I’m very happy to correct my statement in THIS post where I said there didn’t seem to be any more QVC Scrapbooking shows scheduled for 2008. Yay, I was wrong-o! As I browsed the January CK, I saw a cardstock insert advertising their show on 12-31-08 at midnight EST. So, see, I was almost right, LOL! The ad shows some Shutterfly goodies and a free calendar that I’m personally not interested in, but here’s the LINK if ya are.
While I was over nosing around at QVC.com, I found THIS link to a message board discussion about whether David Venable will be co-hosting with LISA BEARNSON on the 12/31 show. HERE is a link to the QVC program schedule for December 31, including the following times for “Creating Keepsakes Paper Crafting”:
12am to 1am
3am to 4am
3pm to 4pm
*These times are EST; please adjust for your time zone. They give a pretty generic description but all these slots say they are Lisa Bearnson, so coolio. The only mention I could find on LIsa’s blog was from her 12/9/08 entry: “P.S.S. I’m getting ready for a big QVC day on December 31st. Shutterfly and Creating Keepsakes have teamed up for some amazing projects. Stay tuned again for more information on these products.” By the way, if you want a handy reminder of these shows, you can go to their Program Guide and follow the instructions to have reminders sent to your e-mail. Yeah, they got our back.
This is from the “Look Who’s Scrapbooking” QVC blog:
“Scrapbooking in 2009
Dec 22, 2008
Hello Scrappers!
We know you’re getting ready for the holidays and looking forward to the New Year. It’s the perfect time to get organized…and buy more scrapbook supplies! So be sure to tune in on December 31 for three hours of Creating Keepsakes and an exciting Today’s Special Value® item. There’s plenty more to come in 2009 — new trends, brands, and one-hour designer shows. We’ll have some new exciting launches, too, so make sure you check our program guides and the website for more details. And be sure to share your thoughts on our message boards as well! Tell us what new finds you’re loving in the market so we can scope it out at the upcoming CHA tradeshow in February 2009.
QVC Buyers”
Since I’m on the West Coast, I’ll probably watch all the shows live but I’m gonna’ set up my Tivo now just in case. I hope they have some good stuff and not just all the Shutterfly biz. I’m sorry, but to me, “photobooking” is not “scrapbooking” and I think it’s bad for the industry. But that’s just me, LOL!…Do you plan to watch?

1 Comment
you weren’t wrong because on the last show they all said it was the last show of the year. Wonder why they said that if they were planning another one?