I was absolutely floored yesterday when I read the news on Becky’s Facebook post and thought I must be misunderstanding. She’s been diagnosed with malignant melanoma :(

As I re-read her posts this morning, I noticed her references to sharing her story (sharing OUR stories) and spreading awareness so I want to aid in that by sharing here.

becky higgins scrapbooking project life
*Photo courtesy of BeckyHiggins.com

Here are portions of 2 posts she’s made about it; you can click on the link to read them in their entirety and hear more of her story.

From Facebook 07-15-16:

“You have Malignant Melanoma.” These are the words I heard earlier this week. Melanoma? Hmmm. Skin cancer? Ew. Cancer? Oh man. Okay. // We all have stories and I have always encouraged you to record your stories. Not all of our stories are meant to be shared, but I’ll be sharing this one.

From Facebook 07-17-16:

In my state of self-awareness I found it interesting that I was documenting (taking pictures + scrapbooking) when I was clearly stressed. Why was I doing that? I believe I was sub-conscientiously [sic] searching for comfort. I find comfort in documenting our stories. In some way, my mind was more at ease. That is until he opened that door and sat in front of me and said, “It’s Malignant Melanoma”.

I admire Becky’s courage and forthrightness in sharing her story. She’s received hundreds of comments on each post, many declaring they’ll head to the dermatologist for a check-up because of her. So her wish to raise awareness is already being fulfilled.

I don’t know much about malignant melanoma but I’m sure Becky, as she continues to share her story, is going to teach me. I’m wishing her love and sending prayers as this strong and true woman faces her challenge.

{{{Big hugs}}} to you, Miss Becky!

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  1. avatar
    Teri Pannesi says:

    I read this! She’s really raising awareness as this is so personal and scary. Thanks for sharing!

    1. avatar
      Scrapbook Obsession says:

      Yes, so scary! Those are words you never want to hear.

  2. avatar
    Nadine Palmer says:

    I still remember when the surgeon told us my mom’s colon cancer was malignant. That was almost 24 years ago and she’s had no recurrences, so we are truly blessed!

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