I came across this video and thought I’d share it with y’all.

HERE is the entire line on the Heidi Swapp website – cute stuff!

On the one hand, the photos seem really tiny so I wonder how much you can capture in that amount of space, photographically speaking.

But I love the idea of having that little printer handy on trips and events, printing right there from my phone, and putting them in an album or hanging them on that cute arrow right over your desk.

My 3 favorites from the “InstaLife” line by Heidi Swapp:

InstaLife Guest Book Travel

heidi swapp instalife travel

InstaLife Heart Pinboard

heidi swapp instalife heart pin board

InstaLife Album Ocean

heidi swapp instalife album ocean

I still want one of these cool LIGHTBOXES that I saw at CHA, too!

heidi swapp lightbox light box

Was hoping they’d show up at Michaels so I can use coupons to get the lightbox and some accessories.

I haven’t been to Michaels in a few weeks but it says the InstaLife products are carried there. Have you seen InstaLife (or the Lightboxes) there?

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  1. avatar
    judimh says:

    HS lightboxes are now at Michaels, and expanded Planner grid. Now Michaels store employees need some love.

    1. avatar
      Scrapbook Obsession says:

      Judi, are you a Michael’s employee?? I’d love to chat by email if you are. Yes, they do need some love, LOL. I tend to only talk about the times I get frustrated with them (which isn’t much anymore) but forget to compliment all the times they’re wonderful. The HS Lightboxes weren’t at my store yet. Pooh!

      1. avatar
        judimh says:

        i am a M employee. I just looked at the pics you posted from your visit, and your store is a hot mess. The Lightboxes were suppose to be on the HS Marquee endcap 2 weeks ago. I am showing your post to my manager tomorrow. He knows I cringe everytime more HS comes in, so he’ll get a laugh out of the “lets change it to Heidi’s”, You can email me.

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