I saw on Amazon that this Kindle book is free right now: An Avalon Christmas: A Holiday Novel
It caught my eye because I’ve read other books by Darien Gee before, including “Friendship Bread” and “The Avalon Ladies Scrapbooking Society”
. In fact, I blogged about them HERE and HERE.
But here’s the thing: While “The Avalon Ladies Scrapbooking Society” was about – OBVEE! – scrapbooking, the novel “Friendship Bread” which pre-dated and set up the characaters for it, wasn’t. Now there’s another “Avalon” book and I don’t know, therefore, whether it’ll be scrapbook-related or not. I skimmed the Amazon page description, reviews, etc. and still cannot tell.
Either way, for free and because I enjoy this author, I’m giving it a try. We’re expecting a big storm this weekend. Sounds like the perfect time to curl up with some vanilla coffee and a sweet new book. If you’d like to do the same, you can get the book HERE. And, remember, you don’t need a Kindle to read a Kindle book!
ETA 12-15-14: I wrote to ask the author, Darien, if there was any scrapbooking included in her new book. Here is her reply: “An Avalon Christmas doesn’t have scrapbooking in it but there are a few familiar characters you’ll probably recognize! Happy holidays to you and your readers!” I’ve started reading Avalon Christmas anyway and it seems to be a book of short stories. I don’t know if all the stories will tie together at the end or remain separate but they’re nice stories either way. I like to read happy, encouraging stuff this time of year and that’s how this book has been so I recommend it :)

Thanks for the head’s up! I think I did catch one of the other ones from your previous post! LOL!
Hi Margie! After I wrote the post, I did email Darien to ask if this new holiday novel includes scrapbooking. I’ll share the update if she answers me :) Thanks for reading and commenting!