October Afternoon has announced . . .
October Afternoon has blogged . . .
October Afternoon has . . . made a small mention of a new line? And, whoomp, there it is! Right HERE on their website. For realies. See? Here is one of the papers:
So, first things first, go check out the new line called “Saturday Mornings” – which I think is super cute but not really useable for me (thank GOD! because I have enough OA to choke a horse). Then come back so we can talk about this, mmmm kay?
(Scrapbook Obsession drinks some coffee . . . )
(Scrapbook Obsession Pins some layouts . . . )
(Scrapbook Obsession gets more coffee . . .)
OKAY, you’re back! What did you think? I *do* love the chair paper with a great name (“Coffee”, which I seem to be quite partial to).
In OA’s inimitable style, they didn’t really announce this new line. Apparently, it was mentioned in a customer email – there will be a sampling of the line in the OA Santa Sack #4. But there’s no mention on their blog, Facebook page, etc. Yet there is the entire line on their website. That’s OA, re-writing ALL the rules about product merchandising, sales, and distribution, LOL. Gotta’ love ’em.
But the important thing is – what to you think? You likee?
ETA 12-15-14: I just found the contents of the email posted online. Here is what OA said:
Here we are at Week Four of October Afternoon’s Santa Sack Sale!
Get over $100 retail value of merchandise for the bargain price of just $39.99 plus shipping.
This week’s Santa Sack is extra special! This week, we are including a fun sampling of products from October Afternoon’s brand-new Saturday Morningsā¢ collection. This collection is shipping to stores now!
Of course, this Santa Sack also contains many other products from a variety of October Afternoon lines. As usual, there will be no duplicates from any other weeks!
Come and check it out on our BLOG starting at NOON (Central Standard Time) TODAY!

Oh MAN! Like a dutiful SO follower, I went to OA’s site to check out this new line. WHAT was I thinking??? I should know better! I’ve learned! But nooooo, I type that in, click on Saturday Morning line and poof, the hook is in my mouth and I’m getting dragged into the boat.
Well dragged is not the right word, I literally jumped into the awaiting fish bucket! I LOVE this particular line. I have such fond memories of my saturday mornings growing up. What I also have, is pictures from the era of test patterns!
Thank you for showing this one to us, it’s perfect Frosted Flakes, cold milk, warm slippers, messy hair, lazy weekend, scrapbook yumminess!
Well, Teri, I would’ve done the same thing, LOL. They are mighty hard to resist. I’m so glad you love this line. Sounds like it’ll be perfect for your memories and photos! In case you didn’t see it, I just updated this post with the text of OA’s email and it says that not only will “Saturday Mornings” be in Santa Sack #4, but the line is shipping to stores now! With OA’s track record, take that as you will but – that’s what they said!