Yeah, RIGHT!
Have you ever known me to be anything but verbose!?!?
I really can’t say too much yet. But I did want to apologize for not being around much these days. Have you missed me? I’ve missed you. Mucho babes.
There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, some new things coming over Spring and Summer 2015, and an exciting announcement SOON. Well, exciting to me, anyways. You’re sweet; be excited for me too, yeah?
Don’t get the wrong idea. These new things aren’t “Ali Edwards exciting” or “Shimelle exciting” or “Big Picture Classes exciting”. Just Scrapbook Obsession exciting :P
There’ll be some changes to the look and functionality of Scrapbook Obsession Blog in the next month or two. If you come here and it looks different, you’re not lost :)
It’s just time for a change. Or changes. Lots of fun changes that I think you’re going to love.
Thanks for hanging in there with me :)

I was wondering why you haven’t posted as often lately. I can’t wait under I learn what you have up your sleeve-I’m sure it will be exciting!!!!
Bwahahaha! {<- evil laugh} Thanks Nadine! Can't wait to share :)
Can’t wait! No really…i can’t!!!! For the SO obsessed…we can’t! !!
But we will….sigh.
I know, Teri, waiting is no fun, is it? Thanks for checking in. So glad you & Nadine didn’t leave me :)
I do miss you!
Thank you, friend!
[…] I said HERE, there’s been a lot going on behind the scenes. I’m going to write a post about that […]