKET goodies. I remember seeing this as a TSV (Today’s Special Value) a long time ago. I wanted to get it back then because I lurve me some CC, although I passed. Ah, the memories! Watching the great LISA BEARNSON do the presentation, showing us the fabulous projects we could make with it.
These days, you can find this same kit at TUESDAY MORNING. Instead of paying the retail cost of $48.50 plus $7.97 shipping, you can pick it up for a mere $14.99. There are two versions: pink and blue, plus a Christmas version. Some photos of the pink one are HERE.
I went to Tuesday Morning looking for this kit, because of course the Peas had been talking about it. I told myself that if and only if they had the blue version would I buy it. I searched the shelves high and low, pawing through their scrapbooking/craft section, and was unable to find it … at first. I did eventually find it and part of what took so long is that it comes in a brown cardboard box and I guess I was looking for something fancier, LOL. They only had one and guess what color it was??? UH HUH, it was blue. Suh-weet!
Here are some photos of mine:
If you’d like this Cosmo Cricket kit, too, I hope you’re able to find it at your Tuesday Morning! Or that you’ve beat me to it, and already have one ;-)

I’m with you on missing QVC scrap shows. I loved watching them, plus they had the best stuff! Thanks for heads up on Tuesday Morning, well Wednesday morning actually. Ha!
I almost got sucked into the Tuesday Morning’s scrappy vortex the other week; and ours had both kits plus the Brenda Pennick kit. The only thing that saved me was having the husband with me. We went in to buy pillows!
Sounds like you lucked out. We don’t have one here boohoo.
Sweet find! We finally got a Tuesday Mornings about an hour from us! I saw it and wanted it, but DH was with me, which meant it was a no-go! Haha!
I saw the kit at TM last month and seriously considered it. I decided to be a good girl and leave it at the store. It was REALLY hard for me…I don’t like being good when it comes to scrapbook deals!
Awesome deal! I haven’t been to Tuesday morning in forever. I’m glad you got the one you wanted – it was meant to be.
Great find. I love Cosmo Cricket!!
OMG… thank you for the heads up on such a great deal. I went to my nearest TM and searched high and low. They had it on top of a rack, just piled up. I had to pull down a bunch of boxes to get to it, but it was well worth it. I cant wait to open the box and start designing.
Thanks again!!
Ok, it took me until Friday morning, but I went. They had one in the peach/coral color and I got it. Thanks for the tip!