That, at least, is word on the street.
There have been sightings at MICHAELS of 6×6 and 12×12 WRMK D-ring albums along with some of the 12×12 WRMK page protectors. Album colors seen so far: yellow, light green, aqua, and pink.
This could either be very GOOD for my budget or very BAD for my budget.
GOOD because WRMK at Michaels means I can use 40% and 50% off coupons to knock down that $20-30 retail price per album. Now that I’m doing some much scrapping with SIMPLE STORIES and SN@P and WRMK PAGE PROTECTORS, I’m needing more and more of these albums. I refuse to say I’ve made the actual switch away from my beloved postbound albums . . . but I definitely use them quite a bit now.
BAD because . . . well, I will want LOTS! And even with coupons, these are not cheapie items like the 2 rolls of Christmas washi tape I just got at Walmart for 97 cents each.
Shooks. At the coupon price, I can see buying a few per month and using them in all kinds of ways, like photo storage, page protector storage, albums in progress before I move the pages to a postbound, etc. Have you ever seen the WRMK albums lined up on a shelf? They are so purdy.
Here are Becky Higgins’ kids’ albums:
See? I could totally envision lots of WRMK albums lined up on my bookshelves in all the candy colors <3 Until I can get to Michaels and confirm the rumor firsthand, will you please post a comment here if you've had a sighting at your store? Please let us know what size and colors of albums. Also size and type of page protectors. Prices would be great too :) I really don't ask for much, right? YAYYYYYYY! WRMK at Michaels! Happy day happy day!

It’s true. I was just at my local Michaels and they they were. Several colors and styles and owe so pretty. Michaels has also come out with their own brand of smash book products and all the Hello Kitty line was in too.
My Mikey’s here in S. CA still had AC 3 ring binders this past weekend, but I noticed they were out of page protectors..uh oh?..maybe they will be switching to compete with Tarjay? Need to get my refills soon then. Thx 4 sharing!
Those albums do look pretty, I can see how you would be tempted. Reading posts like this makes me want to move to America! x
I haven’t heard this rumor but it has me totally excited!!! I usually mail order them. Yay! Will look next time I am at M’s. Thanks for the tip.
I bought one yesterday. They were 40% off so I paid $17.99 for the 12 x 12 black album. They had lots of colors and different page protectors. I was in Ocean City, MD.
thanks for the heads up. i’m glad michaels finally put three ring album back on their shelves. i missed the hillars with they took them out. i’m going to head over this weekend armed with coupons. lol
I have seen the small ones at Target too!
I haven’t seen any yet, will have to check it out :)
OooOooooh! I’ll have to check it out!
I have the AC linen albums and they seem pretty flimsy at the spine edges. This would be a better idea I think, they look sturdier. So hope its true.