As you might know, I’m a big fan of chatting on scrapbook message boards. The ones I’m most active on TWO PEAS IN A BUCKET and ALL MOMENTS REMEMBERED. I was on the CREATING KEEPSAKES message board for a long time before these, although all their format changes caused me to leave when I had to log on every single time I wanted to post (ya know, that’s quite a lot!) and would never accept an avatar pic, which made me feel like a faceless troll, LOL!
So, I’m just wondering what message boards you all enjoy. Please leave me a comment telling me where you like to hang out. Include linkees please! Tell me what you like and don’t like about message boards (you don’t have to name names on the negative part if ya don’t want to…). What makes a good message board? Why are you a long time member of certain places? Tell me all about it. Don’t forget to leave a link to your blog or check back to see if you’ve won!
For everyone who leaves a comment on THIS here post by midnight PST on June 11, 2009…I will enter your name into and pick the winner of a small RAK.

My favorite MB is ALL MOMENTS REMEMBERED. The reason I love this MB is because everyone is friendly, caring, supportive and have become my friends. All Moments Remembered is basically a family that loves sharing their passion in creating beautiful works of art, scrapbooking, card making and altered art.
A couple of other MB’s got so cut throat and vindictive that I quite going to them.. I go to one to check on friends but thats about it.
For me a friendly MB is what I’m looking for with no meaness.
(Pattie’s passion)
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!
My all time favorite spot is All Moments Remembered, but I’ve also been lurking and sort-of posting on the Peas site.
Both places give me inspiration.
I have 4 message boards that I actively participate in. I started in all of them because of a DT requirement – and stayed because they are all very nice, friendly places.
I started with All Moments Remembered. I love AMR for the girls that are there, and the ATC swaps (but you already knew that, Erika! LOL)
I joined Scrap Attack Scrapbooking next. They have weekly challenges, which is awesome. They have also started SSU, ScapAttack Scrapbooking University, which is classes – the last one was photography and photo manipulation, and the next one will be in June and be creative. Also, Lauri has a knack for putting FABULOUS kits, and has great customer service!
Savvy & Sassy is a bit smaller. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the ribbon kits from SNS. This board is based in Canada.
And the last board I joined, and certainly NOT the least! is Serendipity Scrapbooks. I love SS for all the challenges, including the Team Challenge Spectacular, and the frequent crops. They do daily challenges as well, including some photography challenges. We just finished up a month long crop, which was a lot of fun.
I don’t think I could pick ONE to be my favorite – I love them all.
I suffered the same fate at CKMB…really miss everyone! I’ve been hanging out at 2Peas, especially their photography forum but, I haven’t found a new “home”. I’m participating in the Scrap-Off at The Scrapbook Nook in hopes that this might become my new board.
I like avatars on message boards. They help me remember certain people if their names aren’t super memorable.
I don’t like when some people take things wrong. Message boards are not the place to jump to conclusions or for having thin skins.
I like gallerys that are easy to use. That was the worst change at CKMB, when they deleted our gallerys and then I couldn’t upload to them anymore. Frustrated the holy heck out of me!
My favorite is at Fiskateers ( It is simple to to figure out right from the beginning. although it has catagories, you still see all the messages. You upload your item to your gallery and it shows in the general gallery. The gallery is semi-private in that you must join the Fiskateers in order to have access to the gallery.
Two Peas is my second pick as it is always chalk full of information.
I don’t like having to take a course to learn how to get around the mb, the gallery and any other special sections. I should always have a FAQ. There are several mb I love, but I can’t get around in there and when I ask for help I get no response. Big no-no.
Thanks for asking. (from 2 Peas)
I like 2 Peas and the Cricut board. I also belong to a couple of smaller Yahoo groups.
Great question!
I hang out at basically 4 forums AMR of course, AC Bailey, My Creative ScrapBook and Scrapbooking and Crafting Friends I have to say I love all the forums and I really don’t have a problem with anyone on any forum.
I do also love Two pea’s but I can’t remember my log in…
I like AMR and I also occasionally visit Two Peas scares the crap out of me. I am registered and I have even posted a few times, but people there can be so mean and get into heated discussions and that’s not what I’m looking for in my craft boards. Politial places, maybe, but not craft boards. I’m always afraid someone will attack me and I’m not the type to stand back and take it and then I just become part of the problem! LOL! I really love Twitter and I have just started to look at the Etsy message boards. These are not scrapbook specific, but you can find other people with similar interests and on Twitter it is all real-time, which I really like. I used to be on CK, but this last format change did me in. Things just got WAY wonky and everyone I ‘knew’ seemed to have left the board!
Of course AMR…but you already know all about that one!
One of my favorites is Citrus Tree ( They are fairly new. The girls there are a riot, we have SO much fun! You can use picture avatars. The board is fairly active and chatty, I get on it at least 4 times a day. They have 4-5 challenges a month and some ones called Quickfire challenges which are usually on weekends and only a couple days long. Definitely check it out, I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
Another one I’ve been on since the beginning of my scrapbook forum chatting is Scrap 4 Life ( The girls there are amazingly sweet.
I should add that I do participate in a couple other forums, but I seem to have a hard time fitting into them. I feel like they have already created their circle and I’m on the outside. That being said, they have always been really nice and I do enjoy getting on their boards and chatting once in a while.
Another friendly MB is Scrapbook Dreamer (www.scrapbookdreamer). There are quite a few more girls on this one. One thing I really like about this one is that there are beginner scrappers all the way up to ones who have been on design teams for years. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with all of the challenges they have there, but that is my own issue. I feel like I should do them all, but in reality, don’t really need to do them ALL, just the ones I want.
I visit AMR, CKMB, Get it Scrapped most of all. I have no avatar since I am pretty computer illiterate.
Well, of course I visit AMR – it is a fun site. I started going back to CK again – they seem to have most bugs worked out.
I also do a lot on (great site for swaps) and MB Scrap Buddies (fun site with a lot of ex-other site members who still want to chat). I still visit Faithfully yours too, but it may be going soon – I hope not:(.
My favorites are: – I like this one because it is local, and we do retreats, swaps, crops and things together each month. These ladies have become my friends since moving to ohio a couple years ago..seriously, i’d be lost without this board! plus, i’m a diva (a director of sorts) there for community service projects :)
all moments remembered: these ladies know all about what’s going on in the scrapping world. plus, they are fun. i’m not as involved there as I probably should be to reap the benefits of another group of scrappy friends!
scrapmatters: i am thinking of dabbling in hybrid and the digi designer i CT for is on there. don’t really do too much there because the board format is so different!
I started at CKMB but found it very clicky. I did post everyday on the healthy scrappers thread and have become very close to those girls. I don’t post there hardly now because all of the trouble with the MB. It was hard for me to understand that a company as big as CK couldn’t get there s*** together concerning their MB.
Now I go to AMR. I felt welcomed there since day one and it’s my #1 MB.
Hi Journeyfan! cute blog and lots of fun ideas here! Thanks for the invite. This is a good poll. I post on AMR and really like the friendliness of it. Stacey is great. That’s the main draw for me. I also post on Memorable Seasons and am trying out there for a design team spot. The owner there is super nice, too.
I started out with the CK mb and still post there regularly. They have had big issues, but the issues are not with the posters. There are some amazing talents there and I enjoy the support you get when you post a lo. I don’t like mb’s where you post a lo and hardly anyone comments! Not a good feeling! :) I also like split coast stampers for ideas and tutorials…it’s a great big ol board though, and hard to bond like it is on smaller boards. Vintage Flair is another nice place, very small though, but talented little group.
I really enjoy amr board everyone is soooooooooooooooooo nice and they are not rude to people. I really didn’t like ck message board a hole lot so i stoped going there. You girls are a bunch of fun and laughter and funnnnnnnnnnnnn. I really like stacey alot and the stuff that she carrys at the store alot on really neat things. Since we don’t have a michaels or joanns in prineville she carrys alot of things that i just love and i love your blog and the ideas that you have.
I like 2 peas because it’s easy to use and you can shop there too :)
I like 2 peas. I love looking through the gallery and seeing everyone’s projects.
I really only visit two places, All Moments Remembered and Split Coast Stampers. I’ve been hanging @ SCS a little more lately just because being a Stampin’ Up! demo we have our own forum there. Right now is catalog change over time so it’s a great place to chat about all the new and fun stuff that I’m not allowed to share on AMR.
For me I think the worst thing is that I’m a status quo kind of girl. I DO NOT take well to change. I really resist it even more when there is no good reason for it. (CK)
One place that I avoid like the plague is 2peas. It took one time of being totally attacked and being called mean names for me to never go back there again! lol
I chat on 2peas but am more active on becuse everyone there is so nice and encouraging. We all really support one another in scrapping and life stuff. It is a really friendly community, which I think is the most important aspect of a message board.
Hey there Erika!
I hang out mostly at twopeas and at the Unity forums at splitcoast stampers… the unity forums link is here..
what I love about unity stamps IN GENERAL.. is that it’s an amazing friendly company with so many great deals and giveaways.. Angela’s blog is amazing… see here, and all the stamps… wow.. such great quality.. i am so in love with them, and their kit of the month can’t be beat… seriously! Tons of stamps for only $24 plus 5 shipping… amazing deal!
I love all the ppl on the forums.. always supportive and I’ve made some wonderful friends.. it’s the best place for me!
ooops forgot the link to the forums for Unity, they are here,
I also hang out here,
Scrapbooking and Crafting Friends
I mainly post on The Mosy Scrapper.
I love that it is small board, where we all know eachother. I also love that it has a GDT contest every month. YOU HAVE GOT TO APPLY!
I like the message board at All Moments Remembered because everyone is so friendly. I used to check the CK message board but dropped off in frustration after the last “improvements”. I also go to Split Coast Stampers frequently but not really the message board, I love to browse their gallery of beautiful cards. That’s about it for me.
I hang out at AMR. I also frequent Scrapadilly and One Single Seed
I like boards where everyone feels welcome. I didn’t really feel that way at ckmb. I also like the challenges that these boards offer. It gives me a way to get more layouts finished. I am also able to shop with Scrapadilly and One Single Seed.
My favorite message board is my own, but I’m biased. It is called The Crafty Table
It’s a small message board and we are very friendly and are like family. Some of us have known each other for many years, but we welcome all new members. We get to know one another quite well since we are all so small.
We offer many crafting options, but most of us are card makers and scrapbookers. We have quite a few monthly challenges and offer prizes for each one. We also have various swaps and other activities.
It is a private message board on a private domain, so there are no ads, popups, or banners! Because it’s private, your information is safe, too. You have to sign up to access the forums, though.
I’m saving a seat for you at The Crafty Table!
I also like All Moments Remembered, too! They are a much larger group, but also very friendly.
My favorite place to hang out is The Crafty Table Its a small craft group where we swap cards, have monthly challenges, talk crafts. We also have have anice prize album. Some of us have been together for years. I also like I post pics of everything I make there. Since getting into svg files to use on my Cricit, I also post at and I like the free files they offer.
Let’s see, AMR is my fave place. I started at CK a while back, but hardly go there anymore. I also lurk at 2peas to find out the latest deals and post at sistv, allyscraps, and splitcoaststampers.
I like smaller forums where I know more people. I usually only post where I’m most comfortable.
My favorites are 2peas and scrapshare (
I love 2peas for inspiration and fun talk.
Also, the Israeli scrapbooking forum:
Fixed link:
Looks like I’m in the minority. I don’t really frequent MBs on a regular basis. Last year I made a few changes after realizing how much time I really spend online. But, if I had to pick one it would be 2 Peas. Now, I’m so tempted to check out the MB links posted here :)
my favorite right now is i love it because everyone is like family there. we talk scrapbooking, children, food, movies and everything in between. i hope you join us over there. i love your blog and think you would fit right in.
I am on 2Peas the most and I also am on Vintage Plum every day. I like when people call out that they remember you and recognize you. VP is really good about that. And the people on 2Peas are really great about encouragement.
I don’t frequent message boards very much anymore. Used to like CK before the changes. Now the only one I look at much is the Cricut MB.
I’m on twopeas but don’t post that often, just if I can help by answering a question or if I neeed an answer to a question. Thanks for the RAK opportunity!
I don’t belong to any message boards, but thanks for all these links everyone.
Right now I visit the cricut board sometimes because I am the proud new owner of the expression. WOOHOO! But honestly I don’t really have the time like I used too, to chat on mb’s. I really miss it since I went back to work. There’s gotta be a better way! LOL Have a great day!
Well, initially I was a member of a swap board for like 2 years but then left there and moved over to ScrapAttackScrapbooking. They have bi-weekly challenges there and Lauri does put together a mean monthly kit with the latest and greatest papers and embellies. I’m still there at {SAS}sy and really like their SSU they started up in May. Can’t wait for the next one to start on Monday. I’m also scrapping and chatting at Serendipity Scrapbooks. They have a slew of challenges – daily, monthly, teams, etc. And they have several crops and contests which are always fun. Plus they have a great store and fabulous kits too. Besides Serendipity and ScrapAttack, I chat up via the blogs. I meet lots of great people by blogging and wish I had more time to do it so I could meet more!!
I like 2 peas and the Cricut Message boards. I mostly lurk anymore because I just am not able to keep up with conversations these days (constantly interrupted by Life!). I have a private board that I’ve participated with for 8 years – we weathered lots of changes in people and board sites but I count on those women being there almost as much as my IRL friends.
I hang out at Studio Calico the most: I love the community there and subscribe to their kits.
I’m just a lurker on scrapbooking boards. Never quite sure where to jump in. I participate in some challenges on, but my chatting is exclusive to a very small group on We all have summer ’07 babies and scrap so we formed our own group. It’s great since we have similar subjects/activities we’re scrapping.
I like the scrapbook nook message board, amr, and, when I have time, which is never…but in a perfect world if I was a woman of leisure!!! Hmmmm…I think it’s the 12th by now, so forget about the RAK, but I’m answering your question at least!!!
Thank You so much for this survey! I have been a part of many message boards over the last 10 yrs. Some were parenting boards and some scrapbooking. Last year I walked away from a parenting board that I co-owned. I recently decided to create a free online community (aka message board) for scrappers in San Diego County. Its SanDiegoScrappers dot com. It is very new and a slow process since I am doing it completely by myself. The links and info in these replies have been VERY helpful for me! I would love feedback from anyone that wants to check out the message board I have created. Even if you don’t live in San Diego or even California, any advice would be gratefully appreciated! Oh and feel free to contact me via email as well. =)
Hi, as you can see this is my first post here.
Hope to get some help from you if I will have some quesitons.
Thanks in advance and good luck! :)
I love the people there are great- so friendly and supportive.