If you’re in a hurry today, please scroll to the bottom . . . PRIZES! If you’re ready to settle in for a long read, get on with your bad self.
Thuh Announcement
As I talked about in THIS post . . . after writing this blog for 8 years, I’ve decided it’s time to take it to the next level. And what better time to make the announcement and share my over-the-top excitement than on interNational Scrapbook Day?!?
So what I’ve been wanting to tell you is:
– Scrapbook Obsession Blog will continue providing scrapbook industry news and gossip, enabling, Deals & Steals, etc. but will be more active, with posts more often!
– A NEW free Scrapbook Obsession Newsletter will be delivered to your inbox with special deals, fun stuff that won’t be on the blog, and all the news that’s fit to print (and maybe some that’s not? heh).
– There will be two NEW Scrapbook Obsession Memberships, both Free and Paid, where (depending on your level) you can enjoy things like exclusive content, a members forum and community, free and paid classes, interviews with people YOU want to hear from, and more! As a Paid Member, you’ll have some pretty special perks that I know you’re going to love.
– And, finally, did you notice the new item in the right sidebar? -> It’s a Pinterest board highlighting a new site I’ve started called “Organized Scrapbooking” where you can be inspired by organized crafting & scrapping spaces, research how to organize specific crafting items, receive special offers, and then some. (Sorry, I didn’t want to say “and more!” again). If nothing else, go visit it today and see the Papermint entry; it will blow. your mind.
How About Some Background?
As I mentioned in the other post, I’ve been wanting to elevate things around here for a long time. I’ve recently been blessed by the most amazing experience: I attended on online business school called “Marie Forleo’s B School.” I was taught how to be a responsible and resourceful online entrepreneur.
I learned that you need to ‘start the right business’ and, as I completed the exercises in that module, I took ownership of the fact that I want to devote my time and resources to this industry and hobby that I love so much: scrapbooking. There’s no reason to start a business from scratch when I already have everything I want and need to get started right here :)
Is it crazy to start a business around the (ahem, declining) scrapbooking industry? Some might say! {Not that I care about the Negative Nellies. Do you?} But I have faith that there are still tons of obsessed scrapbookers out there who want to talk and learn about their beloved hobby, and new scrapbookers who will find their way to us if we provide what they need.
So that’s what I’m going to do. I’m so excited and hope you are, too!
Idea Overload
During the 8-week course of business school, I couldn’t stop the ideas from forming … oh, the things I want to share with you! It’s just massive, peeps. In fact, I had to start using a task manager called Things for Mac to keep track of all the ideas flying out of my head (well, there’s a visual!).
I want to be the first place you visit when you think of scrapbooking. I want to create classes you need but can’t find elsewhere, provide a community where you feel completely at home, and make a difference in the scrapbooking industry. We’re going to have so much fun! One thing that won’t change is my wish to make you laugh. Like, ’til you snork coffee out your nose and your dog looks at you like, “Guuurrrl. What is UP with YOU?”. Ohhh . . . is it only my mine that gives the doggy evil eye? Hmm.
What’s Next?
I’ve found an amazing online platform with which to provide you all this content. It’ll be hosted off-site but with super easy access and links from right here. Everything will originate from that one place – the newsletter, classes, membership site, forum, etc. – so I’m hoping that’ll cut down/eliminate any technical snafus that can happen when you kind of piecemeal all these things together electronically. Speaking of technical snaufus, this site was down for 2 days this week (did ya’ miss me?) because a plug-in I wanted to try wasn’t playing nice with WordPress (the blogging software). That’s the kind of stuff I have ZERO talent or patience for, so I think it’s best to host all the new shizzle off-site.
If you want to play along – in any capacity – your first step would be to sign up for the Free Newsletter. I want to keep Scrapbook Obsession Blog pretty much as it is and not flood it with that content, which is separate and different (in a good way, promise!). The newsletter is how I’ll keep you up-to-date on all the haps and stuff. I would never dream of selling your e-mail address (just so ya’ know!); I appreciate the trust you show when you share it with me too much. Besides, I like the idea of talking directly to you – and I encourage you to write me back. Ooooh, that way we can be SBFF’s and have SECRETS!! LOL
To you lovelies who already get my blog entries via e-mail, the newsletter is something NEW and you’ll need to sign up for it separately, please.
Did somebody say PRIZES?
Sign up for the free Scrapbook Obsession Newsletter by Sunday night and I’ll pick 3 lucky scrappers to receive a $10 gift card of their choice! Amazon, Starbucks, Target, Michaels, or any store you like – as long as I can find the card locally and mail it to ya’, or I can purchase it online for you. Even your local scrapbook store if you like! You must sign up for the newsletter by Sunday 05-03-15 at midnight PST. Winners will be announced – in said newsletter, ha! – within 1 week.
“I don’t know . . . I don’t think I want to sign up for a FREE newsletter AND get a chance to win $10 for anything I want.” Said nobody.
I’ll be rolling out the Free and Paid Membership programs soon! Updates will be in the Newsletter ;) Thank you for all the support you’ve given me in this new endeavor. I truly appreciate it!
PS: There’s a Newletter sign up in the top right sidebar too.
PSS: Please tell your friends! Share this blog on Twitter, Facebook, your blog, etc. Help me get the word out – I need you! There are social sharing buttons at the top and bottom of this blog entry. Thank you, friend 😘

This is awesome news! I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to see what you do with your obesssion! Go you!!!
Thank you, Teri! Happy National Scrapbook Day!
So very happy for you. Awesome news!!!! Can’t wait to see what is in store for us in the near future. You are so right- do what you love!!!
Hi Johnna – Welcome to Scrapbook Obsession. Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I’m very glad you joined in for the adventure :)
SIgn me up!!!
Whoo hoo, Susan!! I didn’t see your name on the newsletter list (unless you used a different one?). Just plug your first name and e-mail in the form above and you are IN!
Just saw this as out of town this weekend……the very best of luck to you!
Welcome home, Julie! Did you have a great weekend? Thanks for the good luck wishes :)
[…] you read THIS post, you know that I went to online business school this year and, after blogging since 2007, […]