Well, the “three day project” that I talked about HERE, ended up taking slightly longer (okay, a month, sheez…) but I got it done. Well, done enough to show you an AFTER photo at least, LOL.
So here is the view of my scrapbook room/home office from the doorway (it’s right off the dining room):
When I see this photo, I’m wondering if – to you – it still seems very cluttered in here :) But believe me, for all the junk you see now, it was WAY worse! This is a huge improvement, fer shizzle.
I’ll be doing a series of blog posts with before and after pics of different sections of the room and what I did to organize things. But I wanted to start by showing the entire room that I’m very blessed to have, clutter and all…

It looks very nice and like somewhere that I would want so spend a lot of time. Good job!
I love it!!! I am in the process of doing my room too!!! Your room is so spacious and it is great that you have a table that you can sit around with others. Do you have any suggestions for organizing your papers? I have those bins to separate the paper, but what do I do with all the patterned paper?? Suggestions?
I love the brightness of the room and way you arranged it. Such a small piece of heaven on earth!
Looks great! You’ve got so much natural light too from the windows. Great space!
Fab room. I love you window seat. I need to recognize myself.
I love it… Love the color yellow you used… Thanks for sharing.
Neat room! I really like the color. It warms the room.
Okay, now THAT is inspiring! WOW! It looks so fantastic!!!! I really want to thin out my stash now even more! I need to free myself and give myself permission to move forward without stuff I haven’t even looked at in a long time!
Great room! Love that you have that big table to spread out in!
Looks fantastic! Is that a scrap-rack on the right? If so, how do you like it?
It’s BEAUTIFUL! OMG, what a wonderful room.
I think it looks great! Very neat and tidy! You did a great job on it!
Wonderful room! Wish mine was as nice – but am happy to have a space dedicated to creativity. Well done. You should be VERY proud.
[…] I said in my LAST POST, now that the scrapbooking part of my office has been reorganized I’m going to do a series of […]
I love the shade of the wall, makes the room warm and your workspace is spacious. You can move around while squeezing ideas for your next project.
[…] Your Scrapbook Supplies – About ScrapbookingBudget Scrapbook Organization — Scraps Of MindScrapbook Room Organization: Sneak Peek of the Finished Room …Ultra Organized Scrapbooking RoomScrapbook Room Organization: CardstockScrapbooking Organization […]