Well, it’s now 5:00 pm on Day 1 of the Great Scrapbook Room/Home Office Reorg … and not much has changed in here from the 10:00 am update, I’m sorry to say :(
From 10:00 am to noon, I worked in the garage and the spare bedroom, aka The Junk Room (where all the home office stuff is going for now). I pulled an oak file cabinet out from the corner and put it in the hallway, vacuumed and cleaned up that whole corner, and started making piles in that room.
I had to get the file cabinet out of the corner because it’s eventually going in my home office near my computer desk. One of the reasons I have so many work/school/misc. paper piles on my desk (other than I was apparently genetically predisposed to pile-making) is that there’s no real office storage near my work desk.
I have some accordion files on a shelf under the desk but they’re for specific things I need close at hand. And I’m not going to tell you what papers those are because all you technology smart, super-organized people are going to tell me that I shouldn’t even SAVE those papers because I can do paperless bill paying, paperless banking, and paperless paychecks. Well, I’m an old-fashioned girl and I prefer to have some things on paper. So quit trying to talk me out of it already. Jeez O Pete. You’re so pushy!
Back to the Junk Room … Now, I know you’re going to say, “I thought you were trying to get away from piles?!?!?” Well, yes, long-term but you have to admit, some pile-making must occur during the organizational process, right? So there’s the office stuff pile, the toys/games pile, the wrapping paper/gift bag pile, etc.
I promise to get the Junk Room organized next. In the meantime, it’s one of the staging areas. Mmm, kay? Anyway, I got all those piles sorted, threw some stuff away, etc. The room had already been purged of toys, games, books, and puzzles for our garage sale last weekend. The big job I have to do in there is going through school papers/art and files. I used to feel the need to save everything but I’ve finally come to the conclusion that, srsly, there is so much of it I don’t need.
I mean, I just sold all my cookbooks at the garage sale. I know, GASP! But honestly, whenever I wanna look up a recipe, I look online. I kept a few but the rest were sold. See? I’m ready to quit being such a packrat. Baby steps, baby steps …
Another thing that got moved back there was a childhood set of encyclopedias we just got from my mom-in-law. There are mounted bookshelves in there that DH wants them on; we just need to clean the shelf and get them placed in away that evenly distributes the weight. Them muthas’ are HEAVY. I know ‘cuz I carried all the boxes back there :)
I had the kids clean up their homework table (it’s in my scraproom/home office). It was a mess of projects, papers, and pencils. In my last post I said I was planning to keep my photos/memorabilia in the garage so all that crap … erm … stuff was not clogging up the dining room while I did the shorter-term scrappy organizing. Well, as someone pointed out, that is a baaaaad idea. Doy. Leaving photos out in the heat of a California summer is dum-dum-dum. So I’ll have to hatch another plan.
Then the fun had to take a break. I had to run some errands. One involved my new printer … ya know, the one I mentioned before that I might return? Well, yeah, now I’m sure I will. I just got it 2 days ago to replace my antiquated Canon because I wanted to get a multi-use machine that would fax in addition to copy/scan/print, and also that had a document feeder. Then I could also get rid of my little cheapie Brother fax machine. (Yes, I know you can fax online but I have a client who prefers to use a machine so I need to have one). The organizational point is: I’m trying to consolidate and have fewer things on my desk, especially since I just had to add the second laptop.
Long story short, the EPSON 325 WORKFORCE printer that I got at Target the other day ($99 marked down to $69) isn’t going to work out. I wasn’t able to sell my old printer or fax at the garage sale so I didn’t want to spend the $150-200 I had originally planned for an printer. But the document feeder keeps jamming and it takes forever and a day to print a 1-page letter. I’m sure I just got a bad one but meanwhile … I went to OfficeMax today for something else and found the Artisan 835 that I really wanted. Not only is it on sale ($299 marked down to $169) but I can also get $50 off for turning in my old printer. Suh-weet! Don’t have to try and sell that bitch on Craigslist :P
So, the moral of that story is … sometimes it’s good to save the box!
I was gone doing errands until 5:00 and once I finish this blog post, I need to work for a few hours. The good news is … while I was out, I bought a triple-shot latte so I’ll be good to go for organizing into the night. When I’m on a roll, I’ve been known to stay up until 2 or 3am so don’t give up on Day 1 progress just yet.
See you on the flip side :)
PS: I know there are typos but I have to get to work. I’ll either fix them later or you can just ignore them. Whatevs.

You go girl! You’ve inspired me to do the same thing….Only thing is I have to wait until my husband is out of town because if he knew how much “sweet stuff” was really in this room he’d probably divorce me! D
Where’s the PICTURES, woman? You said we’d get pictures!
Go, go, go!!! Yay for coffee!!!!! <3
Sounds like you’re on a roll! Can’t wait to see the results!!
I’m interested to see how late you worked!! And thanks for the heads up on that Office Max deal! I told DH I really wanted that printer, and with that rebate I think he’ll be OK with it! YAY!
Two things: 1) my kids are now in college but when they were in school I would get a large manila expandable folder, one for each kid and one for each year. When they came home and cleaned out backpacks papers went on the frig. At the end of each month, I would go through papers and throw some out and put the others in that folder. I now have a rubbermaid cont for each kids memorbila and those folders are in there. Now that I am an empty nester and playing catch up on layouts, I am going to those folders for items to use. Someday I will let them have their container but not yet. 2) I am so inspired by your clean up and started last night after work. My DH is out of town this week and thought it would a good time to start the cleanout. Tonight I need to put a shelf together, my big problem areas are my piles of papers. I have baskets and containers full of misc!! I am hoping to spend the weekend sorting. Can’t wait to see your space.
I can give up my cookbooks too! But not my scrapbook supplies!NEVER!!
I usually keep all my files in a cabinet and plastic boxes. If my room gets soooo messy I get rid of all those clutter by asking my nephews to make a cool card/paper craft/scrapbook out of my “to-be-thrown” items! :)